John Ford Coley

Tuesday, 27 February 2018 10:57 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

I was raised in Christianity. I joined a cult in the early 70s. I was drawn into Baha’ism simply because of the lack of answers and fear that was taught to me in regards to the return of Jesus. It actually scared my socks off. Therefore when I ran into something that solved my fear, I finally jumped headlong into it. It took me 28 years to understand what I had done.

By the same token, it has given me a tremendous insight into the camp of the enemy and the deceptions that are used to deceive people into believing something that is not true. And the enemy is very deceptive, make no mistake about it. During that time, I thought I was quite informed and well-read in the Bible. I was mistaken or else I would not have gotten involved in it.



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