Archived News (515)
Veil (cover) in human societies and in the deviant cult of Baha’ism
Written byBahaismiran.com:Cover is an issue which has been change into a pretext for governments and politician to demonstrate their powers in today’s world. Of course, cover is one of the important issues of the humane communities and a religious problem for security and mental health of men. There have human beings who have misused the earnest and crutial problems of the society throughout the history in order to unaware dominate and gather several disciples for themselves; so this issue caused us to investigate the cover issue as one of the important problems for you to judge.
Bahaismiran.com:However, who is the new manager of BBC Farsi? RoZita Lotfi is of the people who established the Persian department of BBC along with Sadeq Saba several months before the 1388 elections. He was one of the editors in chief of news writing department of BBC. He was been editor in chief in different departments of news for years. Like other high-ranking managers and employees of the Persian BBC, Rosita Lotfi has a close relationships with the Baha\'ism cult. Of course, this specification is a principle for everybody who wants to progress in the network.

Bahaismiran.com:TQ: Were Bab\'s orders and commandments executed?
Bahaismiran.com:The followers of the deviant cult of Baha’ism who were present in the sensitive governmental and military posts during the second Pahlavi government by the help of their lords; that is, Russia, England and their second master America penetrated in the army according to their orders. They had also provided the opportunities for Baha’is to seep through the military power of the country.
Bahaismiran.com:The dear users have continually heard about this claimed principle by the deviant cult of Baha\'ism:\" The separation of religion from polities\" The performance of the Baha\'i leaders have challenged this principle continually from the beginning of the establishing this cult till now.
Bahaismiran.com:Q: Have Bab and Baha’s science been extraordinary? Have Baba and Baha’s works been beyond hu8man sciences?
Bahaismiran.com:… Hoveyda has been the prime minister of Iran since Bahman, 1343 to Mordad, 1350 for 13xyears. He’s recorded the longest incumbency in Iran. As I’ve said over and over our relationship with the Iranian people was broken off due to Hoveyda…