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Bahai Activities in Azerbaijan Narrated by Documents

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size
Bahai Activities in Azerbaijan Narrated by Documents

(Rahim Nikbakht )

(Documented )

One of important issues in Iranian contemporary history is

Baha\'ism .Direct and indirect relationship of Bahai\'s with aliens ,

their role and effect on anti –Islamic policies of Pahlavi era such as

unveiling of women and economic dominance on community

pillars , the dominance of Bahai agents in administrative , military

and political establishments of Iran are of important issues and are

worthy to be investigated , which are belonged to this cult .But

Azerbaijan has been important in activities of Bahai programs .In

late Sobhi\'s memoirs , there are rather accurate reports about

expansive activities of Bahai\'s in the eve of World War I in

Azerbaijan .According to the other documents and resources , we

will familiarize with activities of Bahai\'s in Pahlavi era .

According to the existing documents of Archive of the center

of Islamic revolution documents , we will review untold realities

about the activities of Bahai\'s in Azerbaijan .The selection of

documents is too difficult because of numerous and massive

documents and various activities of Bahai\'s all over Iran specially

in Azerbaijan .While , this writing can be a start for more accurate

reviews in this regard .

Ten-year plan

As the accurate date of Bahai activities and their struggles

hasn\'t been clear so far , our information about the quality of Bahai

activities isn\'t enough , too . One of debatable issues is \'\'The new

plan of the great divine jihad \'\' .This ten-year program has begun

since 1332 and has continued till 1342 .It is stated in available

reports that this program has been successful . Unfortunately ,

there isn\'t any report about the quality and quantity of different

activities of Bahai\'s in this ten-year program .In this ten-year

period , a lot of changes have happened that were related to the

expansion and influence of the activities of this cult .How often ,

some purposes of Islamic revolution by the leadership of Imam

Khomeyni (P.H) in 1341 should be inferred as an answer to these

changes .The police reports about Bahai\'s in the eve of the

beginning of Islamic revolution in Tabriz indicate the expansion of

the activities of this sect –later Bahai ten-year program .it is stated

in a report related to the end of 1340:

\'\'it had been announced by governor\'s office in Azerbaijan

dated 19/10/1340 , no:2404 that according to reports

announced to governor\'s office the activities of Bahai\'s has been

intensified recently in Azerbaijan and they are busy doing their

religious proselytism that according to usual , necessary

researches it became obvious that Bahai\'s gather each other and

do religious activities thrice a week in their coteries ….\'\'

These expansive activities provoked the sensitivity of religious

forces in Tabriz ; so that ,late Haj MIrza Hassan Naser Zadeh and

Haj Mirza Hossein Anzabi Chehrgani .Two enthusiastic preaches

made speeches in lunar month of Ramadan nights in 1340 against

Bahai\'s .This report adds :

\'\' … In addition to sermonizing , they make speeches against

Bahai\'s and their influences in governmental offices and their

growing activities , too in mosques in different days … .\'\'

By sending this report to Intelligence service of Police office of

the country , one of high ranking officials of army writes a letter

for one of high ranking officials of police office of the country :

\'\'Isfand , 12, 1340

General Kramti

It is reported from Tabriz that you will become aware orally.

It is certain that necessary and appropriate commands should be

issued in order for any measures against the tranquility of the

people of country to be prevented and these seditious .

Demagogic people will be punished .General\'s justice

nurturing and advice will cause increasing thank to you by

myself and some real servants of the holy land .\"

Major General


Writing such letter of recommendation contrary to

administrative tradition of police office , is a definite document of

the extent of influence of Bahai\'s in sensitive centers of the

country. In this letter it is recommended to have a serious behavior

with Hojat-al-Islam Naser Zadeh and to be lenient with Bahai\'s .

Another document related to Isfand 1341 , that is the end of

10-year program of Bahai\'s , brigadier general Ataee the chairman

of police offices of eastern Azerbaijan announced to subordinate

police offices and police stations :

\'\'According to the command from the center , the received

reports from some cities indicated that the activities of Bahai\'s

have increased recently and the agents and missioners of this cult

are active in deluding and deviating people through different

Methods ; so, this issue was announced to ministry of state and

SAVAK .They answered that according to the rule 121 of

constitution , the associations and gatherings which cause

religious or mundane sedition and destroy discipline are banned.

Thus , according to the issued command from the ministry of state,

these harmful activity and demonstration of the mentioned cult

must be prevented by the aid of SAVAK and the result must be

reported .\'\'

This notification issued from Tehran was more likely related to

clergymen\'s campaign leaded by Imam Khomeyni (P.H) and

Eyalati and Velayati association bill in which King\'s regime was

trying to give indirect formality to Baha\'ism cult .

Nine-Year Plan

In continuation of 10-year plan , the global center of Bahai\'s

designed and executed a plan called \'\'The great 9-year plan \'\'that at

the beginning of the year 1343 Bahai coteries have to conduct it.

Fortunately , in existing documents , there are more awareness

about this program .According to \'\'The greatest Bait-al-Adl\'\'

method , it is necessary for all Bahai\'s to relinquish \'\'all local

requirements and materials and their material and carnal interests

and cooperate to perform the aims of this global plan personally

and with pure intention by donating the maximum financial aid .\'\'

According to separate commands , it was necessary for Bahai

coteries in all over the country to prevent constructing new

building and they were allowed to do essential repairs in order

to prevent destroying and instead they should pay for Bahai


To execute this 9-year plan , some plans were formed that they

were sending their moment by moment report of activities to

Bahai\'sm center .Some of their purposes will be clarified by the

instructions issued to Bahai coteries and some parts of it are

reflected in reports of police office of Azerbaijan including the

influence in all parts and regions of Azerbaijan , dominating on

productive agricultural lands gradually and also influence among

the tribes of Azerbaijan and other regions .It is stated in one of

their commands to spiritual coterie of Tabriz dated Day, 1343:

\"We ask that holy coterie if you feel on issue will promote the

issue of publication of Nafahat Allah publically or in group or

you feel import Kalemat Allah among tribes in that district that

need establishing special department for it , please order to

establish it and inform the results .\'\'

In another issued instruction , Bahai coterie of Mahabad is

allowed to buy a house in Oshnevieh region in order to proselytize

among Kurdish people because of executing the aims of 9-year

plan .

Other goal of this program was dominating on agricultural

lands of productive regions of Azerbaijan .It is ordered to spiritual

coterie of Tabriz in Day/30/1343:

\'\'That holy coterie is completely aware of Chehriq conditions

and its lands in that organization .Please order some people who

can farm on lands to be dispatched to that place to dominate

gradually on the lands .\'\'

It is revealed from the other commands that Bahai\'sm global

coterie has been extremely enthusiastic about collecting every kind

of published and handwritten books concerning tribes of different

regions of Iran specially in Azerbaijan and also establishing

Baha\'ism coteries among tribesmen of small or big villages .

Proselytism In Educational and Cultural

Centers :

In investigating the available documents in Baha\'ism case in

police office of Azerbaijan , more realities of the aims of Baha\'ism

9-year program will be reveled .Bahai\'s was trying to penetrate in

educational and cultural centers .In the oldest document which is

available related to 1329 , it is said that a Bahai teacher was

commissioned to teach in Ivaqli village on behalf of Bahai coterie

in Tabriz .He had to leave the area because of created sensitivity.

Penetration in educational centers was predicted in 9-year

program .The university of Tabriz and education offices of

Azerbiajan were suitable places for activity .In last years of 9-year

program , Bahai\'s became successful in Tabriz university and some

other coteries .It is written in a report of 1350:

\'\'The Bahai student youth\'s meeting held from 7 to 9 p.m.

in major Dr.Bargh Asa\'s house who is an officer in army in Tabriz.

Some deans , masters of university including the assistant of

medicine collage and Mr, Dr.Mir Aftabi had participated in the

meeting .\'\'

In another report , it has been pointed out the trick of using

girls and women for proselytism which has been used at university

and education office:

\'\'The followers of Bahai cult have intensified their

propagandistic activities at university and education office or

other offices in Tabriz using Bahai women and girls .\'\' In

continuation of the report it has been pointed out the names of

people who were active in different cultural centers including

\'\'the instructor of an elementary school and kindergarten .\'\'

We read in another activity done in Tabriz university :

\'\'The received news indicates that some Bahai students who

are educating in different collages in Tabriz , have openly

proselytize Baha\'ism recently .Including a person called Masood

Faqanian whose father is the executing manager of ZamZam

companies in Shiraz accompanied by Ms, Ansari who is a typist

in Water organization and is a Bahai that both of them

proselytize Baha\'ism in society .\'\'

Some reports about open activities and proselytism of Baha\'ism

had received from Tabriz university , Water organization ,

municipality and education office . The available documents

indicates that the activities of Bahai\'s has been growing gradually

specially in educational and cultural centers .It is stated in a report

of earlier 1350 :

\'\'according to received news , Ms , Parsa , the manager of

health institute of \'\'Shir and Khorshid \'\' hospital in Tabriz , has

proselytized Baha\'ism and the students of health pension house

have accepted Bahai sect .She pays attention to these students .She

allows them to participate to Bahai meeting in Mr , Astani\'s house

located in Kheyrieh alley every Mondays ; so that , in these

ceremonies the number of girls who are followers of this cult has

been 25 people .This issue has made Muslim girls unhappy and

despondent .Additionally ,. When Bahai girls are on vacation, their

duties are taken over and referred by Muslim girls.\'\'

Because the activity of Bahai\'s was programed and done

carefully , their aims were achieved .For example , in a report of

1354 , the names of six Bahai teachers have been registered who

proselytize in their classes openly .It is obvious that such activities

has reflection in religious situation of Tabriz .Although we are not

going to speak about the reflection of religious people against

Bahai activities ,while it is written in this report :

\'\'…Several bigoted people of Tabriz including 1-Haj Khalil

Khouee , 2-Vahdat (preacher) , 3-Sharif Pour (tool seller) 4-

Payandeh (teacher of education office ) are going to refer ,

complain and ask for the governor\'s offices and education office in

order to prevent the activity and proselytism of Bahai\'s .It should

be planned not to allow these people work in administrative jobs .

The Growing Influence and Expansion

By the influence of Bahai\'s in different levels of the pillars of

Pahlavi kingdom government we observe their growing freedom of

action :

\'\'Several passengers from Tabriz were sitting and speaking in a

café in rail road square at 10 a.m. 26/6/1347 .They were speaking

about the owner of car making company of Tabriz who is a Bahai

fires some workers every day employs new ones .The workers of

company are unsatisfied with the owner and are going to send

some workers on behalf of them to kingdom inspection office in

Tehran in order to complain .\'\'

And in another document , the news about establishing a

school for teaching Baha\'ism for Bahai infants by Tabriz coterie

has been announced .Some same cases are found in documents

abundantly .

The year 1352 was an active one for activity of Bahai\'s in

Azerbaijan .One of their struggle in that year was printing and

distributing anti-Islamic books in Tabriz a person called \'\'Chitsaz \'\'

had transferred these books to Tabriz and had distributed them \'\'in

the market and different parts of the city .\'\'In continuation of these

activities , the attentions of Coca cola company \'\'hives a huge

amount of money to one of Bahai missioners every month in order

to spend for Baha\'ism proselytism .\'\' He is successful in doing this

task . Another report exists to complete this report :

\'\'A received news indicates that Mr, Chitsaz who lives in

Tehran is intermediary between Tehrani Bahai\'s and other cities of

Iran .He has traveled from Tehran to Tabriz in 2/8/1352 and has

resided in Mr, Zehtab , a dentist , for two days and has received

200000 Tumans which had been sent to the fund of Bahai

documents of Tabriz by Zam Zam company .Meanwhile , he had

an appointment with engineer Saedi the chairman of electricity

power plant and spoke .He has left Tabriz to return Tehran in


According to this report , if this sum had been monthly paid to

other big cities of Iran , a huge amount of money would have paid

for proselytism of Baha\'ism .On the other hand , they have spent

300000 Tumans since 1352 to 1357 .The important issue is that

Zam Zam company have been one of hundreds of active small or

big companies of Iran belonged to Bahai\'s before Islamic

revolution .

Relationship with Aliens

The influence of the expansion of Bahai\'s in cultural centers

and dominance of important and key posts of the country ,

encouraged them to state their dependence to aliens fearlessly and

honored them .What is reflected in documents and reports of police

office of eastern Azerbaijan are of numerous obvious declarations.

There is a document concerning the year 1348:

\'\'It is reported that several Bahai people reside in Israel country

and several people such as Rouh Allah Moshtaq from a village

\'\'Sisan \'\' nearby Tabriz has plyed to that country .The aids have

been assigned to Israel country by this cult through these people.

Meanwhile , Bahai\'s who possess installations and factories are

using devices and tools made by Israel .The Bahai\'s of Azerbaijan

and other cities help the economy of indirectly by purchasing these

equipment .

An important issue is that according to SAVAK documents,

Ayat Allah Qazi Tabatabaee was going to go to \'\'Sisan \'\' village

accompanied with people to pray \'\' Fetr feast prayer \'\' there that

police official prevented them .It is interesting to note that in

orations of Fetr feast prayer of that year , Ayat Allah Qazi

Tabatabaee attacked severely to occupier regime in Maqbareh

mosque .Following this issue he was exiled from Tabriz to Baft

and then to Zanjan for a year .After exiling , it becomes rumored

that his exile was asked for by Bahai\'s and the Jewish ; meanwhile

Iranian government supports Israel and sends financial aids to that

country .

The relationship of Bahai\'s with alien countries is not a

deniable issue especially when they possessed a strong power ,

influence and good situation in political , economical and social

field and they honored this relationship , too .It is reported in one

of reports of police office in eastern Azerbaijan to Intelligent

Service :

\'\'as informed , a person called Shahram Isakhani a junior

student of mathematic course in science collage of Azerbaijan

encourages other students to accept Baha\'ism cult and declares

that Russian and English government pay to Bahai\'s secretly in

order to strengthen Bahai committee .we will support and help

Bahai people especially those who join this sect concerning

providing dwellings and life expense aids .\'\'

In evaluating of above mentioned report it is written that \'\'it is

investigable \'\' ; but in brief mentioned above report which has been

sent to intelligent service office of police force of the country and

the chairman of SAVAK , it is written in its evaluation that

\'\'proselytism is correct \'\'.

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