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Bab's penitence letter

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size
Bab\'s penitence letter The executives of colonialism had designed the exiting and claiming of \'\'Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab\'\' carefully .Because it is said in Shiite narrations that at the time of the emergence of Imam Mehdi (P.H) a group of people from Khorasan led by a clergyman will help him bearing black flags , the agents of Russian embassy sent one of their executives called Mulla Hossein Boshrouyeh to Khorasan after imprisoning Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab in chehrigh castle in Makou .He announced in villages of that area that Imam Mehdi (P.H) has emerged .It is your duty to help him by horse , sword , and black banners .Some naïve peasants became ready immediately and carried sword , food , horse; and joined Mulla Hossein Boshrouyeh in order to save Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab and went to the capital city and then to Azarbayjan because , they considered the tyrant of their lords and rulers and the current tyrant in Qajar government after Safavi era till those days and fighting of claimants of kingdom after Karim Khan Zand and the tyrant and massacres done by Agh Mohammad khan Qajar and Iran and Russia wars and the victory of Czar Russia as signals of the emergence of Imam Mehdi :(P.H). The news of Khorasani peasants \' attack made the King and Qajar court frightened and immediately the government sent a group of governmental soldiers to Khorasan accompanied by artillery , gun and ordnance .Eventually , the group of governmental soldiers encountered Khorasani peasants near Bastam village –near Shahroud –and the governmental soldiers slaughtered the peasants because of having military equipments . After that bloody fighting and creating riots in different parts of the country , Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab was brought from chehrigh castle to Tabriz by Amir the Great\'s suggestion –Nasser – al Din Shah who was prince at that time commanded a meeting to be held by Azarbayjan scholars and also to bring Bab in order to know and investigate his ideas better . He asked Bab to argue with the present scholars .Most of those scholars were from flowers of \'\'Sheikhieh\'\' cult . Naser –al-Din Shah –the prince –sent a report of this meeting for his father Mohammad Shah Qajar . \'\'Sweet heart … At first , Haj Mulla Mahmud asked it is heard that you have claimed you are a senior cleric of Imam Mehdi (P.H) and you are Bab and you have said some words concerning you are Imam but prophet .Bab said : yes my friend my Kiblah I am Imam Mehdi\'s senior cleric and I am Bab (gate) of him. Everything that I have said and you have heard is right .It is necessary for you to obey me … I swear by God , I am that person whom everybody has been waited for me from the beginning of Islam era… Then they asked :what\'s your miracle ? He said : my miracle is that I send verses down for my stick and started reciting: : بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم سبحان الله والقدوس السبوح الذی خلق من السموات والارض کما خلق هذه العصاء آیه من آیاته He recited the diacritics representing vowels wrong according to syntactic structure .He pronounced all the words by the vowel point Nasb from the beginning to the word \'\' samavat \'\' .They said recite by the vowel point Jarr .Amir Arsalan said I also can recite such verses as : الحمدلله الذی خلق العصاء کما خلق الصباح و السماء Bab became ashamed .After that they asked about other sciences and he couldn\'t answer .When the meeting was over , Sheikh –al-Islam was called and he punished Bab . Bab repented his false beliefs and promised not to do as before .Anything you say … .\'\' According to existing documents and writings at the end of the meeting Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab wrote a penitence letter because he couldn’t tolerate punishment .There isn\'t penitence letter that Naser –al- Din Shah reported to his father but there is a letter which Ali Mohammad Bab has written for Naser –al-Din Shah that the original letter is kept in library of National Parliament . After this adventure , they imprisoned bab again .But , agents of colonialism tried again in order to develop riots by preaching this rumor that Imam Mehdi (P.H) has emerged . The Adventure of Bab\'s Spree and Execution Bahai\'s believe that \'\'Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab\'\' went to Mecca first in order to announce his emergence and came back to Shiraz after announcing to pilgrims of Ka\'bah .Then he announced his claim expansively .This issue had created seditions .Then Fars ruler arrested him .He went to Isfahan because Cholera had spread in Shiraz .Babi\'s and Bahai\'s believe that he has changed his claim six times .At first , he became known as \'\' Seyyed Zaker \'\' and claimed for \'\'Zekriyat \'\' .At second step he claims for \'\'Bab\'ism\'\' and introduced himself as Bab and senior of Imam Mehdi (P.H) (and the intermediator between people and Imam Mahi\'s (P.H) benefit and benefactor ).In the third step he claimed Mahdaviat and introduced himself as Imam Mehdi(P.H) . IN the fourth step he claimed prophethood and in the fifth and sixth steps he claimed \'\'divinity\'\' . According to his historical writings, the ruler of Isfahan who called Manouchehr Khan Mo\'atamedulleh Gorji and was one of Russia\'s agents helped Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab . They story of the ruler of Isfahan\'s support is very complex . Babi\'s and Bahai\'s believe that Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab went to Isfahan in 1262 A.H. because of illness spreed .He wrote a letter to the ruler of Isfahan at the middle of way and asked him to provide a suitable settlement .\'\'Manouchehr Khan \'\' who was one of Gorjis and was aware of colonialistic aims of Russia , called the then prayer leader on Fridays of Isfahan called Soltan –al-Olama after receiving Bab\'s letter . He ordered Soltan-al-Olama to prepare a house for Bab\'s settlement .Additionally , he ordered Soltan –al- Olama to send his brother to welcome Bab out of isfahan\'s gate. According to historical books , Bahai\'s claim that Seyyed Ali Mohammad entered into the prayer leader\'s house .The prayer leader asked him to write an interpretation for the Surah \'\'Val-Asr\'\'. Bab conducted this request .When the prayer leader on Fridays of Isfahan received the interpretation , he became amazed by the depth of his knowledge and immediate was in hurry to visit him. Manouchehr Khan Mo\'atamedulleh , the ruler of Isfahan received this news and he also came to visit Bab and asked him to explain the reasons of proving Hadrat Mohammad (P.H) \'\'Seyyed Ali Mohammad wrote an epistle in this regard called \'\'special prophethood \'\' .The ruler of Isfahan announced with a loud voice that I turn against Christianity and believe in Islam after reading the epistle . Following this phenomenon , the ruler of Isfahan supported \'\'Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab \'\' more openly and prepared him necessary equipments for proselytizing ,completely .The ruler\' support and proselytizing of Seyyed Ali Mohammad fearlessly made people of Isfahan unsatisfied .They complained and Mohammad Shah Qajar commander to send Seyyed Ali Mohammad to Tehran .The ruler of Isfahan didn\'t obey . He sent Bab accompanied by some soldiers in order to make people calm . but , he secretly ordered the soldiers to bring him back to Isfahan and to ruler\'s structure .From that time on Seyyed Ali Mohammad was entertained officially by the ruler in \'\'sun \'\' palace .even Manouchehr Khan , the ruler of Isfahan wedded a pretty lady for Seyyed Bab in order to complete his wining and dinning .This woman called \'\'Om-al-Favahesh \'\' [ the mother of prostitutes ] by Baha Allah and was endowed to all Babi followers to quench their desires .Several month after this phenomenon ,Manouchehr Khan , the ruler of Isfahan died and because he hadn\'t offspring his nephew Gorgin Khan became his successor .The new ruler of Isfahan announced the issue to Haj Mirza aghasi , the then chancellor .Mirza Aghasi asked him to send Bab to Tehran quickly .But he changed his command , after consulting with scholars an d asked the agents to send Ali Mohammad Bab from Isfahan to Azarbiyjan and to imprison him there . Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab was in prison of Makou by Sha\'ban 1264 A.H. Some of his fans were going to visit him by giving bribe to jailers and announced his messages and orders to different parts of the country . Manouchehr Shah Qajar and his chancellor Haj Mirza Aghasi are lenient in confronting \'\'Bab\'\' and \'\'Babi\'s \'\' .But , the Babi riots in bastam and Zanjan in the first years of Naser-al-Din shah\'s Kingdom caused for Bab to be brought to Tabriz again .In Sha\'ban , 27, 1264 A.H. one of his disciples called Mirza Ali Mohammad Zonnori and he were given to a group of Christian soldiers to be executed .In order to conduct the commandment , the soldiers fastened Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab and his disciple by a rope and shot them .Because the guns of that time were muzzle loading guns they made a lot of smoke when shooting .After executing the commandment and when the smoke disappeared , the soldiers and governmental agents observing the commandment saw Mirza Ali Mohammad Zonnori\'s dead body who had been killed but they couldn\'t see Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab\'s dead body .This issue made agents frightened for some minutes and they thought that he might be Imam Mehdi (P.H) and he has ascended to skies .But after a while , they found Ali Mohammad Bab hidden in a stable located in Tabriz castle and it was recognized that the rope was torn because of shooting and he had escaped and hid himself in a rest room by using smoke from muzzle loading guns . Following this incident , Russian consulate in Tabriz asked for his forgiveness .But this request rejected and \'\'Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab \'\' executed again and his deed body was thrown in a ditch of city in order to be a lesson for others .But Bahai\'s claim that Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab \'s dead body was kidnapped by a person called Soleyman Khan Afshar from the ditch in Tabriz and transferred to a silk-wearing workshop of Haj Ahmad Milani and then to Tehran .After passing 60 years , it was transferred to Heyfa city in occupied Palestine .According to colonel Ferdos Bahai missioner of Shemiran , he was buried in a crystalline coffin as it has been said on page 34 of \'\'Agdas\'\' book .
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