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The first Cabinet Woman

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


The first Cabinet Woman

(Ibrahim Zolfaghari )


Bahaism was a plan with some plots directed by colonialists .

By the support of suitable religious sociology in social conditions

of that time of Iran and with regard to formal religion of Ja\'fari

Shiite (P.H.) , this project targeted the belief in savior . Colonialists

organized this project is Sunni communities as \'\' Vahabism \'\' .

\'\'Seyyed Ali Mohammad Shirazi \'\' – the first actor of this

event – who was famous by the name of Bab was recognized as a

suitable person to play this role . He claimed Bahism when he was

25 in 1260 A.H. and the sedition began .

The next step of this event , was followed in \'\' Mirza Abbas

Noori\'s \'\' house –\'\'Mirza Bozorg \'\' –one of secretaries and state

accountants in Mohammad Shah Qajar\'s period of time in order

for his offspring \'\'Mirza Yahya\'\' and \'\' Mirza Hossein Ali \'\' to

continue Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab\'s way .

After executing \'\'Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab in 1266 (P.A.)

Mirza Hossein Ali Noori claimed \'\' Man Yazhar Allahi\'\' . He was

one of \'\' Mirza Agha Khan Noori\'s \'\' relatives – direct agent of

England and King Nase-al –Din\'s chancellor who killed \'\'Mirza

Taghi Khan Amir the Great \'\' by posing different plans and became

his successor . Mirza Hossein Ali called himself \'\' Baha Allah\"

after a while in order to collect Babi\'s in Bahaism party . In the

next step , Mirza Yahya Noori (Sobh Azal ) – the younger brother

of Mirza Hossein Ali – became Bab\'s successor that these notes

has been written in the writings which is written about this cult .

Bahaism and after that Bahaism were followed by many reactions .

Thus , Mirza Taghi Khan Amir the Great ; the then chancellor ,

who had definitely the title of the athlete who fought against

colonialism –fought against this sedition .

These struggles made Bahism cult collapse and eventually

colonialism decided to settle the heads of this cult in Damascus –

which Palestine belonged to it : Mirza Hossein Ali Nooti was

exiled to Aka and died there and made his son Abbas Afandi as his

successor .

The role of this sect in helping with colonialists to from Israel

government and bestowing the title of \'\' Sir\'\' are so important .

The role of Qajar government in wandering the heads and

members of Bahaism cult , made Bahi\'s become Qajar enemies .

When England decided to overthrow Qajar government , Bahai\'s

dominated Iran by playing an exact role and conducted their lord\'s

commands and aims.

Some parts of this struggle has been narrated in Habib Allah

Rashidian\'s memories . His sons and he were famous agents of the

English embassy :

\'\' Some years before the coup in August 1299 I was going to

Ein-al –Molk\'s house –[ Amir Abbas Hoveyda\'s father ] who was

one of influential people in Bahi cult most of the days . He was my

friend . I was missioned by colonel Freezer to go there to acquire

some information about the people who had intercourse in Ein-al-

Molka\'s house and their speeches .

One day as usual I went to Ein-al-Molka\'s house –located in

Koushk st.- and I chatted with him for some minutes , an Indian

Persian man arrived there . His name was \'\'Arbab Ardeshir Gi \'\' . I

understood that Zoroastrian Indian man was one of old Ein-al-

Molk\'s friend . But , I don\'t know about their friendship

background . Ein –al-Molk called his slave as soon as that

Zoroastrian Indian man arrived and said :

\'\' Go and close the gate . Everybody who came to visit me , you

can tell there isn\'t anybody in the house .\'\'

That Indian man , Ein –al -Molk and I taked for

some minutes . Then , when Arbab Ardeshir Gi was aware about

my relationship with the British embassy , he befriend with me .

He was so enthusiastic about our friendship that when he wanted to

come to Ein-al-Molk\'s house every day , he called me and asked

me to come to the house .

The next day when I went to Ein-al-Molk\'s house , that

Zoroastrian Indian man was there , too . And just like two days ago

Ein-al-Molk called his slave and said: \'\'Go and close the gate and

tell everybody came to visit me that I am not in the house .\'\' That

day , the tone of Arbab Ardeshir Gi was serious and said to Ein-al

Molk :

\'\' I beg you something \'\' Ein-al-Molk replied respectfully : \'\'

yes , please \'\'

Arbab Ardeshir Gi said:

\'\' I beg you to consult with Bahai coteries and ask them to find a

tall , good –looking official and introduce to you . And acquaint

him to me . But there are to conditions : First , He mustn\'t be

gendarm and must be Cossak official . Second , He mustn\'t be

pure Shiite .Arbab Ardeshir Gi repeated this later statement

twice and said for the second time :\'\'

The official mustn\'t be Shiite .\'\' After that visit , Ein-al-Molk

acquainted Reza khan with Arbab Ardeshir Gi and Ardeshir

acquainted Reza Khan with Freezer and Freezer acquainted

Reza Khan with other English men who dealt with the coup

such asHarvard , Smise and Gardener – the English Consul in

Boushehr .\'\'

After the coup 3rd of Isfand 1299 .Reza Khan Mir Pang –

that there are some narrations about his religion and creed such as

:Ali Allahi , Bahai , Babi –became Reza Shah the Great after a

short period of time and he empowered Bahai\'s in Iranian court .

Electing Asad Allah Saniee , one of famous and influential

Bahai\'s , as special adjutant of the prince – Mohammad Reza

Pahlavi – indicated that the newly – established government of

Pahlavi was completely directed by Bahai\'s .

If Bahai\'s in Pahlavi court is counted in an independent

research one day , it will be cleared that in the period of governing

these father and son , Iran was dominated by this colonial cult to

the extent that after passing 76 years of this project which was

began in 1844 in had been exploited .

This presence which was expanding day by day soared at the

time of the prime minister ship of Abbas Hoveyda – Ein –al-

Molk\'s son . At this time , Bah\'ism project had been completely

delivered to the American . A cabinet which Amir Abbas Hoveyda

was its minister of Tax , had some famous Bahai\'s as the heads of

important ministrations , such as : \'\' Gholam Abbas Aram \'\' foreign

affairs ministration – \'\' Asad Allah Saniee \'\' war ministration –\'\'

Moansour Rohani \'\' Water and Electricity ministration – \'\' Ismael

Reyahi\'\' agriculture ministration –\'\' Houshang Nahavandi \'\'

Housing ministration –\'\' Ata Allah Khorasani \'\' Labor ministration

–\'\' Hassan Pakravan \'\' SAVAK .

Three months after Amir Abbas Hoveyda\'s prime minister

ship , He appointed 3 famous Bahai\'s : \'\' Manouchehr Shahgholi\'\'

as minister of health , \'\' Dr . Farhang Mehr \'\' as assistant of prime

minister and \'\' Farrokhrou Parssai \'\' as the Parliamentary assistant

of Education Ministration who became minister , after a while .

We investigate the first cabinet woman among them who was

Bahia and have power in the culture of Iranian Islamic country for

years .

Farrokhrou Parsa was born nearby Qom city in 1301. Her

father Farrokdin Parsa (born 1266) was grown and educated by his

mother\'s husband –colonel Ahmad Khan Istambuli –because he

missed his father when he was a child .

The reason that why \'\'din\'\' was added after \'\' Farrokh\'\' isn\'t

clear for us but because \'\' Farrokh \'\' was registered in some

biographies the reason of adding \'\' din\'\' to it is his tendency to new

cult of Bha\'ism and Bah\'ism probably.

Mohammad Sadr Hashemi invoked to his writing in order to

introduce him in the history of Iranian magazines and press and

writes : Farrokhdin Parsa was born in 1307A.H.

\'\' My father didn\'t see me and I didn\'t see my father . My father

was one of grandsons of late Mulla Ahmad Naraghi and was a

scholar who came to Tehran for education and got married with

my mother who was from a family of state accountants of Tafresh .

I was educated by my mother\'s husband (colonel Ahmad Khan

Islambuli ) . I studied in Iftetahieh , Sharaf , and Adab elementary

schools . The year when I must go to Dar-al-Founoun and start my

high school education , my grandmother who was my instructor

took me to Karbala . I studied and learned the basics of Arabic

language and jurisprudence and then I went to Najaf and I was late

Yazdi and late Khorasani\'s pupil . I came back to Tehran in 1325

A.H. and I was 18. my step father ordered me to find a job in order

for my earning a living . I chose teaching in one of elementary

schools . I was teaching in that school . I was also taught by the

director of school who was one of open-minded scholars and he is

going to become Mujtahed . According to his advice , I enrolled in

Jahangir committee which was active in returning Parliamentary

and I became one of the emigrants . After the arrived of Mojahedin

at Tehran and escaping Mohammad Ali Mirza I was transferred to

police force accompanied with a group of Mojahedin and I leaved

military instructions . I resigned because I didn\'t have fighting

spirit ; although I had received degree . I found a job as an

employee in \'\'Iranian police \'\' newspaper in order to follow my

writing spirit . I was a reporter in this newspaper agency which

change its name into \'\' Ershad \'\' later . Because I was encouraged

by the founder of this newspaper agency late \'\' Moa\'yed –al –

Mamalek Fekri \'\' , I was writing some articles , sometimes . I was a

correspondence of the following newspapers: Nowbahar of

Mashhad , Rahe Nejat of Isfahan , Mozaffari of Boushehr , Kamal

of Hamadan .

Farroukhdin Parsa got married with a woman called \'\' Fakhr

Afagh \'\' who was a teacher in a school managed by his step father

colonel Ahmad Khan .

Accidentally , Fakhr Afagh had gotten married before and had

a son by the name of \'\' Rouh Allah Javadi \'\' . Fakhr Afagh who was

educated in \'\' Doushizegan Vatan \'\' school with the conditions of

that period of time , and her mother was teaching sewing and

embroidery in that school got married with 25-year –old

Farrokhdin . There isn\'t true information about Fakhr Afagh\'s first

husband . But , he has been introduced as the first grandson of late

Hossein Javadi –Fakhr Afagh was a rebel woman who was under

the influence of open- minded teachings of that time and in the

height of preparing the condition for Reza Khan coup turned to his

husband\'s creed and he stated writing her husband\'s teaching who

was the interior manager of Ershad Newspaper . Farrokhdin\'s fame

made Fakhr Afagh famous in Iranian history of press . So , there

isn\'t any information about her family\'s name and fame .

Farrokhdin was stepping in broad – mindedness path day by

day and fakhr Afagh was his accompaniment .

In the eve of Isfand 1299 coup , Farrokhdin Parsa who was the

colleges of the prime minister of coup in Ra\'d Newspaper went to

Mashhad as a mission . In Mashhad , Fakhr Afagh received the

concession of a magazine called \'\' Jahan Zanan\'\' and it was

publishing for the fourth issue of that magazine that Seyyed Zia\'-

alddin Tabatabaee the coup chancellor called Farrokhdin toTehran.

Fakhr Afagh Parsa wrote in this regard in the 4th issue of

Jahan Zanan magazine:

\'\'Because my respectful husband is going to head off Tehran

to benefit his real head Hadrat prime minister and I have to go

with him , too, so , this issue has been published sooner in order

to say goodbye to you…. \"

Farrokhdin came back to Tehran and became the manager of

the press of state ministration but , the presidency time of

Farrokhdin was short because of seyyed Zia\'-alddin Tabatabaee\'s

government .

Jahan Zanan magazine which had been postponed for 6

months , started to run . The publication of the first issue of the

magazine in Tehran –which was basically the fifth issue of the

magazine –with the title of the founder:\'\' Farrokhdin Parsa \'\' and

under the responsibility of \"Fakhr Afagh Parsa\" coincided with the

Lunar Month .

Bahai\'s had special role in empowering Reza Khan and

introducing him to participants in the coup and it was a suit

able choice for them to achieve their goals. Thus, Fakhr Afagh

wrote an article in this issue of the magazine and opposed the

religion openly .People asked for the punishment for the founder

and the publisher of the magazine.

It was too reprehensible that the coup government couldn\'t

tolerate and exiled the wife and husband to Arak . in 1301 . This

phenomenon is mentioned as follows according to his statement

that he believed that he was naturally innocent:

\'\'When we came back to Tehran we started publishing the

magazine in Tehran again as my wife promised to publish the

magazine in Tehran . The first published issue in Tehran coincided

with the opposing policy towards Mr , Ghavam –al-Saltaneh\'s

cabinet . The materials of the magazine was about the necessity of

woman\'s education [!] but bazaar merchants attacked the cabinet .

Eventually , prime minister satisfied the opponents and exiled my

wife and I in order to make intrigued bazaar merchants quite . My

wife and I were exiled to Arak . When we arrived at Qom . we felt

that our departure to Iraq or Arak is hazardous ; Because ,

according to speeches in associations and mosques in Tehran , they

called my wife as atheist and his news was announced to Qom . In

a gathering in graveyard in Qom , I heard that they have

announced that the manager of Jahan Zanan magazine is the enemy

of the Household of the Prophet (P.H) . Thus , we didn\'t go to Arak

and stated in Qom ; because , some people were killed in Arak by

the name of Bahai\'s who were accused to burning the Holy Quran.\"

The precision of Farrokhdin Parsa\'s utterance concerning his

faith as Bahai doesn\'t need any analysis . Farrokhrou Parsa was

born in such situation . There isn\'t any information about the other

children of this family but , we know that she wasn\'t the only child

of the family ; because , their first offspring was a son called

Farvardin who was born in 1293-a year after their marriage .

Farrokhdin was so enthusiastic about his name and that caused

to name his three offspring as : Farrokhzad , Farrokhpour and

Farrokhrou and his interest to solar months –we don\'t know what\'s

the reason –made him call his two offspring as Farvardin and

Isfand . Isfand is the other name for Farrokhrou Parsa . In the

existing writings her name is written as \'\' Isfand Farrokhrou parsa\"

or \'\' Farrokhrou Isfand Parsa \'\' and sometimes in parenthesis

\"Farrokhrou (Isfand) Parsa\'\'.Meanwhile , in some cases there is \'\' I\'\'

at the end of her last name as \'\' Parsai \'\' that seems the authors have

made a mistake .

Farrokhrou Parsa\'s father and mother had various activities

that we aren\'t going to investigate them . Farrokhdin parsa died in

1350 when he was 94 and Fakhr Afagh was buried in Safi Ali

Shah monastry and we don\'t know any information about her death

time .

Two offspring of this family called :Farvardin and Farrokhzad

were in the Army and then joined SAVAK and Farrokhpour , the

other offspring of the family , became a judge .

Fakhr Afagh and Farrokhdin Parsa came back to Tehran in

1303 after spending their exile periods . The next year, Qajar

dynasty collapsed and Bahai\'s who had an important role at this

time of history headed off the court when Reza Khan ascend the

throne and avenged Qajar dynasty by the alien supports.

Asad Allah Saniee , special adjutant of the prince , stole the

Army provisions accompanied with \'\' General Ahmad Shirin

Sokhan \'\' who became Farrokhrou Parsa\'s husband later . Asad

Allah Saniee\'s daughter became Farrokhrou Parsa\'s nephew\'s wife.


Farrokhrou Parsa went to school in 7th district of Tehran city in

Abshar Alley when she was 6 years old and received the certificate

for ending elementary education in Khordad 1312.

Her other education steps are as follows :

Forrogh High school in Mashhad : 2 years . Her mother

was teaching at that school Forrogh High school in

Tehran : 1 year .

After ending the first cycle of high school , she went to

elementary teachers collage and received Diploma in 1318. Then

she went to science college . After studying for 3 years , she

received her B.A. degree in natural sciences .

After 3 years working in Education Ministration , she went to

Medical college of Tehran in 1324 and after 6 years she became a

physician in 1330 .

Other educational steps are as follows : 1-month period in London

(Isfand 1338) and 6 – month period in America (since Day , 1339)

Occupations :

After receiving her B.A.d degree ,Farrokhrou Parsa employed in

Education Ministration as a teacher in high schools of Tehran .

This employment was in Mehr , 1321a year after Mohammad Reza

Pahlavi ascended the thrown and Reza Khan was exiled to \'\'

Mouris Island \'\' .

Her other occupations are as follows :

-Tir , 18 ,1336 –the chairman of Dr. Vali Allah Nasr and

Noorbakhsh Dokhtaran highschools ,

-Azar , 11 , 1337 – the chairman of Reza Shah the Great

highschool ,

- Mehr , 23, 1342-the representative of national Parliament ,

- Ordibehesht , 12, 1344 –the parliamentary assistant of

Education Ministration ,

- Khordad , 1, 1344 – the representative in Education

Ministration in the permanent committee of SAVAK . this

appointment is so important ; because , he two brothers were in


Other Activities

-The chairman of academic women population dependent to

America embassy and I . F. U . W

-the supreme Council of women population ( the chairman of the

committee of Education and campaign against illiteracy -)

- the association of cultural women

- Moteragehi hub

- Iran Novin Party ( the member of political office )


In 1300s , by launching the schools \'\' Banin\'\' and \'\' Banat \'\',

Bahais showed their interest in educating the offspring of Iran .

They consistently wished to hold and control the culture of this

land , totally . They achieved their aim by appointing Amir Abbas

Hoveyda , Bahai Ein –al _Molk\'s son as prime minister . The first

woman who became one of cabinet members and became minister

of Education in the period of Pahlavi Kingdom was a Bahai .

The followers of Bahai cult were ordered by Baha\'ism party

to introduce their faith as Islam when they wanted to be employed

in different organizations and offices . Farrokhrou Parsa did it , too

. In a questionnaire which was completed by her in Ordibehesht ,

14, 1344 simultaneous with her appointment to the Parliamentary

assistant of Education Ministration wrote Shiite in front of the

choice religion . But her dependence to Bahai sect and her family

and her deeds and behavior who were in this cult for years were

obvious and clear for every body who knew their. Thus , it was

reported after two weeks of her appointment :

\'\' The election of Dr. Farrokhrou Parsa as an assistant of

education ministration who is attributed as Bahai and Azali cult

has a bad reflection among experienced teachers … . The

reflection of this action is opposed by clergymen and religious

bigoted people and has made the furious .\'\'

And the reported declared that:

\'\'In this sensitive moment that the country [ needs] the

tranquility and peace of different groups and people of all walks

of life . it wasn\'t necessary to bring this female parliament

representative to ministration . This action has blocked the

closeness and understanding between statemen and scholars in

addition to making teachers furious . The opponents have obtain

a new area of weakness because of this action .\'\'

Evidently , this source SAVAK didn\'t know that in this period

of time more than any other time , the prime minister –Amir Abbas

Hoveyda- will be attacked by people extensively . Also , SAVAK

was planning to force Hoveyda to kiss the Holy Quran and to make

the expenses of water and electricity of mosques free in order to

decrease the oppositions .

They shouldn\'t waste the time because they were going strengthen

Bahai\'s . Muslim teachers knew well that the transferring

Farrokhrou Parsa from Parliament to ministration as parliamentary

assistant is a preparation for making her minister and SAVAK also

knew that this woman :\'\' is specially supported by the prime

minister .\'\'

IN the course of this special support , Hoveyda participated in a

reception which was held in Tehran university club in Ordibehesht

, 28, 1344 in Farrokhrou Parsa\'s honor by acedamic and cultural

women . In this ceremony \'\' The cultural character of Dr.

Farrokhrou Parsa was honored \'\' and Farrokhrou said in a response

to this honoring :

\'\' Iranian ladies thanks the braveness of Mr. Hoveyda who has

served the community of ladies by appointing me as assistant of

education ministration . \'\'

This action was done in situation that different religious

associations including the clergymen weren\'t satisfied with this

appointment and considered it as \'\'an insult to priesthood rank \'\' .

But on the other side , Bahai\'s in education organization were busy

supporting her.

SAVAK that was in charge of security of the country , warned

although there some bigoted Bahai\'s such as \'\' Parviz SAbeti \'\' –

who hadn\'t become director general – in its organization :

\'\' In religious Shiite coteries the following Bahai ministers has

been the best and the most influential means of advertisements for

agitators \' development of aims : [Asad Allah Saniee] minister of

war , [Manouchehr Shah Gholi] minister of health , [Ata Allah

khorasani ] minister of labor , [Houshang Nahavandi] minister of

housing and [Mrs, Parsai ] minister of education .

And the ninth general office of SAVAK which was in charge

of researchers considered her as a Bahai according to the

backgrounds which were available in the third general office .

In spite of the extended disagreements to this appointment in

education ministration , Farrokhrou Parsai who was an influential

person before appointing started her activities to achieve the

minister rank by the leadership and guidance of Bahai spiritual

coterie. She started appointing her coreligionists :

\'\' Mrs , Parsa tries to strengthen Bahai bands gradually

and to appoint them , in the current appointment , Iraj Majd -

Sirus Majd\'s brother who is the assistant of labor minister and

is a farnous Bahai has been appointed by her as the chairman

of culture in Abadan .\'\'

On the other side , she was busy organizing , writing and

distributing declarations against \'\' Dr. Hadi Hedayati \'\' –the then

minister of education ;

\'\' Ali Akbar Shams … added this is the first time that I confess

that when Mr, Hedayati was minister and I was writing the

declarations , I showed them to Mrs ,Parsai in Iran NOvin Party

and then I published them . So , I am so close to Mrs , Parsai .\'\'

It was so clear for SAVAK that these measureswere done to

eliminate Hadi Hedayati and to substitution Farrokhrou Parsai

because SAVAK had the news and hidden actions of \'\' Some of

Mrs , Dr . Parsai\'s supporters who were famous for being Bahai\'s

were active in proselytizing whether inside or outside Iran Novin

Party .\'\'

Consequently , the rumour of her minister ship was being

spoken everywhere. In an interview between \'\' Farrokhrou Parsa \'\'

and \'\' Sadegh Naser Zadeh \'\' in Iran Novin Party site , it became

obvious that the project of eliminating Hadi Hedayati in favor of

Farrokhrou Parsa was going to be done at last , although ; SAVAK

had introduced her as \'\' Bahai, careful , fearful and doubtful \'\' .

Hoveyda is determined to add another Bahai minister to his cabinet

\'\' In a visit with Mr, Hoveyda , the prime minister , he said :

\"It is possible for Dr. Hedayati and you to elect as senators in the

next period of Parliament , that its definite idea will be announced

next week .\'\' If Dr. Hedayati elects as representative , I will eager

to serve in Education Ministration and if he remains in his post as

the minister of education , I will eager to be the representative of

Parliament .\'\'

It was clear that Hadi Hedayati had some powerful supporters

inside the Kingdom system such as \'\'Amir Asad Alam \'\' the court

minister and \'\'Ashraf Pahlavi \'\' , King\'s sister , and his removed

needed exact programming and suitable time and Hoveyda was

patient , too .

When this programming was done , Farrokhrou Parsa said in a

press interview :

\'\' Education Ministration isn\'t in coordination with the

social revolution of Iran \'\'

From the left : Farrokhrou Parsa , Amir Abbas Hoveyda

It was clear that the coordination between education and the

social revolution of Iran needed the change in high cadre in the

ministration ; a revolution that the designer of its territorial

revisions was a Jewish by the name of \'\'Roustoy\'\' and its executive

agent were some Bahai\'s such as \'\' Ismaeel Riahi \'\' \'\'Mansour

Rohani \'\' and … .

So several days after this purposeful interview , Amir Abbas

Hoveyda went to education ministration unannounced and

gathered all the assistants in order to introduce Farrokhrou parsa

as the new minister . It was obvious that the presence of prime

minister in this ministration for the first time was very important

and indicated the prime minister\'s special support of his

coreligionist .

The first reflection of this appointment was reported in

\'\'Sheikh Mohammad Razi\'\' and \'\' Jaber Allahi \'\' who were members

of directorate board of Isalmic teachings community as follows :

\'\'Dr . Parsa is accused with Baha\'ism by people and

clergymen whether it is true or false and it is famous that her

husband has built one of pillars of Bahai\'s in the Army. In

education ministration whose one of the courses is teaching the

Holy Quran and Islamic jurisprudence and religious teachings

must be managed by a person who hasn\'t any area of weakness

in his/her religious beliefs .\'\'

With regard to depth of Iranian people\'s trust to Imam Mahdi

(P.H.), Bahai\'s were ordered to deceive people when they were

extensively opposed . According to Bhai\'s habits in deceiving

people , Farrokhrou Parsa held a celebration for birthday of Imam

Mahdi (P.H.) in teaches club two months after her appointment .

this celebration which was held by the minister was unprecedented

. IN this regard it is said that :

\'\' Because of the manifestoes which were published

concerning Dr. Parsai as Bahai , they have held this ceremony to

remove the accusation against her as Bahai .\'\'

At this time , one of her measures was the breakup of the

commission investigating the education value of the scholars :

\'\' Dr . Parsai has dissolved the commission for investigating

the education value of scholars and those who received Ejtihad

certificate by the great spiritual guids in order for its value to be

determined by the secretarial of supreme council of education

since she has become the minister of education . Because of this

breakup of this commission , the scholars and the people like them

couldn\'t gain the certificate of education value by invoking to

having Ejtihad certificates which were given to them by the

religious scholars .\'\'

The ceremony for \'\' Reza khazaeli\'\' \'s retiring coincided with

the night of birthday of Imam Reza(P.H.) and it was a suitable time

for deceiving people . In this ceremony that Farrokhrou Parsai was

present , \'\' Asjadi\'\' the chairman of the association of cooperation

between schools and home said:

\'\' The minister is a Muslim and is so interested in Islamic


And the minister considered the holding of these ceremonies it as a

nice omen , nut \'\' Hamzeh Mansourian \'\' – the chairman of

education of the tenth district revealed this deceiving people and


\'\' Although the minister is interested to me but I am her brother –

in –law \'s friend and I know that she is Bahai.\'\'

Although, in some cases ,Bahai\'s who were present in

Kingdom regime bureau pretended to be Muslim and Farrokhrou

belonged to these people . but their hostility towards Islam was to

the extent that they restored the anti –Islam contract and sometime

es they showed this hostility in rather public associations . For

example , education minister\'s declarations among the directors of

schools of Islamic teaching community . When he entered the

meeting , he saw nearly eighty covered ladies accompanied with

twenty clergymen who were sitting in front of him . The rest of

participants – nearly 50 people- had beard without wearing ties .

This scene made him turbulent and he angrily said:\'\' What do

these ladies do? \'\' and he was answered : \'\' They are directed of

schools .\'\' he asked : \'\' which one has B.A. degree and which one

has diploma? And he was heard :\'\' two ladies have B.A. degree and

the rest have diplomas ..\'\' He said :

\'\' Why are you wearing veil ? Islam has never said that you are

wearing so … . These are superstitions … . superstitions must be


These actions and behaviors led to publishing manifestoes

against him that some samples of them were sent for \'\' Ayatullah

Khansari \'\' and \'\' Mr, Falsafi \'\' :

\'\' In Iraq, robbers , killers and hostility of the prophet (P.H)

and Imam Mahdi (P.H) dominated the government by coup ,

murder and criminal action . In Iran , Bahai\'s have occupied the

Islam . Culture through a Bahai woman and a Bahai general ,her

husband without coup .\'\'

The teachers who were aware of the robberies of the minister

and one of her complies by the name of \'\' Naser Movafaghian \'\'


\'\' Movafaghian , minister and the prime minister are Bahai and

because of this reason the prime minister has ordered the minister

of justice to suspend the issue of their misusing and to prevent

persuiting professional people who misused . \'\'

Eventually , getting married through the customs of Bahai

revealed that the ministers of education was undoubtedly Bahai:

That Thursday night , in the ceremony of marriage of Mrs.

Parsa\'s – the minister of education – brother – in-law with general

Saniee\'s – the former minister of war- offspring in Mrs Parsa\'s

brother – in –law\'s house was held . Mrs , Parsa\'s brother – in-law

is a judge . In this ceremony , engineer \'\' Rohani \'\' the minister of

agriculture and some followers of Bahai creed participated . Mrs ,

Parsa and general Shirin Sokhan were present , too . The sermon

which is usually recited by a clergyman wasn\'t recited and the

marriage ceremony wasn\'t done according to Bahai customs .

Result : Because general Saniee is one of famous Bahai\'s of

Iran , his offspring\'s marriage with Parsa\'s family shows that this

family are also Bahai\'s and their pretence to be Muslim is a

political expediency .


Farrokhrou Parsa got married with 32-year –old \'\'Ahmad Shirin

Sokhan in 1323 when she was 22 years old . She had 3 daughters

and a son called : Hamid (1327), Nahid(1328), Mahshid(1332)and


Ahmad Shirin Sokhan was a general in Army and his

background of misusing the Army munitions accompanied with

Asad Allah Saniee –a Bahai minister of war – needs a separated

chapted to explain .

The attempt to establish the occupying government of Israel

was one of supreme aim of Bah\'ism party and sending stolen

wealths of Muslim people to that land was one of their basic

activities . In this category Farrokhrou Parsa had a long

background . She stolen very much when she was working in

Education Ministration that its detailed report has been reflected in

a book in her name .

In this writing we didn\'t mention her ethical decay and we ask

the readers to study the documents which were published in this


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