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Baha Allah's Successors

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

  Baha Allah\'s Successors

            Mirza Hossein Ali Baha Allah , had a son called Abbas who   wasfrom his first wife .He had three sons from his wife   .According to an agreement when Baha Allah was alive it was   agreed that first Abbas Afendi his elder offspring became his   father\'s successor and after him ,Manouchehr Ali Afendi his elder   son of his second wife became his successor after Abbas Afendi   .But , when Baha Allah died , there were disagreements among his   offspring , and Mohammad Ali Afendi accompanied with his   brothers , sisters and cousins agitated against Abbas afendi (Abdul   Baha) , the elder son of Baha Allh .But ,at last , Abbas Afendi   succeeded and became Baha Allah\'s successor .He led the deviant   cult of Baha\'ism by 1300 .Abbas Afendi was conservative and   called himself as slave of Baha forever .He was extremely  dependent .He was dependent on one government every day .First ,   he was dependent on Czar Russia and exploited their support and   protection . Because Russian government was the first country   that opened its brothers for Bahai\'s and help them build their first     temple called \'\'Mashregh–al-Azkar \'\' in the city \'\'Eshgh abad \'\' .

        Dependence to the Russian was never reprehensible for Bahai\'s   so , Abdul Baha was serving to colonial goals of this government   completely and even was spying for them .The adventure of   Bahai\'s leader\'s spying was recognized during a research .So that   Ottoman government authorities were so furious about his actions   that Jamal Pasha the commander in chief of this country decided to   execute him .At this time the English government supported   Bahai\'s openly and Balfour the British minister of foreign affairs   and a person who issued famous declaration of Balfour concerning   establishing Israel government asked General Allenby the   commander of English forces in Palestine in a telegraph that   support Abdul Baha as long as he can .Abdul Baha was supported   by Czar Russian by 1917 and the victory of communistic   revolution .After that he was supported by the English .So that ,   when the English troops defeated the Ottoman government in   World War I and entered Palestine , they immediately did Abdul   Baha a favor and bestowed him the supreme athletic medal which   is one of important medals of the English government and   bestowed him the title \'\'Sir\'\' because of his services to the English      government .Because of bestowing these medal and title , Abdul   Baha issued a special tablet in Arabic Language to praise England ,   and prayed for George V the King of this country ,In translation of   this tablet is as follows :         \'\'O\'God your justice encampment has established in this land   and I thank you .O\'God , corroborate GeorgeV the great English   emperor and King of England with your merciful blessing and   make him immortal on this land …\'\'          At these days , colonial movements had gradually started in   Muslim countries and people of these countries had started   struggles to become free. Following the start of these anti-colonial   movements in north Africa and colonies of France ,the French   government asked Abbas Afendi (AbdulBaha) to send Bahai   missioners to Algeria ,Morroco ,Tunes and Muslim islands nearby   Africa to proselytize Baha\'ism in order to create differences and   disagreements among Muslims .He tried much in order to expand   this colonial cult and sent missioners to different parts of the world   includig America .There are some writings which have been   published by Bahai\'s called \'\'Makatib \'\' .Abdul Baha has traveled to     America and Europe at the end of his life several times .After   England , he considered himself owed to modern colonialism .In a   tripe to America , he addressed a group of American anthropoid   thieves and invited them to plunder Iranian resources as follows :          \'\'There isn\'t any country better than Iran for American   nation to do business with and earn benefits ; because , all   Iranian country\'s wealth is hidden under the ground ,I hope the   American nation causer for that wealth to be discovered .\"          Abdul Baha died in 1300 and was buried in Aka in occupied   Palestine .

       Shoqi Rabbani            When Abbas Afendi died , he didn\'t have any male offspring.

  After his death his grandson called Shoqi Afendi became Bahai\'s   leader .He led deviant cult of Bha\'ism by the name of Shoqi   Rabbani .Shoqi Afendi who was called  Shogi  Rabbani by Bahai\'s   was born in 1314 A.H. His father was Mirza Hadi Shirazi and his     mother was Ziaeeih , the elder daughter of Abbas Afendi .He   distributed a will among (Bahai\' followers ) Aqnam Allah and   called himself as Abdul Baha\'s successor .But some Bahai\'s led by   Ahmad Sohrabi said that it is forged and this group separated   Bahai\'s  entitled  Sohrabian.

     Differences and Branches            Shoqi Afendi is called himself as \'\'Vali AmrAllah \'\' and   introduced himself as the chairman of \'\'Bait –al-Adl\'\' .He educated   in Dar-al-Founoun in London and was grown up and reared by the   English Shoqi afendi issued the commandment of unveiling of   women by the slogan of equality of men and women .Because he   considered Iran as the origin of Baha\'ism , he recommended his   followers to preach this method in Tehran and Iran before every   where in the world .

         Shoqi Afendi was elected as the leader of Bahai\'s in 1300   when Reza Khan came to power .He died in 1336 , the 16th year of   Mohammad Reza Pahlavi\'s kingdom .According to Abdul Baha \'s     will and commands , the leadership of Baha\'ism in Shoqi Afendi\'s   family must be inheritedly continued .But on the contrary of Baha   Allah and Abdul Baha\'s prediction , Shoqi Afendi didn\'t have any   offspring .In this way , he believed that it is necessary for an   establishment called Beit-al-Adl to be established to control   Baha\'ism community .Shoqi Afendi had educated in American   university in Beyrout and then in Oxford university and his   election as Baha\'ism leader made new branches and disagreements   in Baha\'ism because of having ethical iniquities .Even ,Fazl Allah   Sobhi Mohtadi who was Abdul Baha\'s writer and secretary turned   against this Shaky cult and turned to Islam .He issued his memoirs   about Shoqi\'s reprehensible behavior .according to Sobhi\'s writings   and memoirs , Shoqi Afendi (Rabbani) had  a great tendency to   homosexuality .He has explained that how he was spending his   time to homosexuality as the leader of Bhai\'s of the world .This   issue caused some other close relatives of Abdul Baha to turn   against Baha\'ism deviant cult .

         Difference and new branches in Bahai\'sm           Shoqi Afendi died in London in 1336 because of the flu after   Shoqi Afendi\'s death ,there was a severe conflict for his succession   .Most of them accepted Rohieh (Mary) Maxol .they held a special   conference earlier 1340s presented by important heads of Bahai\'sm   cult in London .They elected 9 people as members of Bait-al-Adl   parliament .Then Bait-al-Adl was transferred to Heyfa city in Israel   .IT has been active so far .They change its members once after   some years .The chairman of this group known as Bait-al-Adl   heyfa was Rouhieh Maxol –Shogi Afendi\'s wife .She died in   1378.Of course , the first Bait-al-Adl of Bahai\'s was built in 1951   A.D. that is 8 years before Shogi Rabbani\'s death by him .The first   duty of this board is creating relationship with Israel government.

   The names of the first round of supreme Bait-al-Adl were as   follows   1-Charles Wolkat   2-Ali Nakhjavani  3-Boura Kawlin  4-Ayan Sambol  5-Lotf Allah Hakim  6-David halfman   7-Youj Jani  8-Amour Gibson   9-Houshmand Fath A\'azam    And the members of the second board of Bait-al-Adl :   1-Dr.Lotf Allah hakim  2-Imami Gibson   3-Houshmand Fath A\'azam   4-Youra Kavlin  5- Ayan Sambol   6-Charles Wolkat  7-Hiu Johnson   8-David Hunman   9-Ali Nakhjavani   The names of members of the third Bait-al-Adl are as follows:   1-Ali Nakhjavani    2-Houshmand fath a\'azam   3-Imam Gibson   4-David Halfman   5-Youra Kawlin   6-Hiu Johnson  7-Ayan Sambol  8-Charles Wolkat  9-David Rouh            Shoqi Afendi elected some Bahai\'s in Azar ,3,1335 to do   different tasks including preserving and proselytizing Amr Baha   Allah as \'\'Ayadi Amr Allah \'\' .Some of them were as follows :  1-Ayadi Amr Allah , Charles Misen Rimi  2- Ayadi Amr Allah, Rouhieh Maxol (Shogi wife)  3- Ayadi Amr Allah , Emilia kaliz   4- Ayadi Amr Allah , Leroi Livain   5- Ayadi Amr Allah , Ali Akbar froutan (was the chairman of   Education Organization of hamadan city and was the author of   ethics textbooks of infants and teenagers .)         The strings of Ayadi Amr Allah establishments go a head   toward the farthest parts of the world .In Pahlavi period of time in   Iran , some coteries were established from the level of village to    national one .Every coterie has nine members .It covers all Bahai   activities by dividing tasks into subordinate branches .Because of   this reason , Bahai\'s entered into all affairs of the country .Because   Iran is the only Shiite country and colonial cults such as Vahabiat   and Qadian\'ism … couldn\'t penetrate in it so far , Bahai\'s have a   wonderful interest to Iran and call Iran as Amr Allah\'s cradle and   land and they are attempting extremely to proselytize this cult   among Iranian .       

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