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Baha'ism and Endowments

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Baha\'ism and Endowments

Ali Akbar Alimardani

Destroying and vanishing Islam from Iran was one of the most distinct policies of Pahlavi regime . 13- year prime minister ship of \'\'Hoveyda \'\' , Amir Allah\'s servitor is one of manifestation s of this policy . In his period of time , Baha\'ism cult advanced quickly and gained its unbelievable situation; a situation which was incredible for the leaders of this cult , too . They explained about it with indescribable happiness: Bahai\'s are successful in Islamic countries and can gain each concession that they want . All the investments of banks and offices and distributing money in Iranian community are related to the Bahai and the Jewish people . All the skyscrapers of Tehran , Shiraz and Isfahan belong to Bahai\'s . The economy of this country depends on the Bahai and Jewish people .

After gaining special financial and political situation, Bahai\'s were going to proselytize and expand their cult . The leaders of this cult believed that the way to dominated on Iran definitely is the campaign against Islam in the Iranian community . Executing this aim through this belief , they weren\'t afraid of stating it . They stated in their private coterie: \'\' some Iranian secret agents in the Kingdom court want to condemn Hoveyda , but he is one of the best servitors of Amr Allah and he has help 15000 tumans to our coterie this year . O\' Bahai\'s don\'t let the Muslims outbrave . \'\' Thus , Baha\'s were trying to infiltrate in different governmental and official centers and to do their Anti-Islamic programs through their agents . One of their important aims was dominating on Islamic centers and foundations . there were some Bahai ministers in Amir Abbas Hoveyda\'s cabinet but one of important Bahi\'s was \'\' Mohammad Hossien Ahmadi \'\' vice prime minister in Endowment organization .

1-Family Background and Education Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi was Ali\'s offspring and was born in Boshroueh , Tabas , Khorasan in 1298 . In SAVAK documents , his father was one of Baha\'ism sect missioners in Boshroueh . He finished elementary period in \'\'Targhib elementary school \'\' in his birthplace and high school period in \'\' Iranshahr high school \'\' and \'\'Dar –al-Fonoon \'\' and he graduated from \'\' laws and political sciences college \'\' , university of Tehran in the course \'\'Law\'\' .

2-Occupations Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi was an employee in Tax Office his professions were as follows: - employed staff in Tax Ministration - Staff in the General Office of exploiting estate .

- judical representative of general office of judical affairs and investigation of estate dissolution - The chairman of the office of investigation of the affairs of moveable litigations in judical general office , - The assistant in general office of ministerial office by continuing his previous responsibility and a member of commission for dividing lands of Yousef Abad - Inspector in exchange commission – the second representative of Tax ministration in exchange commission , - Foreman of Tax office in Kerman, - Foreman of Tax office in Gilan , - Foreman of Tax office in Isfahan, - Member of supervisory group in expenses of Isfahan municipality , - general manager of the collection of taxes in Tehran - The assistant of consultant minister in the office for investigation of complaints - Vice prime minister and the chairman of endowment office other Ahmadi\'s professions during his service to Pahlavi regime : - member of the board of trustees of welfare fund of students of science ministration and higher education, - member of the board of higher institute of building, - Member of the commission for naming of graduated students of university of Tehran , - attendant in coordination and supervision on the virtue of doing national civil camp programs of students and scholars, - the chairman of the committee for supervision on social activities of students working in governmental organizations , - the foreman of investigation of social and political issues , - member of the board of trustees of educational institutions of Farah Pahlavi , the foreman of Fatemeh Pahlavi , (King\'s sister ) - All the above mentioned occupations were cultural and most of his communications with the youth and the adolescent of the country . He consider these places as the best one for propagating his cult aims .

3-Embezzlement and Financial Collusions Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi received a bribe and colluded with legal and actual characters through misusing his occupational and the support of influential currents and save a huge amount of money as investments including receiving a bribe from Turbine Company in Isfahan .

His progress started from Bahai\'s ministration period . He was totally supported by Baha\'s band in Tax Office ; so that , according to the employees of Tax ministration , Ahmadi has misused financially in appointing and electing the members of tax commissions and the chairmen of Tax districts . He has appointed those who had bad backgrounds in bribery as the chairmen of tax commissions and disagreement solving . He has received ten to fifteen thousand tumans from each agent who had been appointed in sensitive post by him .

Now , most statistic which were received by the general office for collection in tax ministration were false and unreal ; for instance , the collection general office issued an statement that in such month , the amount of collection in comparison with similar month last year has been more . This issue deluded the government in financial incomes … In addition to Behnia , the former minister of tax office who has had intimate relationships with Ahmadi and has played to his house continuously and the rumors about Behnia\'s illegitimate affairs with Ahmadi\'s wife; Zolfaghari , the former vice prime minister and Keshavarzian , the candidate for delegacy of national Parliament , in previous election have close relationships with Ahmadi and Keshavarzain has been recognized and introduced as a trouble – shooter for Ahmadi in tax ministration .

4-Membership in courtier parties and Masonry Establishments At first , Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi was a member of progressive hub and he was also members of Iran Novin and Rastakhiz parties . Being a member of Reza loge in Masonry establishments , He was the chairman of Lainez of Yousef Abad .

5- Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi , the chairman of Endowment organization His most important responsibility in the previous regime was the superintendency of endowment organization . According to SAVAK documents , He was a Bahai person . His incumbency in endowment organization was to proselytize the formal religion of Iran is an issue which is worthy to think about it . Several of his relatives worked in endowment organization .

Appointing Bahai\'s in Islamic centers and foundations and executing some measures in that organization show the long term aims of the followers of deviant cult of Baha\'ism . They were going to destroy Islam and the Holy Quran through their variant actions . They were trying to announce Baha\'ism cult formally as one of official religious of Iran . Reza Khan introduced himself as Bahai by taking part in Bahai coteries and his sincerity to Asad Allah Saniee was an indication of his good relationships with Bahai\'s . He elected Asad Allah Saniee as special adjutant of the Prince . Saniee was Mohammad Reza\'s special adjutant during his position of crown prince and was the closest person to Mohammad Reza . Certainly , Reza Khan paid attention to Saniee\'s faith as Bahai . This issue became clear in Pahlavi court specially later on when General Ayadi became his intimate friend and his special physician . According to Fardoust Ayadi came and went into Mohammad Reza\'s private coterie and bedroom and Asad Allah Saniee became his minister of defense later on .

Existing documents indicate the collaboration and intellectual agreement of Pahlavi court specially Reza Khan and Mohammad Reza Pahlavi with Bahai\'s and they protected this cult during their governing on Iran . The followers of this cult dominated on all the country affairs by Hoveyda\'s prime minister ship .To know his coreligionist _Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi – Hoveyda appointed him as a chairman of Islamic endowments organization in order to be Islam and the Quran\'s minissioner ! The policy of Bahai\'s who were agents of Zionists \' intelligent service was gradual deviating of the Holy Quran .

SAVAK writes about publishing deviated Qurans according to foreign press : \'\' the issue is that the Israeelis have printed a new cope of the Holy Quran with the best and the prettiest quality on very desirable papers in western Germany with the lowest price .

These copies of the Holy Quran are distributing through their delegations in African countries and according to recent news they have started distributing .SAVAK continued about the deviated content : They have eliminated the verses which have criticized the Jewish and replaced them by new words in different parts in order to change it to get opposite meaning . We know that the meaning can be changed by eliminating points or adding them and Alda\'veh magazine has mentioned some of these changes .\'\' Attendants and programmers of endowments organization in King regime reversed the meaning and words of the Holy Quran by printing and publishing deviated Qurans and they translated and interpreted it according to doubtful and forged narrations and hadiths . They did such an action by the name of campaign against sham Islam . And false interpretations : \'\' Mr , Bathaee the assistant of Education Ministration has declared in a report to endowments organization that most of interpretations of the Holy Quran which were written in recent years are narrated based on narrations of the Jewish and the Christian which are accompanied with superstitions and are definitely false .

Not only they don\'t make the young people believe in religion ; but also, they have negative effect on them . He added that among the interpretations which he has studied , he has encountered a high – ranked one that was originally in Urdu language written by Seyyed Ahmad Khan Hendi . Late Fakhr Da\'ee Gilani translated some parts of it into Persian language which is nearly rare today . I entreat you to order translating this useful work if you will.\'\' This document is narrated by an official attendant of regime who has claimed printing and publishing the deviant Qurans . The interesting note is that a recommendation to use the interpretation of \'\'Seyyed Ahmad Khan Hendi \'\' \'s work is suggested with the excuse of safeguarding of Islam and preventing from unsteadiness of Muslims \' thoughts against the development of western thoughts and empirical sciences for adapting the new sciences with Islam .

To achieve this aim , they established a center with the cooperation of the English called \'\'English Mohammedan collage\" . He was in charge of the presidency of the board of trustee of the English College . Some scholars tried to anathematize him because of publishing his viewpoints which repudiated most of principle foundations and beliefs of Islam .

During Hoveyda\'s prime minister ship , Ayadi entered Bahai ministers into Cabinet as he could . Bahais were appointed in key posts by misusing Hoveyda and Ayadi\'s positions and penetrated in all organizations and ministrations . Endowment organization under the presidency of Bahai\'s published a Quran called Shahbanoo Quran which was translated and published by court interpreters . Forged hadiths were used in it and it was opposed .

They had to do some changes in it .

Translation, interpretation, printing, and publication of the Holy Quran which were done by Bahai\'s had some aims. The existed document remained from endowment organization shows the changes done in it and displays the scholars\' oppositions: \"…two letters were received from scholars and researchers outside and inside the country concerned with the oppositions against interpretation of the Holy Quran . After investigating and referring to related sources and bibliographies , the letters have been answered by the commission view.\" It\'s written in this document concerned with the use of other religious sources : In these meetings the rests of Surah Al-Araf and Al- Anaam which has 240 verses including introduction , translation , and margins were investigated . In introduction of Surah Al- Araf the materials narrated by the books of other religions concerning creation were out of place and might make the followers of other faiths and religions anxious and criticize us. Additionally , a narration which was related to the ancient Iranian was omitted .

Some revisions were done concerning other materials. Many changes were done in translation of text , the purpose of verses sending down .Unfavorable and unfounded narrations were eliminated and were substituted important social and ethical materials narrated by the Household of prophet Mohammad (peace be upon them) .\" In the text of the document, it is stated that the books of other religions and narrations of ancient Iranian creed were used and they have been eliminated because scholars and people may likely oppose them. On the other hand ,if there weren\'t any opposition , they would definitely print them .

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