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Baha'ism in Pahlavi period of time

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size
Baha\'ism in Pahlavi period of time

(Ali mo\'amen Doust)

Although , Baha\'ism didn\'t have deep roots among

people, and didn\'t gain a lot of fans among Shiites ; but , the

activities of its heads and foreign supports were factors which

caused for this cult to continue its life . In Pahlavi period of time

Baha\'ism current could strengthen its bases in Iran increasingly;

because of laxity of regime . Regime allowed them to build their

coteries (Beit –al Adls); of course , regime\'s supports were due to

the English advice . Thus , this cult was supported by two inside

and outside branches . This issue caused for this cult to be

extremely audacious and to do some different measures in regions

which had secret agents including :

-Sabotaging and insulting to Shiite Muslims

- serious and audacious behavior against Shiite scholars

- burning Islamic books and publishing books (foreign story

books and deviant ones )

- Using female missioners to preach Baha\'ism beliefs .

- intriguing people of some areas against Shiites

- disuniting among Shiites and making disagreements to exploit


For example , \'\'Mohammad Hossein Arsanjani \'\'writes in a

part of his memoirs in the book \'\'Oral history of Islamic revolution

\'\' and points out Bahai insults to \'\'Ayatullah Rabbani \'\' in lunar

month of Safar and using female missioner and molestation against

holy entities and Muslim mosques continues :

\'\'when I went to Sarvestan in lunar month of Ramadan (1309),

the circumstance was too tense ; for instance , when people were

busy mourning , a group of people entered into the mosque and

insulted them and … In that region Bahai\'s had made seditions and

disunited among Muslims so much . Thus , Bahai\'s of this region

had a surprising authority ; for example , each village headman

who conflicted , Bahai\'s helped him and the village headman could

oppress Muslims practically by Bahai\'s tricks . In addition to all

brutalities made by Bahai\'s in that period of time , Bahai\'s had

great influence in governmental offices . All these issue caused for

Shiites sensations to be provoked against this deviant cult and its

supporters . Rasoul ja\'farian points out these oppositions in the

book called the currents of Iranian political religious organizations.

Perhaps , the first mentioned issue in this regard is the

materials which have published in \'\'Aeen Islam \'\' magazine . For

instance , some Bahai\'s were mentioned who were burning Islamic

books in Zahedan and instead they were publishing foreign story

books and deviant ones , openly . In above –mentioned magazine ,

a letter form some noted people in Qum city was published that

had written : Because some Bahai\'s have been busy advertising and

insulting to holy religion of Islam in Qum and this action has

caused great and extreme worry in people\'s spirits , it is obvious

that this issue is against the tranquility of and causes revolution ,

thus we ask the respectful officials to slaughter the origin of

sedition . Similar to this complaint , a complaint has been

published in the same issue of that magazine . \"After 20th of

Sharivar , Bahai riots have become more in Iran and they have

occupied important posts in governmental offices and continued

their propayanda . (After Islam , Year 2, issue 23 , page 10)

Another complaint about the people of Nahavand says about the

presence of several Bahai people who have occupied the important

administrative posts in the city . The addresses of the complainers

who was sending such letters from cities were governmental

officials .

Scholars of Tehran and other cities and Hadrat Ayatollah

Broujerdi . IN fact the religious people were afraid of Bahai\'s who

had entered into administrative and educational system of country

freely and become close even to the court .It was obvious that they

could proselytize Baha\'ism better by using this situation . IN a

complaint from people of Nahavand , the name and qualifications

of Bahai\'s who were the chairman of Melli Bank , the attendant of

opium monopoly , cigarette inspector and teacher have been

registered .

The movement of the changes of history proves this note that

the western colonialists greed to sources and reservoirs of

another countries . Thus , they might have more influence on those

countries which had more resources . Iran has been paid attention

by them because of having huge resources . But , in confrontation

with Iran , they encountered a powerful dam called Shiite school ;

because , Shiite school has been preachers of a life which has

disagreed the origin and base of colonialism . According to most of

colonialists Shiite thought and culture is a preventive element for

their benefits . Thus , colonialists such as England have used

various tricks and plans to campaign this culture sometimes by

dominating their agents on Islamic countries and sometimes by

supporting untruth religions and preaching deviant thoughts

following smashing Muslim lines and a barrier called Shiite . By

referring to history and paying attention to the relationships and

supports of England and some western countries from Baha\'ism

and specially Baha\'ism sects , these sects can\'t claim to have self-

assertion in the shortest time . We are going to investigate the

establishment of Baha\'ism sect in this article and to point out Shiite

scholars \' stand against this cult . First , we investigate Baha\'ism

cult , briefly .

Baha\'ism cult

The number one person and the founder of Bab\'ism cult is a

person called Ali Mohammad Shirazi .He called himself \'\'Bab\'\' at

first that is he is a gate or an element of relationship between

people and Imam Mahdi (P.H) . He had selected this name under

the influence of Seyyed Kazem Rashti\'s thoughts .Because he

believed that it is needed to be a mediator between God and


Because of this reason many prophets have be chosen by God in

order to be mediators between God and people . It is needed to be a

mediator between Imam Mahdi(P.H) and people and in each

period of time , it is needed to be such person . He adds that

because a house needs four pillars , the word had four pillars , too

including : 1-God is the original base of the world and in fact He is

the basic column of the world , 20 prophet , 3- Imam, 4- special

successors who are gates of this house (The world) . So , (Bab) is

called the fourth pillar of the world and is a communicative gate

and a mediator between Imam Mahdi (P.H) and people . Anyway,

Ali Mohammad Shirazi claimed that he is a mediator between

Imam Mahdi and people and called himself \'\'Bab\'\'. This issue

provoked most Iranian people\'s attentions ; because , Imam Mahdi

(P.H) and special attention to because of this reason many prophets

have be chosen by God in order to be mediators between God and

people . It is needed to be a mediator between Imam Mahdi (P.H)

and people and in each period of time , it is needed to be such

person . He adds that because a house needs four pillars , the word

has four pillars , too including :

1- God is the original base of the world and in fact He is the basic

column of the world ,

2- prophet ,

3- Imam ,

4- special successors who are gates of this house (the

world). So , (bab0 is called the fourth pillar of the world and is a

communicative gate and a mediator between Imam Mahdi (P.H)

and people . Anyway , Ali Mohammad Shirazi claimed that he is a

mediator between Imam Mahdi and people and called himself

\'\'Bab\'\' . This issue provoked most Iranian people\'s attentions ;

because , Imam Mahdi (P.H) and special attention to him have

special rank among Shiites . Bab started his activity and penetrated

among the naïve people to some extent . He gathered some of his

fans . When he found out that he could gather some fans he

claimed for Mahdaviat . This issue caused for Shiite scholars to

palaver and to repel ganger . Thus some scholars such as Haj

Mahmoud known as Nezam-al-olama and others arranged an

arguing meeting with Bab in order to investigate that he is right or

not and prove this issue for people . But , Bab was too weak to

present an answer for scholars \' questions . He couldn\'t answer to

most of their questions . At the end of argument , he

confessed his failure against scholars . So , he was captured by

Naser –al-din Mirza –Qajar prince . First , they were going to

execute him but when every body knew his ignorance and also

because he was Seyyed , they didn\'t kill him . Eventually , Bab

wrote a penitence letter and regretted all of his previous deeds and

beliefs . However , at Amir the Great period of time , Bab\'ism

sedition because active again and some other people claimed

Bab\'ism and Mahdaviat , this issue made people furious ; so, Amir

the Great was so hard on them and also on Bab\'ism cult . Even , in

his period of time , Mohammad Ali Shirazi (Bab) was shot .

Nobody could claim Bab\'ism for a long time because of Amir the

Great\'s enormous strictness and abundant sensitivity of society .

The emergence of Bab\'ism

In spite of depression of Bab\'ism in a period of time after Amir

the Great , this sect continued his way in a hidden manner and the

rest of this cult were in the society . Later on , this cult changed

and a cult called Baha\'ism emerged out of it . Thus , Baha\'ism is

the continuation of Bab\'ism . Bahai\'ism founded by a person

called Hossein Ali Baha who was one of Bab\'s students and

claimed his succession and like Bab , he published his opinions in

the form of writings . He preached Bab\'s teachings among people

with few changes but foreign support of Baha was more extended

than Bab\'s .

Bahai\'s relationships with aliens (Russia-England –Israel)

The Russian paid special attention to Baha . At the beginning,

they supported his very much and helped him publish his

thoughts and beliefs and help him openly . Even , after a short time

(after his claim) Baha was supported by Czar government . But the

main supporter of Baha and Baha\'ism cult was the colonialist

government of England . Baha and then his successors were

extremely supported by the British government and exploited very

much .And even Baha\'is son that is (Abdul Baha)received the title

(Knight hood) .But , the most remarkable and worthwhile note was

an intimate relationship between Zionists and Bahai\'s .On the

contrary , the serious and opposed stand by the Zionists against

other religions and intellectual schools specially the serious

opposition by the Zionists against Muslims .The Zionists had

intimate relationship will be more surprising when we know

Baha\'ism opinions concerning Jerusalem and Palestine .Bahai\'s

considered Palestine as a holy land just like the Zionists so , they

extremely supported the Zionists \' dominance on Palestine . There

for Bahai\'s were the main supporters of establishing Israel

government and maintaining and strengthening it . there have been

various meetings between Bahai\'s heads and some attentions of

Israel regime . Of course , Israel government compensated for

Bahai\'s attempts . And protected them extensively ; for instance ,

Israel government issued the allowance for establishing Bahai

centers in Palestine and cooperated Bahai\'s to found these centers .


1)Baharan Afrasybi- the comprehensive history of Baha\'ism

2)Mousa Najafi –The history of Iranian changes from Safavi era

till now.

3)The biography of the great leaders of shiism world Ayatollah

Broujerdi –Ali Davani

4) Golam Reza Karbaschi –The oral history of Islamic revolution

5)Hamid Reza Basirat Manesh –The scholar and Reza shah\'s


6)Incursion against priesthood and Shiite seminaries in the

contemporary history –Ghadre Velayat Institution

Ayatollah Broujerdi and other scholar\'s campaign against Baha\'ism

According to the extensive and devastating activities of

Bahai\'s , a huge number of complaints were sent for Ayatollah

Broujerdi by people from different cities . He had a special

sensitivity towards this issue and considered it as a great sedition .

He committed the government to be indulged in Shahrivar , 28,

1328 that the creating influence and strenghteing of this cult are

intentional , not accidental and the demonstrations which are

observed to be done by government againt them are just pretence

and found of reality not just reality . In a question about the quality

of having relationship with Bahai\'s , ayatollah Broujerdi wrote :

\'\' It is necessary for Muslims to quit their relationships with

this sect . I ask Muslims not to lose their tranquility and


Ayatollah Broujerdi believed that first, the campaign must be

done through advertisement and making this cult blatant so , he

sent some missioners to different areas to campaign against them

and some noted clergymen such as Imam Khomeyni (P.H) ,

Ayatollah Falsafi ,Ayatollah Meshkini , and …cooperated with

him . For example , according to Ayatollah Broujerdi\'s order

Mr,Falsafi made a speech about Bahai\'s , in details .His speech was

broadcasted through the radio directly which had great effects.

Ayatollah Broujerdi ; meanwhile , asked the king to announce this

group\'s activities illegal and to cancel their meetings officially and

to boycott them ; because , they had penetrated extensively in

offices and governmental posts . Ayatollah Broujerdi had a severe

confrontation against the king because Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

was derelict in developing a conflict with Bahai\'s . Eventually , the

strategies selected by him (Ayatollah Broujerdi) against Bahai\'s

were effective . That\'s why in one side because of other scholars

and his campaigns some Bahai\'s regretted extremely .In this way ,

their measures caused for Baha\'ism influence among Muslims to

be prevented and on the other side , Bahai\'s extensive activities

were prevented because of pressures which were exercised on the

court and fanatic Bahai\'s . In brief , his campaign and scholars and

Shiite people\'s cooperation caused for Bahai\'s claims to be broken

at that period of time .

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