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Baha'ism,Pahlavi Regeme And Scholar's Stands

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Baha\'ism,Pahlavi Regeme

And Scholar\'s Stands

(Rouh Allah Hosseinian)


Baha\'ism as an innovative faith had been opposed by shi\'ite

clergymen. The common interests of Bahai\'s and Pahlavi regeme

against Islam and strategic cooperation between Bahai\'s and

Pahlavi\'s increased shi\'ite scholars and spiritual guides sensitivity.

This sensitivity increased when relationships among Pahlavi

regime , Israeel , and Bahai\'s led to a trilateral contract.

Because of king Reza\'s hostility to Islam and the religious

structure of community of Iran , he appointed some people in

important posts of government. Those who were – just like him-

alien or opponent to this context .

Thus , he employed people who were related to special religious

group specially Babi\'s and Bahai\'s in bureaucracy office and soon ,

they turned into \'\' supreme economic and political power of Iran \'\'

.King Reza also appointed a Bahai Major called \'\'Asad Allah

Saniee\'\' as princess special adjutant .

Disperse reports from documents of King Reza\'s government

show that Bahai\'s had penetrated into most new organizations

such as Army , Train , Tobacco Office, Registration of Documents

and Education Office and held important posts.

The expansion of Bahai\'s influence in bureaucratic system of

King Reza\'s government became more clear after his fall . Bahai\'s

audacity, extensive advertisements , continuous establishing of

Bahai coteries and centers in Tehran , cities or even villages ,

killing the faithful were the indications of Bahai influence, power

and extensive solidity .

A review of priesthood challenges and the supports of

regime\'s agents in the period of second Pahlavi can prove this

hypothesis, increasingly .

Shi\'ite priesthood and spiritual guidance had a religious look

and stand at issues , events , people, cults, parties and nations.

Even in Anti-Colonial campaigns by scholars, Nationalistic

sensations have never interfered . Colonialism is considered

devilish because it was the visual concept of the dominance of

atheists on the faithful .

They fought with autocrat because it was usurper and didn\'t

observe to respect to the faithful property and soul .In

parliamentary revolution, the reason that the spiritual guides

supported was to consider Parliamentary as a power near to

religious ruler ship than Autocrat and they hoped Parliamentary to

execute the suspended Islamic commandment . They participated

in a war between Iran and Russia to vanish the dominance of

atheists on the faithful; they opposed to \'\' Reji Contract\'\' because

they didn\'t want that the atheists dominated on the faithful


Shiite spiritual guidance look to Baha\'ism was a religion-

oriented one after Shahrivar , 1320.They opposed Bahai\'s because

they are considered as an innovator and religion marker group

whose school hadn\'t been based on any religious foundation or on

holy book. Additionally , the Shiite scholars\' sensitivity increased

because of Bahai\'s dependence on foreign Colonialism or

domestic Autocrat and Bahai\'s misusing this situation.

According to available documents, the year 1322 was in

accordance with the first centennial of Baha\'ism . In Bahai books,

it had been predicated that their victory will start by the end of the

first century . So , Bahai coteries, increased their activities and

advertisements . It was stated in one of Shoghi Afandi\'s – Bahai\'s

leader- commands :\'\'before the end of the first century , the centers

and coteries will increase in cities and villages and every state is

the center of \'\'Amir Allah\'\'. It is necessary to attempt quickly ,

continuously , bravely and steadily . Your victory and success have

been guaranteed . I am extremely enthusiastic about recovering

definite victories .\'\' Following this command from Bahai\'s leader in

Aka , Israeel, Bahai;s coterie in Iran announced in a circular letter

in 14th of Tir , 1322 in accordance with 13th of \'\'Shahr –al-

Rahmah\'\', 100 of Bahai\'s calendar:

\'\'In order to achieve your goal, you must pass the rests of stages by

unique ambition and activity . you must seriously try to execute the

holy obeyed command completely in these limited month of the

last year of the first century of Bahai period.\'\'

Following these commands, Bahai activities extended . They

killed one of Shiite in Shahroud at the night of 15 th of Sha\'ban ,

1323. This issue became under the legal prosecution and Shahroud

prosecutor\'s office started investigating the dossier . In this dossier

, a report from police force to Shahroud governship has been

registered which indicates Bahai\'s influence in governmental

offices and audacity . The report is said that :

\'\'1-Mr, Naderi , the Chairman of Tobacco office ,

2- Mr , Rohbani , the Chairman of Grain and foodstuff office,

3-Ghobadi, Train office staff,

4- Mr Jazbani the staff of post and Telegraph office ,

5- Mr Sheidaee the staff of roadway and Mr, Khorshidi and Mr ,

Agha Zadeh the staffs of Education office and some of

governmental agents[had] entered in Shahroud in order to

proselytize . They stayed there for a while and then they are

dispatched to the mission site . They established secret

establishments and continued the success of their aims and

operations secretly . Even , at night of erd of Sha\'ban (Imam

Hossein\'s birthday ) or second of Mordad , 1323, Vali Sobhiani

Sangsari who lived in Tehran street in Shahroud insulted to holy

religion of Islam openly …

Their unorthodox actions made every body furious… .\'\'

One of Bahai\'s undecent measures was 13th of Day , 1328

event . In this event , some Bahai\'s attacked to an old Shiite

woman\'s house at night a killed six people horribly . The old

Shiite woman urged his beliefs . According to indictment of the

file , the names of these 6 people are as follows: 1- Soghra, 50

and her five offspring by the names of 2- Ma\'soumeh , 6,

3- Khadijieh 11, 4- Bibi,8, 5-Ali Akbar , 14, 6- Hossein , 6.

The old woman insulted Bahai\'s ; so that , she shouted : Damn

Abbas Afandi and Bahai heads in mosques and public

associations when preachers were preaching .

Eyewitnesses narrate stories about Bahai\'s audacities which

indicate the incursive spirit of Bahai\'s .According to Mr , Arsanjani

who had gone to Sarvestan , Fars to proselytize in Ramadan , 1329.

Even , Bahai\'s attacked to female bathroom and bring village

headman\'s wife naked out of it. They also fill the cistern of the

mosque of the neighborhood.

Bahai missioners were freely plying in cities and villages and

openly inviting Muslim people to Baha\'ism faith . They used pretty

women to proselytize . And attract the young more. Dr ,Berjis\'s

measures in Kashan for insulting the Holy Quran , molestation and

Baha\'ism proselytism became legendary story in those years.

Bahai\'s had gathered some naïve people all over the country by

establishing some coteries and made them so-called Bahai. They

had also a great center in Tehran called \'\'Hazirat -al- Qods \'\' which

had a dome and a vast hall. Bahai\'s had penetrated in government

to the extent that even the special physician of King was a Bahai

officer called \'\'Lieutenant General Abdul Karim Ayadi \'\' . Ayadi

was so attendee by the King that he was going to the court

everyday and visiting \'\'Sorayya\'\' –Iran\'s Queen . According to the

Queen:\'\' his smiles were more valuable than all remedies .\" when

the campaigns against Bahai\'s increased , he no longer visited

Sorayya . Sorayya asked the King the reason anxiously . The King

answered :

\'\'Ayadi was born in a Bahai family . These days, the greatest

spiritual guide of Tehran has incited people against this religious

group . It is better for him not to come to the court , for the time

being .\'\'

After subsiding the riots against Bahai\'s , Ayadi came back

to the court of Iran for Italy . He became the most powerful

element in the policy of Iran . field Marshal Fardoust writes :

\'\'A book can be written about this issue that did Bahai Ayadi reign

in Iran or Mohammad Reza Pahlavi?

In the period of time when Ayadi ruled , Bahai\'s had important

jobs and there wasn\'t any unemployed Bahai in Iran.

Anyway , Bahai\'s insolent behaviors , proselytizing and

preaching Baha\'ism among Muslims , their influence and

expansion among governmental organizations incited a wave of

sensitivity and opposition among Iranian people and people

sought asylum to Ayat Allah Broujerdi by sending many detailed

letters from different cities . According to late Falsfi :\'\' Ayat

Allah Broujerdi was under a severe pressure of public opinions .

letters were continuously sent from cities concerning that the

governor of here is Bahai or ; for example , the chairman of such

and such office is Bahai and they do every actions.\'\'

Residing in Broujerdi , Ayat Allah Broujerdi : was observing

the influence and audacity of Bahai\'s . \" The deviant sect of

Baha\'ism intensified its activities in Broujerd specially in

governmental office .

\'\' They were so audacious that they destroyed one of

religious school of city and instead they built a high school . Ayat

Allah Broujerdi tried to prevent them through legal ways , but he

didn\'t succeed . So, \'\' as an opposition to this issue , he exited the

city.The news of his departure motivated the citizens and people of

nearby towns to strike and demonstrate in Telegraph Office . \'\' and

the government felt that it was perilous for the government . So ,

they tried to return him to the city . \'\' and Bahai\'s were replaced in

city offices .

Anyway , people\'s increasing pressures caused for

Ayat Allah Brojerdi to take actions. First , he sent clergymen to

the site of Bahai\'s propagandistic activities and simultaneously , he

resorted to the then cabinets according to his political method in

order to prevent the violent actions of Bahai\'s . First he sent a letter

to Mr , Falsafi and asked him to note the issue to the prime

minister (Razm Ara ). It is written in the letter:

\'\' …people complain about the deviant cult of Baha\'ism by

sending letters and telegraphs for some days . For instance ., a

letter which was sent from Kerman , and a telegraph from

Aligoudarz … They imply that the governor of district and other

chairmen of offices support the deviant cult of Baha\'ism …

please visit Excellency prime minister and announce the issue to

him to end the issue to prevent the possible fighting ,

confrontation and bloodshed .\'\'

Ayat Allah Broujerdi\'s note wasn\'t influential. Mosaddeg became

the prime minister after Razm Ara . Once again , Mr , Falsafi was

missioned to speak to Mosaddeg about Bahi activites . Mr , Falsafi

visited Mosaddeg and imparted Ayat Allah Broujerdi\'s message

and said :

\'\' you are the chairman of Islamic government of Iran

and Bahai\'s are active in cities now . They have created some

problems for the Muslim people . So , they are continuously

sending letter as complaints for Ayat Allah Broujerdi . According

to him , it is necessary for you to take action . \'\'

Dr . Mosaddeg laughed loudly and humorously and said :

\'\'Mr, Falsafi , to me , there isn\'t any difference between Muslim

and Bahai all of them are of same nation and are Iranian .\'\'

The cabinets didn\'t pay attention to Ayat Allah Broujerdi

view. He received a worrisome news , then . After Ramadan 1373

[1333] , he wrote a letter to Mr, Falsafi to visit and investigate

with the King :

\'\' I had received a letter from my law years who had said that Bahai

cult manage oil company of Abadan … I don\'t know what will

happen for Iran\'s situations ? As if the authorities of Iran have fast

slept … It is may be possible to awake some authorities , some

times and to aware them to know that cult\'s propositions aren\'t

trifling . I see that this cult\'s actions towards Iran\'s affairs are too

grave . They have penetrated in governmental officers so much

that the court doesn\'t dare to punish even a Bahai who is proven to

kill 5 innocent Muslims in Abargou… . Anyway , if you deem it

advisable , ask the then court and announce these matters to the

Majesty . Although I don\'t think that these statements affect . I am

totally hopeless about the revisions of this country .\'\'

Because none of Ayat Allah Broujerdi\'s actions were

effective , Mr , Falsafi suggested to proselytize scientifically

against Bahai\'s when he would give a speech in Ramadan , 1374,

[1334]. This speech would broadcast through the radio . Ayat

Allah Broujerdi agreed and added that it is better to announce the

King about the issue \'\'; let it not the speech to be interrupted ;

because Muslims took it hard and Bahai\'s will embolden.\'\'

Visiting the King , Mr, Falsafi declared Ayat Allah Broujerdi\'s

view . The King answered : \'\' Go and tell.\'\' Mr, Falsafi announced

the issue to other preachers of Tehran to proselytize against Bahai\'s

scientifically in all mosques in Ramadan .

Ramadan arrived . According to weekly periodical \'\'Taraghi\'\' \'\'this

year from the beginning of Ramadan which is the mouth of

worship and Muslim gatherings in mosques and listing to

clergymen and preachers \' advice and speech , the issue of

campaign against Bahai\'s and Bahai cult danger were the top and

important discussions of most preachers and clergymen . The

clergymen agreement about campaign against Bahai\'s specially

severe declarations of Mr,Falsafi who was a renowned preacher

broadcasted through the Tehran radio , attracted public thoughts

and minds gradually ; so that , a week after the beginning of

Ramadan , call political issue and current events of the country

were influenced by the issue of Bahai\'s danger and campaign

against them.\'\' Inviting people to relaxation, Mr, Falsafi and other

preachers said :\'\'the declaration of these matters is for the

government awareness and for closing their centers and preventing

their activities legally and formally.\'\' Hadrat Ayat Allah Broujerdi

also stated in an interview in Qom :\'\'Discipline must be established

during the campaign against the deviant Bahai cult.\'\' Anyway ,

people who were at the end of rope with Bahai hostility and

audacities , seized the time and destroyed most of Bahai coteries in

cities and repossessed Bahai center in Tehran called \'\'Hazirat –al-


The King and cabinet that hadn\'t predicted people\'s reaction ,

tried to direct people campaign towards their will . So military

governship repossessed \'\'Hazirat –al-Qods \'\' and announced in a


\"Because demonstration and proselytism of Bahai cult has caused

for public sensations to be incited , it was commanded to military

forces to occupy the proselytism centers of this cult called

\'\'Hazirat-al-Qods\'\' in order for any possible event to be prevented

and public discipline and to avoid any demonstration and

intractable movements which destroy the public disciplines .And

believe that the government pays attention to people\'s sensations

and wills and thinks about people\'s relaxations and meeting public

requirements in order to execute His Majesty\'s intentions.\'\'

Following the closure of Hazirat –al-Qods and intensifying the

clergymen\'s campaign against Bahai\'s a great number of letters and

telegraphs were sent to support campaigns . According to press

reports from Mr,Falsafi \'\' I nearly receive two hundred letters and

telegraph everyday and it takes for hours to read them … and to

answer the phone . The correspondent asked : DO these letters ,

telegraphs and telephones confirm the campaign?...He said : all of

them confirm the campaign unanimously.\'\' Confirming his claim

,Mr,Falsafi took the correspondents to the next room to show them

the accumulated letters .Ayat Allah Hadi Shirazi issued a

manifesto from Najaf confirming Ayat Allah Broujerdi\'s

campaigns and Mr,Falsafi read it for people in the mosque and it

was broadcasted in the radio .Scrolls had been send from all over

Iran that the longest one contained 70thousand signature from

Kermanshah. Ayat Allah Behbahani thanked the King in a

telegraph concerning \'\'The closure of the hub of religious and

governmental decay… by Islam Army\'\'.

The King wrote as an answer to Ayat Allah Behbahani :\'\'As you

have heard us , we deem it our duty to execute Islamic rules . We

ask the Almighty God the continuation of this success.\'\' Ayat

Allah Behbahani wrote a telegraph to Mr, Broujerdi and called the

day of Hazirat-al-Qods repossession as the feast. Also , some

scholars from Tehran went to the King attendance and thanked for

the closure of Hazirat –al-Qods.

In spite of all these thanks and salutations , the influence of

Bahai\'s in the American congress caused for the King to be under


So , they prevented Mr. Falsafi to continue his speech against

Bahai\'s . Major General Alavi Moghaddam the chairman of police

force and Brigader General Tymour Bakhtiar the Military governor

of Tehran were missioned to warn Mr ,Falsafi on behalf of the

King to prevent his speech .Mr, Falsafi rejected the King\'s idea ,

firmly and suggested four proposals :

1) stopping broadcasting the speech from the radio,

2)Arresting and imprisoning me,

3)announcing the King\'s message by Moghaddam and Bakhtiar on


4)continuing the speech as before.

Both of them didn\'t accept these proposals and said it is an insult

to the Majesty . Mr , Falsafi answered :

\'\' If I say the Majesty has said , it will be an insult to him but ,

isn\'t it important for Islam , Muslims , Ayat Allah Broujerdi and

me to be insulted ?\'\'

The investigation became futile and Mr, Falasafi continued his

speech against Bahai\'s to end of Ramadan .

Mr, Falsafi attacked to the King in one of his speech and said:

\'\' O\' Majesty , our country has a lot of Muslim physicians . People

. are unhappy to see you special physician is a Bahai called Dr

Ayadi . Replace him .\'\'

In continuation of his measures , Ayat Allah Broujerdi asked

Mr, Safai – a representative of Ghazvin people in parliament and

one of clergymen who was in favor of Ayat Allah Kashani – in a

message for making campaign against Bahai\'s legal . But the

government preempted . Issuing a circular letter, the minister of

state –Alam –attended in parliament to explain . He stated :

\'\' The government believes that there are adequate laws to prevent

harmful activities of these sects and we can do this task in the best

possible ways .\'\'

Seyyed Ahmad Safai proposed Ayat Allah Broujerdi\'s message

and some delegation said :

\'\' Bahai cult is illegal and it doesn\'t need any law against it.\'\'

The circular letter of the minister of state is as follows:

\'\' According to the first rule of the constitution complementary, the

formal religion of Iran is Islam, the right twelve-imam Ja\'fari and

according to the concept of rule 21 of constitution , propaganda a

against religion and establishing associations and gatherings which

generate religious and mundane decay and impede in discipline ,

are forbidden across the country .

Thus, we execute the rules of constitution and dissolve social

centers which cause religious and mundane and impede in

discipline and security .We will seriously execute our important

duties which were taken over us according to the constitution . We

will prevent this sect\'s actions which is banned based on the

constitution … It is reminded that everybody who provoke people

against public security and the country disciplines with the excuse

of fighting against misleading cults , will be punished firmly

according to the regulations of public punishment rule which are

determined for such predicted crimes.\'\'

In circular letter issued by the minister of state not only the

name of Bahai\'s cult hasn\'t been mentioned ; but also , Bahai cult ,

clergymen – as \'\'provoking people against public security \'\'-and

people as \'\'accused\'\' were threatened just like a double –edged

sword. The insidious reaction of the government made Ayat Allah

Broujerdi furious and weakened his relationships with regime. In

attentiveness to his requests which were his campaigns against

Baha\'ism by the government was an onset of confronting Ayat

Allah Broujerdi with regime .All in all, one –month campaigns

which were done by clergymen ,had relative effects and destroyed

most of Bahai coteries across Iran. Most Muslims who

pretended Baha\'ism by provoking or financial aids, repented.

Bahai\'s quitted their audacity , became quiet and decreased their

proselytisms . Because of this movement \'\' several Bahai\'s escaped

Iran .By Mohammad Reza\'s command , Dr. Ayadi went to Italy for

9 months .In this manner , Bahai\'s who wished to win in the first

centennial defeated so that they couldn\'t express their existence , as

before . The other effect of this campaign is making division

between spiritual guidance and Kingdom.

After Ayat Allah Broujerdi\'s death and the weakening of

spiritual guidance base and direct intervening of American in Iran

and changing the King to an extremely despotic and quisling

element, the pertinences between the King\'s regime and Bahai\'s

changed. By expanding the relationships between the King\'s

regime and Israeel and Bahai\'s happiness with these pertinences ,

the sensitivity of scholars towards Bahai\'s intensified . The

scholars\' sensitivity was intensified by ratifying the bill \'\' Eyalati

&velayati associations \'\' , omitting swearing by the Holly Quran ,

omitting the proviso of Mohammedanism for votees . The

scholars concluded that these bills are preparations for Bahai\'s to

be appointed in important governmental posts . It was an analysis

which will be proved later . For example , Hoveyda\'s – famous

Bahai-13 year prime minister ship . Imam Khomeyni presumed

that the Zionist spies that is Bahai\'s have intervened in proposing

this bill . He said :

\'\' May be , the bill has been provided by the

Jewish spies or the Zionists in order to destroy the independence

and the economy of this country.\'\'

Bahai\'s are Israeel\'s spies and agents in Iran and this bill has been

designed and proposed for them to govern on Iran . Imam

Khomeyni wrote for scholars of Yazd :

\'\'You must attend that the most key posts belong to this cult

which are definitely Israeel\'s agents. Israeel\'s danger for Islam

and Iran is so imminent .A contract with Israeel against Islamic

governments is going to be or has been conducted . O\' the

respectful scholars and orators , aware other people of all walks of

life in order to prevent in due time.\'\'

In this message , Imam Khometni criticized \'\'the facilities which

were provide by the government for departing 2000 people or more

of the deviant cult , \'\' accompanied with paying exchange and

discount of ticket to take part in a Seminar of Bahai\'s which was

held in London \'\' while in contract , they make problems for

pilgrims to Mecca. Imam Khomeyni considered the above

mentioned cases as evidences of the government malices.\'\'

It was reported about the departure of 2000 men and women

Of this cult from Mehr Abad airport to London and the

government has paid 500.000$ to each person through the Central

Bank in governmental price. According to this report would hold

an association of 15.000 people in London in Ordibehesht , the 8th

in order to introduced a 9-people group as leaders of Bahai\'s .

Not only Imam Khomeyni but also all evaluated the purpose

of this bill as governing the Bahai\'s on Iran\'s fact . Mr , Falsafi

who was spoken man of clergymen said to the government

representative :

\"This bill\'s aim is not women\'s participation in election . Women\'s

participation isn\'t so important that all clergymen arise for it . This

bill is a plan against the Holy Product (P.H.)and as a means to

destroy the power of the Holy Quran and dominating filthy Bahai

elements on Muslims \'\'

The sensitivity of this issue is that the Bahai\'s consider Iran as

the second Bahai land after Israeel and as the center of uprising

and capturing the world . They showed the importance of Iran for

Baha\'ism by printing a ten –year map.

The clergymen\'s analysis was based on a historical

background and a quite accurate prediction . as soon as Bahai\'s

were supported by the government , and appointed on posts , they

humiliated the Muslims. For instance , the managing director of

Ferdosi store who was a Bahai , humiliated a woman who was

working in the store and was fast and wearing scarf . He ordered

her that she must unveil otherwise he would fire her .Bahai\'s

gained freedom of action and tried to bolster the fashion of cloth

or building and being without cover in this country according to

clear command of America, and London .The went a head and

predicted :

\'\' These Muslims will be destroyed by Bahai\'s and Hadrat Baha

Allah\'s world will bolster.\'\'

Moreover , the relationship between Bahai\'s and Israeel was an

intimate one and was based on common interests and having a

common enemy called \'\'Muslim\'\' . The relationships between

Bahai\'s and Israeel goes back before the World War I . The second

Bahi\'s leader , Abbas Afandi (Abdulbaha) was honored the title of

\'\'Sir\'\' and an athletic medal \'\'Kinghthood \'\' because of spying for

England and serving in English troops in \'\'Aka\'\' in the world war

against ottoman Muslims . Abbas Afandi was always supported by

the English troops deployed in Palestine and ottoman .He was

buried in Heyfa in 1300 .

From that time on , Heyfa became Bahi\'s resort and holy city .

After establishing the usurper government of Israeel (1327),

Shoghi Afandi - the original center of Baha\'ism . Israeel was the

first government that recognized Baha\'ism as an official faith

officially .Shoghi Afandi also obligated the international council of

Bahi\'s –He himself was its founder \'\'to communicate with

guardians of Israeel government .\'\' Honoring Bahai services for

Israeel , Professor Norman Tiving one of political Israeel

personages wrote :\'\' Baha faith\'s centers are Heyfa and Aka and

these two cities are sacred places for its followers and have

developed to the extent that have been established as worldwide

and international honesty .\'\' For this Bahai\'s spy in favor of Israeel

government in most countries . Being supported by the regime ,

Bahai\'s gained swift influence in the government\'s pillars in a very

short time that according to SAVAK in 1351 , the number of Bahai

employees have been listed as follows: 112 officers in sensitive

centers in the Army , police force and gendarmerie , and 56 high-

ranked employees from ministry to management. These jobs

included the most sensitive posts from ministration to presidency

of the Army library. It is obvious that the list presented by SAVAK

wasn\'t complete and hasn\'t included all Bahai\'s employed in armed

forces and governmental offices.

After the White Revolution and in a short period of time

,Bahai\'s occupied the sensitive posts including :

Lieutenant General Asad Allah Saniee the minister of war in

Hassan Ali Mansour and Hoveyda cabinet.Amir Abbas Hoveyda

the minister of tax in Hassan Ali Mansour cabinet and the next

prime minister . Mansour Rohani, managing director of Tehran

water organization, minister of water and electricity and minister

of agriculture in Hoveyda government. Leili Amir Arjmand ,the

head of the library of the national university ,the head of the

national library of oil company, special counselor of Farah , and

the manager of training programs of the Prince . Major General

Parviz Khosrovani , the assistant of general command of

Gandarmery in 1343, the assistant and headman of physical

education organization in Hoveyda period of time . Ata Allah

Khosrovani , the minister of labor , Farrokhrou Parsa , minister of

education . Dr. Manouchehr Shahgholi ,the minister of medical

service. Parviz Sabeti, the assistant of SAVAK .

Bahai\'s developed in a very short time occupied sensitive

jobs that there were nine Bahai ministers in Hoveyda cabinet.

In addition to occupying sensitive military and political posts

,the dominated in many economic resources , too. Hojabr Yazdani

who was a famous investor ,was a Bahai and the stockholder

of Iranian bank and agriculture development bank. Sabet Pasal

who was one of the great investors, was a Bahai. All the

stockholders of ZAMZAM company ( PEPSI COLA) were

Bahai. Even, cultural centers such as Iranian Television was

managed by Habib Allah Sabet Pasal.

The King was trying to support Bahai\'s so that Bahai\'s


\"The actions which are being done now( 1348 ) by His

Majesty , aren\'t based on the principles of Islam faith; because ,

the King himself is familiar with all Bahai orders .\"

Not only Bahai\'s were supported by the King ; but also,\"even

the president of America Johnson, congratulated Iranian Ahebba

continuously \" according to Lieutenant General Asad Allah Saniee

Iranian Bahai\'s just like the Bahai\'s of the world considered

spying for Israeel as an honorable –task. They were

excited because of the victory of Israeel . They formally said :\'\'

Israeeli government has been the world athlete in 46 and 47 wars .

We as Baha\'ism community praise the activity of this dear nation

… Our progress and success as Bahai\'s is that we have a spy in

every office of Iran and in all the ministrations . Once a week , the

prepared plans which are announced to the Majesty ,some reports

related to the plan are announced to spiritual coteries of Bahai\'s .

According to these news , SAVAK reports , too . \"Because the

Israeeli government has recognized Bahai cult as a religion

officially in 1972 , it seems that it tries to exploit of this Bahai

minority , politically and informationally . In other countries in the

world specially Iran through executing the program of the

endearment this cult . Iranian Bahai\'s were so wanton that they

gathered a huge amount of money to help the Israeeli Army .

The collection of Baha\'ism documents are honorable ones in

order to prove the accuracy and awareness of clergymen especially

Hadrat Imam Khomeini who recognized the purpose of passing the

bill of Eyalati and Velayati associations and understood that this

bill is going to be used for the influence of Bahai\'s and the Bahai\'s

are going to capture the political and economic posts and their

aims are parallel to Israeel\'s ones and surely spying for them is

their aim .

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