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An epistle written by Abulfazl Golpaygani concerning.

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An epistle written by Abulfazl Golpaygani concerning.Resurrection and His Discussion With Sage Jelveh..(Fatemeh Nouraee Nejad).(Documented )...       After transferring the capital city of Iran to Tehran in Qajar.. Dynasty , this city became an intellectual and cultural center by.. building mosques , schools gradually and migrating some scholars ..to it . According to the request of the founder of \'\' Marvi \'\' school ,.. King Fath Ali Qajar invited the sage  Mulla Ali Nouri one of the ..greatest Masters of philosophical school in Isfahan to teach . He..sent one of his experienced pupils called Mulla Abdullah.. Modarres Zonnori to Tehran because he was old and had lots of ..scholars .  In this  way , from 1237 on , the wisdom and philosophy ..seminary  of Tehran not only inherited philosophical school of.. Isfahan  ; but also , became an independent seminary in the history ..of Islamic philosophy because of some reasons . Moreover, the ..philosophy  in appearance and meaning was developing because of ..Qajar King\'s attention to Mulla Abdullah Zonori at that time.. Several pupils were trained to try to study Mulla Sadra\'s .. Philosophy  through a modern method an they also defended ..Islamic philosophy , theology and corrected an devised previous.. ...text books steadily through entering new sciences . This trend was..confirmed by departing the four wise men Mr , Mohammad Reza ..Qomshe\'s , Mr Ali Hakim Modarres Zonnori , Mr Mirza Seyyed ..Hassan Jelveh and Mr , Mirza Hossein Sabzevari from Isfahan and ..Sabzevar to Tehran. This departure gave briskness to gnostic and.. philosophical seminary of Tehran; so that,  people who were.. enthusiastic about wisdom came to this seminary from nearly ..cities and towns in order to use intellectual sciences and ..explanation and interpretation of Avicenna and Mulla Sadra\'s.. thoughts in a dynamic and modern way. Tehran\'s seminary was.. the continuation of philosophy of Isfahan and Islamic philosophy.. tradition which is the host for western thought...Moreover,during establishing this seminary ,  philosophical texts ..were written in Persian language in addition to Arabic one. .Simultaneous with these days , the hubs of Islamic traditional ..culture were training people who were not only eager to accept and ..think about new ideas; but also , offered deep interpretations of ..that culture . The seminaries for religious jurisprudence and ..principle sciences were educating some jurisconsults and.. mojtaheds as Islamic science centers . The new sect of Babi was.. created in Iran because of some cultural and political reasons.. This sect made a group of Muslims distant from their faith to the....point that it was out of the control of its first Iranian founder . It..was expanded to America and England and finally resided in ..Israeel . Of course , in this regard the complaint isn\'t possibly ..altered to greedy alien colonialists but the weakness in cultural and ..political management on the period of time of the history of the..country must be attended -except for Amir the Great\'s  firm.. measures against Bahai\'s. However , this uninvited guest ..continued its way which was pleasant for divisive policies of aliens ..in deceiving common people and justifying its false foundations..Naive sensual claimants of this sect insulted publicly and hiddenly ..to Islamic jurisprudence and  philosophy . Penetrating into the..origins of the external worships and making doubt intellectual and ..jurisprudent origins Mohammad (P.H) faith , as a suitable means.. belonged to colonial governments , they rioted and agitated the.. country.. .          But , Iranian illuminate couldn\'t stand these faiths . In ..addition to correct understanding of all Shiites who tried to guard ..their \'\'eastern \'\' heart and honor , the Shiite wise men and scholar..confronted with such baseless delusions by educating pupils and ..writing works. .In Naseri era , some revolutions created in the field of wisdom....... sciences by entering new works and compilations and traveling..the scholars to the west . Iranian scientists were criticizing and ..interpreting the new an traditional ideas of intellectual or other ..sciences . For example , one of important works of higher wisdom.. school after Mulla Sada\'s book  \'\'Afsar \'\'  is\" Badaye –al-Hekam\".. written by Ali Modarres Zonnori in persion language .It is the first ..contrastive Islamic traditional philosophy text because it has ..proposed  Islamic traditional philosophy in comparison with the.. western philosophy (mainly Kanti). Having a new view to the ..foundations of Sadraee philosophy , he has expanded some issues ..such as philosophical resurrection , knowledge and substantial..(essence) movement . He was going to answer the seven ..philosophical  questions of Badi\'s –al- Molk Mirza ,Qajar ..princess, the questions which were arose in his mind by studying ..the European philosophical works . Paying attention to Mulla ..Sadra\'s views concerning resurrection or the immortality of human ..being after death , he attended to interpretation of Islamic ..traditional philosophy . Because of his fame , Bahai\'s became his..enemies..Investigating some pages of the contemporary history of Iran , we ..think and pay attention to documents concerning his visit with one..of Bahai\'s ....Philosopher Mirza Abdul Hassan Jelveh Isfahani. ...       Philosopher Mirza Abdul Hassan Jelveh Isfahani was born in a     .. family who were into knowledge and culture in Gajarat in 1238..He was of Rafi\'a – alddin Tabatabaee known as Mirza\'s ..descendents . His father , seyyed  Mohammad  Mazhar  was one of ..physicians and belletrists in Qajar dynasty . In late Safavieh period ..of time when Afghans attacked to Isfahan , his family moved to ..Zavareh . Mazhar  who had traveled to India to complete his ..medical  knowledge , was invited to Isfahan with his family by his ..learned and knowledgeable brother . Because, most of his relatives ..lived in Ardestan and Zavareh , Jelveh\'s family some times lived In.. Zavareh and some times lived in Isfahan. His father died when he ..was 14 years old. He was enthusiastic about education as he heard ..about his knowledgeable descendents . He head off Isfahan ;..although , the equipments of trip weren\'t ready . He resided in a ..chamber in \'\' Kasehgaran school \'\' . He was taught divine sciences.. by Mirza Hassan Hakim . He says in this regard : \'\' Because ,..temperament are in different sciences , my desire turned to.. intellectual sciences and I  spent my time in learning intellectual.. sciences such as divine, natural and mathematical ones .\'\' Jelveh ......was also skillful in literature and poetry so , he turned to befriend..to poet and talented people : \'\' In my prime , … I was interested in..being with belletrists , poet and some times  I wrote poetry .. I ..understood that writing good poetry is necessary for youth days ..and such commerce prevent every thing specially education … \'\'. .Thus , he seriously continued his education . He had some ..Students , too :\'\' I was busy studying and discussing and didn\'t rest...Most exact and sapient scholars had social intercourse with me.\"....................\"Kasehgran School\".          ...     After he was taught by Mulla Ali Nouri,  Mirza Hassan..Nouri, and other masters such as Mulla Mohammad Ja\'far......... Langroudi, Agha Mirza Hassan Chini,  Mulla Abdul Javad Touni ..Khorasani and Seyyed Razi Lahiji in Isfahan , He came back to..Tehran to teach and reside in \" Dar-al- Shefa School\".Apparently, ..this decision was made \" because of poverty and the urge for ..finding fault and the opposition of people to each other without.. any reason and because some people forced others to obey them.\"..Of course ,  Jelveh wasn\'t only beholden to his masters but he ..was extremely enthusiastic about searching in the ancients\' works ..in philosophy and reasoning propositions. Besides, he was paying ..special attention to the purification of the soul. He stayed in Tehran ..for 41 years .He spent most of his lifetime for discussion and.. studying . He was teaching to scholars who came from different ..parts of Iran in his big chamber ,while he was wearing a ..convenient cloth...          Philosopher Jelveh was dignified in his scientific.. declarations and was judicious in his utterance . For this reason ..not only he was secure from satire of other jurisconsults and ..scholars ; but also, great mojtaheds and even  common people..respected him . One of his pupils was Gholam Hossein Khan ..Afzal- al- Mamalek....... He says: \'\' In Naseri era when there were thousand philosophers in ..Tehran , there were three masters . Late Mr, Mohammad Reza.. Ghomshei , late Agha Ali and Mirza Abdul Hossein Jelveh . The.. first two masters were departed during Naseri era , so  ..Preaching intellectual sciences was restricted to Mirza Abdu..Hossein Jelveh\'s teaching . Jelveh was tranquil, dignified, and ..patient in his method of life and was aware and dominant on his. .pupils\' speeches and questions . He was stating all philosopher\'s ..reasoning whit their original statements not whit his own ..comments \'\'..        Jelveh was known as a great  teacher of Avicenn a and Masha\'.. philosophy in Tehran . In teaching each book , he was correcting ..the text and clarifying agreed and disagreed utterances concerning ..the compiler specially in teaching Mulla Sadra\'s Asfar . He thought ..\'\' Asfar \" is edited by Sadra\'s pupils . He tried to refer scholar\'s.. statements to themselves. .         Jelveh also had a special view to reasoning of gnostic.. discussions .                 ..In this case , he is considered as a person who is so close to..illumination [Eshragh ] faith . The following verse proves this ..claim:.......\'\'In the world market, wisdom is a precious good,..          .Our blaze love has fired this good.\". ...        In the way to become free from doubt and hesitancy, his.. serious will was to stay in the threshold of science doors of.. Household(peace be upon them). Its sign educating several pupils ..such as the contemporary wise and gnostic Ayat Allah ..Mohammad Ali Shahabadi , Mirza Taher Tonekaboni , Seyyd ..Hossein Hakim Badkoube\'i , Mir Seyyed Shahab –alddin ..Neirizi , Sheik Abdul Nabi Nouri , Seyyed  Mousa Zar Abad ..Gazvini,Mirza Hossein Khan Vosough ,Mirza Mahdi Ashtiani, and ..several other recent masters in philosophical school of Tehran. The ..blessing of wise Jelveh is apparent on his expanded Persian and ..Arabic compiles . His works are as follows:..abstraction of unity concept , postscript on origin and..resurrection of Mulla Sadra ,postscript on Avicenna\'s..\"Shefa\" ,postscript on Choghmini\"Sharh-al-Mokhles\".., proving essence movement ,an epistle about..\"Hadith and Ghadim \" ,collection of poems , an epistle..  .          about  \"prayer answering \"...... At the end of his life ,he was the first teacher of philosophical ..sciences of that era in Iran. By 1304 that he died , he was.. compiling ,thinking and educating pupils....BAHA\'ISM   FAITH...        After Amir The Great judical action in executing Seyyed Ali ..Mohammad Shirazi or Bab who claimed Bab\'ism , Mahdi\'ism and ..prophecy and then divinity , several riots emerged among the  ..Muslims of different regions of Iran .Several Bahai\'s decided to ..avenge on Qajar King but they didn\'t succeed  .so, King Naser –..addin was going to catch and kill them . One of them was Hossein ..Ali Niuri or Baha Allah . First , he sought asylum to Russian ..embassy and according to the Russian gimmick he was exiled to ..Iraq accompanied whit his brother Mirza Yahya (Sobh Azal). In ..Iraq , incentive thought of Bab\'s followers were attended by ..Colonial governments; Because , Bab had introduced Sobh Azal as ..his successor in his will , some disagreements were developed ..among two brothers ( Mirza Yahya and Hossein Ali ). So , Baha ..Allah called his brother as apostate. The continuation of their ..severe fights caused for Hossein Ali to be exiled from ottoman ..to one of the cities of Palestine and for Mirza Yahya to be exiled to ..Cyprus...   After a while , Hossein Ali clamed Mahd\'ism . He clamed that he ..has come back just like Jesus Christ and announced it to Pop and ..prevented him to oppose.  His claims didn\'t end up these ..statements . He claimed that he is God  Himself..     Baha Allah who claimed divinity died in 1309 because of ..amoebiasis . His son Abbas Afandi entitled \'\' Abdul Baha \'\' became ..his successor . Iran and Ottaman weren\'t suitable places for his ..proselytism . Thus, he traveled to Europe and America .  He ..was welcomed by those governments..    After Abdul Baha\'s death , some people took over Bahai\'s ..leadership. Bahai\'s  who had been settled in occupied Palestine and ..other neighboring countries appointed nine people in charge of ..Beit –al-Adl [ the house of justice ] in Heyfa , Israeel...This center became a symbol for worldwide cooperation of Jewish ..and Bahai against the interests of Islamic nations.Because the them ..of the claims of this sect were \'\'Islamic books and removing Jihad ..[fighting] and defense and co-existence whit the Jewish \'\' , the ..Jewish tried to show Baha Allah and Abdul Baha as symbols of ..Jewish victory and as a confirmation of ancient prediction ..Concerning manifestation of God\'s glow in the world.Of course,..this idea was extremely attended by Christian and Jewish institutes........         One of Bahai authors called Abulfazl Jarfazghani or.. Golpaigani had a special attention to other faith statements ..specially Jewish faith and considered the using thoroughness as an ..advantage in his several writings concerning resurrection ,coming ..back to the world , rising of the dead , doomsday and nullification..        Generally, this sect\'s view is different from Islamic one ..concerning the concepts of rising of the dead , paradise , hell , ..purgatory and resurrection .They believe that the paradise is ..ratification of Bab and hell is rejection of him. Rejecting ..monotheism,prophecy and resurrection ,this sect generally ..consider Islam and Shiism religion as abolished faith and religion...These beliefs and most of commandments of this deviant sect are ..reflected in Mohammad Ali Bab and Baha Allah\'s works. In their  ..works ,not only the author \'s lack of dominance on politeness and ..writing rules and various exterior conceptual contradictions are ..clear and distinct ; but also, \"the disavow of all sciences \" is ..specially emphasized .In Arabic language, this issue is clearly ..observable: ..\"destroy whatever you have written till now, and argue according ..to the book \" Bayan \" and teaching any book except \"Bayan\" is not ..lawful and everything which is invented by the name of logic,..... ..principals and etc. is not allowed for the faithful.\"..          Abulfazl Golpaygani, one of Bahai authors has written a ..letter requested by a man called Samandar .He has written about ..resurrection , spirits coming back and etc. according to Bahai ..foundations. Meanwhile, he says when he asked Shiite wise and ..philosopher Abul Hassan Jelveh some questions, he found that ..Jelveh\'s answer didn\'t agree with his faith. So, he criticized his ..answers .While a person review this 18-page letter, the beginning ..of the letter is an indication of the author\'s intend in invoking ..\"Bayan\" and other Bahai books. This letter is a reflection of the ..writing of Naseri era and also is that of baseless and long writings  ..of Bahai leaders . Anyway, this kind of writing can be considered   ..as the noticeable documented reflection of Bahai sect view to ..Islam faith and also as the intellectual method of Islamic rulers ..Showing a lot of courtesy to Samandar who was so influential in ..the society , Golpaygani showed a great attention to resurrection ..issue at the beginning of the letter . He reminded their visit in ..Tehran that how enthusiastic he is to visit him . Then, in an ..answer to Samandar who asked him about resurrection issue , he ..invoked the Quran verses and Bayan and Ighan book sentences to ..describe his stands in this regard . Golpaygani states that he has ..... ..written \'\'Ighan \'\' book three times and has read it 50 times in order.. to achieve the real monotheism and has found the base of ..erudition –specially in the field of resurrection –hidden in Bahai\'s.. tablets . He is happy that the truth is in \'\'Holy Tablets \'\' which.. eradicate doubts of scholars . Then , Golpaygani defines spirit and ..explains the reason for spirit to have body to do deeds . He ..believes that the difference in bodies due to different in spirits . He ..tried to prove the first euphoria concerning resurrection through ..invoking to the Holt Quran , the Bible and the Dasatir of the ..Zoroasterian  and added some statements concerned whit paradise , ..hell, semblance and conscience . He concluded that the quality of ..resurrection in holy books is obvious . But , it isn\'t achievable for ..the ignorant . The ignorant   who consider them selves as scholars ..and philosophers and urge arguing about words..          Then , he stated that last spring when he had walked in ..governmental  streets for recreation , he encountered Seyyed –al- ..Hokama Mirza Abdul Hassan Jelveh among the people who came ..out for recreation . He asked Jelveh to answer a question about the ..difference between resurrection and metempsychosis. Late Jelveh ..defined resurrection and metempsychosis and stated the ..cancellation of metempsychosis by some reasonings .  Golpaygani ........stated that the philosopher\'s answer is not enough because he ..couldn\'t find any document in 

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