Alma Engels

Friday, 23 February 2018 09:04 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

I gather that my experience with Baha'is and the Administrative Order differ from yours and therefore we see things differently.


When I first became a Baha'i, I heard that it took on the average two years before the newcomer gave to the funds.  Not me.  I gave immediately.  And I sent money to the NSA every month -- a small but fixed sum for I was retired.  I even changed from sending it every calendar month to every Baha'i month without reducing the amount.  Which meant I couldn't use the money elsewhere.


But things changed after a few years when I was falsely accused by another Baha'i of being infirm in the Covenant.  That ended with my being cleared officially but in the process I learned that the individual Baha'i is of no importance to the Administrative Order.  I am slow to react but eventually it became a matter of being obedient or following my conscience.  I did not think then and don't think now that Baha'u'llah wants blind obedience.  So I chose to follow my conscience ( I know of at least one person who took the

other path at that junction in his life and I realize that we don't all see

things the same way.)


But the eventual outcome was that I no longer give any monies to the

Administrative Order.  None at all because I can mark it for a particular use and it would so be used.  However, that just frees up other monies to be used in ways I cannot accept.


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