Seyyed Ismaeel Zarwareh

Tuesday, 31 July 2018 08:10 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Seyyed Ismaeel Zarwareh’s was one of Ali Muhammad Bab’s followers in 1284 A.H. He turned against Baha’ism because he had figured out the filthy nature of Baha’ism. He was murdered when he was in the path of Kazemeyn in order to repent.

     Edward Brown (the author of the book Noqtatul Kaf) has considered his murder as repenting and turning against Baha’ism. Because he had continually observed the illegitimate deeds of the Baha’ism followers. He was going to repent Baha’ism by going to Kazemeyn.

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