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Bab in the Jews school

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Bab in the Jews school

Who is Bab?

Seyyed Ali Mohammad Shirazi the founder of deviant cult

called \'\'Bab\'ism \'\' was born in the Lunar month , 235 A.H. in

Shiraz .His father was called Reza and his mothers name was

Fatemeh Beygom or Khadijeh Beygom . He began reading and

writing in Shiraz according to the usual method of that time . He

was still an infant that his father died . So , he head off Boushehr

and was under the guardianship of his maternal uncle .He was

taught by the owner of a school who was one followers of

Sheikhieh sect .When he became mature,he was working in Sasoun

company accompanied by his maternal uncle .The company whose

shares belonged to one of Jewish capitalists in Baghdad who was

trading opium in Boushehr port , Mumbai and India .Seyyed Ali

Mohammad\'s duty was to rub opium which was so difficult as the

first duty of his cooperation .He was responsible to pour raw

opium on a special board by a special metal scraper for 10 hours

under the hot sun in Boushehr port mostly on the roof of the

caravanserais which were used as a store for keeping and saving

opium which were possessed by the Jewish company called

\'\'Sasoun\'\' . Those opium was in the form of liquid , first and were

stored in a big casks and jars .

He was rubbing in order for these liquid opium to become in

the form of firm and compressed bullets and volumes gradually

because of air and rubbing . Then he changed them into 20-gram

rolls to be sent to the merchant\'s office of Sasoun in Mumbai India

and to be distributed among the native people of areas freely

according to English colonialistic policy in the south east Asia

specially china .Namazi Shirazi family were famous for

distributing these opium in china region and earned their

enormous wealth through receiving free opium from the Jews and

distributing in the region .

Most experts believe that working at least 10 hours a day

under the hot sun in Boushehr port has hurt Seyyed Ali

Mohammad Shirazi and has made him suffer from melancholy

who claimed for dominating the moon and stars .This note can be

observed in prince Kiniaz Dalgourki\'s memoirs the ambassador of

Russia in Iran about Seyyed Ali Mohammad .

The familiarity of Seyyed Ali Mohammad Shirazi (Bab)

with the Jewish family and Sasoun capitalist had a great influence

on Seyyed Ali Mohammad\'s life and made him to be familiarized

with the important Jewish centers .According to some historians

the original bases of his claims about being as a gate for Imam

Mahdi (P.H) or according to \'\'Sheikhieh \'\' cult beliefs about being

the fourth pillar are formed since those days because of his

relationships with these centers .

\'\' Seyyed Ali Mohammad Shirazi \'\' (Bab) who had passed his

elementary education in boushehr by a teacher called \'\'SheikhAbed

\'\' who had bigoted \'\'Sheikhism \'\'beliefs and was one of the

followers of sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee the great leader and founder of

this sect became one of believers of \'\'Sheikhieh \'\' sect .He traveled

to Karbala to complete his knowledge and presented in Seyyed

Kazem rashti\'s class who was the then leader of \'\'Sheikhieh\'\' and

the successor of \'\'Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee\'\' the founder of this cult .

Babi\'s and Bahai\'s believe that Seyyed Ali Mohammad

Shirazi has \'\'Godly knowledge \'\' and exaggerated so much in this

regard .Concerning his presence in Seyyed Kazem Rashti\'s class ,

they writes:

\'\'When Seyyed Bab arrived at Seyyed Rashti\'s class , Seyyed

Rashti stopped teaching with his respect ; although , Bab was

young and Rashti was 50.Rashti made the students pay attention

to Bab\'s speech .During his speech , Bab was respected by

Rashti. Everybody were surprised by Rashti\'s actions Bab was

speaking about the signs of Imam Mahdi\'s (P.H) emergence .All

scholars understood issues concerning Seyyed Bab after he

spoke about the rudiments and bringing some claims .Seyyed

Kazem Rashti\'s  purpose of presenting those problems and

mentionings was to make the scholars realize that Bab is the

promised Mahdi(P.H)…\'\'

Seyyed  Kazem Rashti died in 1259 and didn\'t elect his

students or the glitterati as his successor . Some days before dying ,

he announced a group his disciples that Hadrat Imam Mahdi(P.H)

will emerge soon-or according to the followers of \'\'Sheikhieh\'\' sect

, the fourth pillar –and he himself will manage world and Muslims

affairs and will lead the world towards justice .

When Seyyed Kazem died , Ali Mohammad Shirazi was in

Boushehr and was serving the Jewish businessmen accompanied

with his maternal under specially he was serving \'\'Sasoun\'\'

merchant office to produce and prepare opium .At that time

Seyyed Ali Mohammad had direct relationship with the Jews and

\'\'Sasoun\'\' merchant office for more than 5 years .Thus , the claim

that Seyyed Ali Mohammad Shirazi called himself as the successor

of seyyed Kazem Rashti and then \'\'Bab\'\' was likely done by

encouragement and seduction of the Jews .

Dalgourki\'s inculcation to Bab

After Seyyed Kazem Rashti , SEyyed Ali Mohammad

immediately claimed that he is Rashti\'s successor because of prince

Dalgourki\'s empathy ; although , he was in Karbala and wasn\'t

Mulla Kazem Rashti\'s disciple .A year later , in 1260A.H.

coincided with the thousandth year of Imam Mahdi\'s (P.H) absence

posed his claim under the support of influential , secret ,colonial

coteries .In addition to claiming himself as the fourth pillar he

claimed that he is the gate to reach to Imam Mahdi .In his daily

communications with his friends and relatives he said that I am an

evagelist to annunciate you the emergence of Imam Mahdi (P.H)

and I his gate (Bab) to reach to him .Every body who believes in

his emergence must swear allegiance to me as his (Bab) gate .even

he interpreted this hadith:

\" انا مدینه العلم و علی بابها \"

In order to prove his claim and said :

\'\'even holy prophet (P.H.) has pointed out my rightfulness and

said : I am the city of knowledge and Ali is Bab (gate) .\'\'

Prince Kiniaz Dalgourki says about her familiarity and the

empathy of her materials and teachings to Ali Mohammad Bab:

\'\'I was thinking that how is it possible for a small group of

Shiite people…have dominated on a government like Ottoman and

have fought with Russia and have beaten a massive army .Then I

knew that these triumphs are due to religious unity and firm belief

to Islam …I was going to innovate a new faith which hasn\'t any

home .Because Iranian commencements were due to patriotism

and religious unity .

…after I became familiar with Ali Mohammad in shrines

seyyed Ali Mohammad continued his hooka …He was weak in his

beliefs and a believer in talisman , prayers , mathematic and

geometry .He started learning it with me in order to achieve his

aim .He learned the four basic operations with me and eventually

he said I am not clever enough to learn arithmetic .ON Thursday

night , he poured something like wax on hooka except

tobacco…He didn\'t give it to me to smoke .i said to him :\'\'why

don\'t you give it to me to smoke ?\'\'.He said:\'\' you still aren\'t

capable of hearing to secrets to smoke this hooka .I urged and he

gave it to me to…I laughed very much …one day I asked him

:\'\'what was that ?\'\' and he said :\'\'according to learned people it is

secret but according to common people marijuana…I realized that

it was marijuana and it is useful for eating more and laughing but

Seyyed said it reveals secrets for me .I said …you should smoke

before learning arithmetic to understand better…

He wasn\'t interested to study and learn because of smoking

marijuana and he wasn\'t eager to educate .One day , in Seyyed

Kazem Rashti\'s class one of Tabrizi scholars asked him that :\'\'Sir

,where is Imam Mahdi (P.H) ?\'\' He said :\'\'I don\'t know ,maybe he

is here nut I don\'t know him.\'\' I was dreaming very fast that Seyyed

Ali Mohammad had become over ambitious because of smoking

marijuana hooka and vain penances …A night when he had

smoked marijuana hooka , I said :Hadrat Saheb –al-Amr !

Have mercy on me .It isn\'t hidden for me that you are …

I was determined to create the third discord in Shiite religion.

Sometimes, I asked easy questions and he also answered back

irrelevantly according to his taste. I was immediately and saying

you are (Bab) the gate of knowledge or you are Saheb-al-Zaman

.Secrecy is enough .Don\'t hide himself …I went to his house again

…and I asked him to interpret \'\' Naba \'\' surch … Seyyed also

accepted .He started smoking marijuana hooka and wrote .When

Seyyed was smoking marijuana , he was writing very much and

very fast .But , most of materials were revised by me . I revised

them and gave it to him in order  for him to be motivated and

believed that he is Bab(gate) of knowledge .Yes, Seyyed was the

best pawn for achieving my aim . Like it or not , I intrigued Seyyed

and his taking marijuana and penance helped me .

Seyyed Ali Mohammad was consistently doubtful to claim for

Saheb-al-Amr .He said to me that my name isn\'t Mahdi .I said I

name you mahdi .More towards Iran …I promise you to help you

so much that everybody converts you . It is your duty not to be

afraid anymore …people will obey what you say whether you

legitimize the marriage of brother and sister …seyyed was so eager

to claim but he didn\'t dare .i went to Baqdad and I bought several

bottles of wine from Shiraz and gave him for some nights in order

to encourage him .We gradually became close family members .i

made him …understand some matters …I provoked him to the

extent that it was easy for him to claim…I told seyyed I\'ll give you

money on the condition that you claim that you are evangelist and

Imam Mahdi (P.H) and you claim for Bab\'ism .i made him

satisfied .He went to Basreh and ten to Boushehr ) …I worte some

letters to him ( He called himself as ImamMahdi\'s(P.H) successor

and Bab(the gate ) of knowledge .i also called him Imam Mahdi

(P.H)… when he went , I announced in holy cities that Imam

Mahdi (P.H) has emerged and this seyyed Shirazi was Imam

Mahdi (P.H) .He was participating in Mr, Rashti\'s class

anonymously …\'\'

Generally ,Bahai\'s call Thursday night 5th of Jamadi-al-Ula

1260A.H.(May 23rd ,1844)as \'\'the night of prophet appointment \'\'or

\'\'Noqteh Ula\'\' and consider this date as the origin of their history

(Badi\'a date ) .Mirza Hossein Ali Nuri (BahaAllah) has announced

this day as one Bahai\'s feasts .it is not legitimate for Bahai\'s to

work in this day .

At this time ,after seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab posed his

claim , the executors of Russia colonialism try to attract seyyed

Kazem Rashti\'s pupils and followers through different tricks but

they can\'t succeed .Only 18 people were attracted by them –who

were called \'\'Heyy\'\' in Bab\'ism and Baha\'ism cults according to

Abjad letters –and were sent to different parts of the country

specially to great Khorasan region and the east of country that is

influencing area  of England in the vicinity of India borders and


the circle of the influence of eastern Indian company.

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