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Baha'ism under the support of Zionism

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size
Baha\'ism under the support of Zionism

(Taha Darivandi)

Apart from superstitions which are anti-Islamic and atheistic

existing in Baha\'ism , the reality that blocks the way of any

justification and reasoning for decisive clash against this cult is

Baha\'ism bond with Zionism . There isn\'t any danger higher than

this issue that Israeli heads are busy activating beside us not in

occupied Palestine .

Thus , we state some brief attachments of this cult to Zionism :

1) The center of Bahai cult and holy shrines are located in

occupied Palestine specially in cities \'\' Aka\'\' and \'\'Heyfa\'\' . Many

years ago , Bahai Babi\'s (Bahai\'s ) transferred Ali Mohammad

Shirazi\'s body who was their first god and prophet to Israel and

established a splendid tomb for him in cooperation with Zionist

regime . The Zionist regime also constructed and opened a 250-

million –dollar building for gathering the Baha\'ism deviant cult as

a global base of Baha\'ism in \'\'Kermel \'\' height in Heyfa city in a

celebration and dancing on Tuesday first of Khordad 1380

(coincided with departure of holy prophet (P.H) )

Baha\'ism ,The Deviant Zionist Cult

2) Baha\'ism and Zionism heads have had close and open

relationship from the beginning. For example:

-Israeli president\'s visit with \'\'Shoghi Afandi \'\' (Bahai\'s leader

after Abdul Baha) in farvardin , 1332 . IN this meeting, Shoghi

Afandi announced Bahai\'s willing and agreeable view toward

Israel and wished for development and prosperity of Israel. The

Israeli president also thanked for Bahai\'s measures and attempts in

Israel and declared his heartfelt wishes for success and victory of

Bahai\'s in all over the wor

-In this regard , it is worthy to mention a sentence by Rohieh

Maxol ( Shoghi Afandi\'s American wife who was one of Bahai

leaders ):

\'\' Israel and Baha\'ism fate and future have attached

each other like a chain.\'\'

- In 1947 when the united nations organization had dispatched

a commission consisted of representatives from 11 countries to the

region in order to comment on the future of Palestine , Bahai\'s

leader wrote a letter to this commission and declared that just the

Jewish are in the right towards Jerusalem and equilibrated the

Jewish with Bahai\'s .

3) A remarkable percentage of Bahai\'s are the Jewish who

have turned into this cult whether in the west or in Iran . as if , the

Jewish people are going to achieve their fateful aims under the

support of Baha\'ism .

For instance , turning into this sect by a group of Hamedani

jewish people , and the role of \'\' Mulla Alyahou \'\' and \'\' Mulla

Laleh Zar\" two Jewish heads in strengthening a movement called

\"Tahereh Ghorrat-al-ein in Bab\'ism proselytism.

4) I ask you to pay attention to some parts of three reports

from Baha\'ism meetings in Iran by SAVAK. These three reports

show the bond between this cult with Zionism Jewish rich people


\"A -…Mr, Farhangi (one of Bahai heads in Shiraz) declared

that :

All the investments of banks and offices and distributing

money in the community of Iran belong to Bahai\'s and the

Jewish people . Bahai and Jewish people are the important

invertors of this country . Hoveyda is an offspring of Bahai . He

is one of the best servitor of Arm Allah … . O\' sirs , don\'t let

Muslims grow … .\'\'

B- A Report by the coterie number 4 of Bahai\'s dated


\'\' … Abbas Afandi said: Israeli government was recognized as

the world\'s athlete during the wars of 46 and 47 and we as

Baha\'ism community praise the activity of this dear nation of

Jewish … .\'\'

C- The report dated 9/91346:

\'\' … it is heard that Iranians Bahai\'s helped a huge sum of some

million Tumans to Israel. Of course, it is supposed that Bahai\'s

help has been done through Mr,Ghafouri the political

representation of Israel in Iran and Mr , Habib Alghanian who

has been in touch with Habib Sabet who was already Jewish….\'\'

5) One of backgrounds of Bahai\'s bond with Jewish

government is semi-secret and Zionist organization of Masonary .

Baha\'ism teaching are in agreement with Masonary ones. For

example, the separation of religion and policy, laxity and

indulgence, establishment of global united government and … .\'\'

As an example of the cooperation between Masonary and

Baha\'ism , the trip during the years 1911 to 1913 by Abbas Afandi

to Europe and America can be mentioned which is considered as

turning point in the history of this cult . The main director of this

play was \'\' the global association of theosophist \'\' which was one of

the supreme western coteries of Masonary . During this trip, it was

attempted for this \'\' eastern newly –emerged prophet \'\' to be

introduced as a symbol of the emergence of new humane religion

and masonary .

Researcher : Hamed Farhadi

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