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Who is Qorratul Ein? (Part - 2)

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

\"بهائیتBahaismiran.com:Previously, Fatimah had written a letter to Mulla Hussein in which it had been written: “Don’t forget me if you approached your aim”. Then, he showed it to Bab and Bad included Qorratul Ein among “Hayy letter; that is, the first 18 people. [Bab’s sedition, p. 169]. Thus, Bab could attract 18 people called “Hayy letters”. Qorratul Ein was one of them.

Who is Qorratul Ein?

(Part - 2)

Previously, Fatimah had written a letter to Mulla Hussein in which it had been written: “Don’t forget me if you approached your aim”. Then, he showed it to Bab and Bad included Qorratul Ein among “Hayy letter; that is, the first 18 people. [Bab’s sedition, p. 169]. Thus, Bab could attract 18 people called “Hayy letters”. Qorratul Ein was one of them.

Then Seyyed Ali Muhammad ordered these 18 people to travel to different countries to invite everybody to the faith. As soon as Qorratul Ein received Mulla Hussein’s letter and Mulla Ali Bastami –one of Baha’ism proselytizers- informed her of Bab’s emergence Qorraul Ein was revolutionized; so that she tried hard to preach and proselytize Baha’ism from that time on. (Bab’s sedition, pp. 169-170). In this regard, “Ali-al-Verdi” (1323 to 1416 A.H.) has narrated Qorrat-al-Ein’s measures in Baha’ism proselytizing in Karbala, Kazemieh and Baqdad cities. Regarding the increase in this lady’s influence, he has reported that many people participated at her classes.

The writer has also mentioned several oppositions and disagreements against Qorraul Ein. It is interesting to be said that these disagreements were related this lady’s presence in men gathering. Of course, Qorratul Ein was sitting in a small room in Karbala city and was teaching. The addresses were listening to her in a big room. However, as if he would changed her style; so that, she came out of the cover and was teaching on the pulpit.

She has also spoken to male aliens face to face.

In this regard, when she was encountered with several of her disciples, she decided to send a letter for Ali Muhammad Bab to ask for his answer. Bab confirmed Qorratul Ein’s action and praised her and called her Tahereh. From that time on, she was entitled “Tahereh” (Bab’s sedition, pp. 171-172)

Nevertheless, the disagreements were against Qorratul Ein’s measures in proselytizing the deviant cult of Baha’ism to such an extent that the faithful people of Karbala gathered togethered and threw stones towards Seyyed Kazem Rashti’s house where Qorratul Ein was residing. Eventually, Iraqi ruler exiled her to Baqdad. In Baqdad, Qorratul Ein was also proselytizing Babism; so she was seized in the house. (Bab’s sedition, p. 170)

Of course, Qorratul Ein adandoned the Islamic principles while she was proselytizing Babism. Master Navaee writes in this regard:

“The day when Qorratul Ein accepted Seyyed Ali Muhammad’s vain words, she didn’t obey the holy principles of the religion of Islam. She was the first person who violated the holy religion of Islam; so that, when people and shopkeepers of Karbala city cursed Seyyed Ali Muhammad Baba and his followers, Bab’s disciples didn’t buy them anything because they believe that everybody who curses the perfect Shiite and forth pillar is atheist. After the Bab’s minutiae treatise was published, Bab had considered God’s descendants look as one of purifiers. Qorratul Ein said to her disciples misleadingly: I am a paragon of the Excellency Fatimah (P.H.). bring everything you buy in the market to me to look. When I look everything becomes clean. The disciples did so, too.” (Bab’s sedition, pp. 170-171)

Anyway, During the time when she resided in Baqdad –even when she was arrested- Qorratul Ein was debating and challenging the Sunni and Shiite scholars. Then the Ottoman king sent her to Iran. (Bab’s sedition, p, 172) At that time, Iraq belonged to the Ottoman Emperor.

In Iran, everywhere Qorratul Ein was stepping a riot would be created; because she kept proselytizing Babism. The scholar deemed it their duties to prevent her beliefs. When she arrived at Kermanshah city, a riot was created too, she invited the city scholars to cursing each other. The same conditions happened in Hamadan, too. So, his brothers made her satisfy to go to Qazvin city. (Bab’s sedition, pp. 172 & 173)

When Qorratul Ein arrived at Qazvin, some people turned to her. It was obvious that Mulla Muhammad Taqi Faqih- Qorratul Ein’s paternal uncle- couldn’t stand her scandal and her attack to the religion of Islam. Because he assumed Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee, Seyyed Kazem Rashti and Seyyed Ali Muhamamd Bab as the sources of the riot, he attacked them fearlessly and cursed. The other reason was that when Qorratul Ein arrived at Qazvin city, Mulla Taqi asked her to live with her ex-husband again but she rejected. Qorratul Ein answered: My ex-husband curses the perfect Shiite (Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and Seyyed Kazem and Seyyed Bab); so he is atheist and we can’t make up again. (Baba’s sedition, pp. 173 & 174). Qorratul Ein also said if Mulla Muhammad wanted to live with me again, he could come to Karbala to be along with me in trip. It is 3 years that we have divorced and I have left him forever.

Anyway, Babis decided to kill Mulla Muhammad Taqi. Qorratul Ein ruled for his uncle- Mulla Muhammad Taqi to be killed. Babis are trying to hide this issue; but according to evidence she had ordered her uncle to be killed. (Bab’s sedition, p. 174)

Qorratul Ein’s followers killed Mulla Muhammad Taqi violently and he was called “the third martyr”. Then, his offspring Mulla Muhammad tried hard to retaliate. So, some suspected people were arrested and Qorratul Ein was captured in ruler of Qazvin’s house; but he could write a letter to Hussein Ali Baha in Tehran (1233 to 1309 A.H.) to ask for help. With Hussein Ali Baha’s help, Qorratul Ein could escaped the ruler’s house and came to Tehran city. (Bab’s sedition, pp. 175-177)

From that time on, Qorratul Ein respected Hussein Ali very much and even in Tehran, she respected his so much. After a while, the Babi heads headed off toward Khorsan and stopped in “Badasht” region (Badasht was the path for passing the passengers of Khorasan, Tehran and Mazandaran) (Bab’s sedition, p. 178)

They were consisted of two groups: a group headed by Mulla Muhammad Ali Bar Forosh entitled “Qoddous” and the other headed by Qorratul Ein and Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri. (Bab’s sedition, p. 178). It is interesting to be noted that Seyyed Ali Muhammad Bab had been prisoned in Makou following the sedition created by him in Islamic Lands (Bab’s sedition, pp. 100-109)

Consequently, Babism dignitaries gathered in Badasht to decide about two earnest issues: To free Bab out of prison and to abolish the religion of Islam. (Bab’s sedition, p. 179)

Concerning Bab’s freedom, they decided to travel all parts of the country to ask Bab’s lovers to gather in Makou- the place of Bab’s imprison- men – in order to be strengthened to ask the king to free him or to attack to free Bab themselves. (Bab’s sedition, p. 179) it is said that this was planned by Qorratul Ein. (Bab’s sedition, p. 179).

In Badasht, Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri was present. He recited and interpreted the “Waqia” [the great event] Surah; so that, he wanted to abolish the religion of Islam. It isn’t really obvious that the thought for this idea is originated by Qorratul Ein or Hussein Ali Baha; but these two people had cooperated together. Even, Hussein Ali suggested Qorratul Ein to call him Bahaullah.

One day, in Badasht, when Qorratul Ein was advising people, she unveiled and announced that Islam has been abolished.

It is continued...

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