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Mrs Raoufi VS Baha'ism Questions and answers Part (6)

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

\"بهائیتBahaismiran.com:Q: As we know Bab was invited to debate with the scholars and sages for his claims. What were the issues presented in the debate and what was result?

Mrs Raoufi VS Baha\'ism

Questions and answers

Part (6)


Q: As we know Bab was invited to debate with the scholars and sages for his claims. What were the issues presented in the debate and what was result?

A: Mo\'tamed-al-Doleh wanted to strength Ali Muhammad Bab Shirazi\'s stance and to confirm his learning and virtue holding a meeting in which most famous scholars of Isfahan participated. However, the scholars didn’t participated.

Mirza Jani Kashani writes: \"Agha Muhammad Mahdi ibn late Hajji Kalbasi and Mirza Hassan ibn late Mulla Ali Nouri were present and each one asked a question reading monotheism and wisdom science; but the answers weren\'t enough.

E\'tezad-al-Saltaneh writes: \"Agha Muhammad Mahdi said: Today, the gate of science is closed and God\'s promised one is absent. How do you turn to a matter and perform truly? How did you learn this science?\"

Bab answered: \"You are a student; but I am a learned person. You aren’t able to debate with me.\"

At that time Agha Muhammad Mahdi got silent and Mirza Hassan said: \"think about your student. We believe that a person who achieves the remembrance rank knows everything. Are you such a person?

Mirza Ali Muhammad answered fluently: \"Yes, it is so, you can ask.\"

Mirza Hassan said: \"one of the Holy Imams and the prophet\'s miracles is Tairul Arz [going from one place to far place in a few seconds.]. For instance, Imam Javad (P.H) stepped from Medina to Tous. As if all the cities between Medina and Tous vanished and he arrived there in a few seconds without passing those cities. Moreover, how was it possible for Imam Ali (P.H) to be in 40 houses at one night as guest?

Bab answered: \"Do you want me to write those problems or to answer orally?\"

Mirza Hassan said: \"anything you like.\"

Bab got busy writing. Dinner was prepared. He wrote several lines. Mirza Hassan picked it up and read and said: \"As if you have stated a sermon or have chanted; but you have written anything regarding the issues.\"

The debate remained imperfect and everybody left.\"

Then, after Babis\' riot, Muhammad Shah of Qajar order his prince Nasruddin Mirza who was living in Tabriz, the capital city of Azarbayjan state to from and hold a meeting to debate with Bab. The prince gathered the scholars, jurisprudents and sages and dignitaries and ordered mentioned that the result must be reported as a commandment and document and sent to the court in Tehran.

Anyway, the meeting was held. the invitees were present including Mulla Muhammad Mamaqani, Hajj Mahmood entitled Nezamul Ulama, Haji Mirza Abdul Karim(Mulla Bashi), Mirza Ali Asqar Sheikul Islam, Mirza Mohsen Qazi, Mirza Hassan Zonnori(Mulla Bashi), Muhammad Khan Zanganeh, Mirza Fazlullah Ali Abadi entitled Nasirul Molk( minister of state), Mirza Ja\'far Khan entitled Moa\'yyerudduleh (the minister of foreign affairs), Mirza Musa Tafrashi(minister of finance), Mirza Mahdi Khan entitled Bayanulmolk, Ali Muhammad Bab entered the assembly with his host, Kazem Khan. He was sat at seat of honor. The debate started. Nezamul ulama said: \"I have three questions; although I am not in science.\"

Nezamul Ulama asked: \"o\' seyyed, look at this book and it statements written similar to the holy Quran and heavenly books published all over Iran. Are those statements yours or attributed to you?\"

Ali Muhammad answered: \"Yes, these books are from are from God.\"

Nezamul Ulama said: \"You have called yourself Shajareh Touba in this book. It means that what you say is God\'s statements. On the other hand, toy believe that your statements are God\'s\"

Ali Muhammad said:

-\"May God have mercy on you. I swear by God you are right.\"

-People called you Bab.is it from you or people?

-From me. It is from God, too. I am science too.

-Where? In Ka\'ba, Jerusalem or Baitul Ma\'mour?

-God is everywhere.

-At that time, the prince stood up and said:

-O\' seyyed. If you can prove us you are science gate, I will bestow this post to you.[1]

Nezamul Ulama asked about medicine and ethymology; but Ali Muhammad answered he hadn’t known medicine and ethymalogy.

Nezamul Ulama asked about Imam Reza\'s (P.H) statement in Ma\'moun\'s assembly.

Ali Muhammad asked for grace period.

Nezamul Ulama asked about the meaning of a tradition.

Ali Muhammad said:\" I don’t know.\"

Nezamul Ulama asked: \"o\' seyyed, you know that the king of Iran is afflicted by Podagra and the Physicians are unable to cure him. I ask you to cure him.

Ali Muhammad: \"it is impossible.\"

Naseruddin Shah said: \"o\' seyyed this man is my teacher; but he is now old and can\'t travel with me. I ask you to make him young?

Ali Muhammad Shirazi Answered: \"it is impossible.\"

Nezamul Ulama said: \"o\' people. This man is ignorant. He doesn’t have any miracle and isn\'t merited to be respected.

Ali Muhammad Shirazi became angry and said: \"I am the man whom you are waiting for 1000 years.\"

Nezamul Ulama said: \"Are you the Promised Mahdi?\"

Ali Muhammad said:\" yes, I am.\"

Nezamul Ulama: \"what\'s your name and your parents\' names? Where were you born?\"

Ali Muhammad: \"My name is Ali Muhammad. My father\'s name is Mirza Reza Bazaz. My mother is Khadijeh and I was born in Shiraz and I am 35 years old.\"

Nezamul Ulama: \"promised Mahdi (P.H)\'s name is Mahdi. His father\'s name is Hassan. His mother\'s name is Narjes and he was born in Samra.

Ali Muhammad said: \"I\'ll show you my miracle. I write 1000 verses in a day.\"

The audience \"it isn’t a miracle. There are many writers or poets that are able, too.\"

Nezamul Ulama: \"when I was in holy places I knew a writer who wrote 2000 verses a day and eventually he became blind. Leave this action; otherwise you will become blind, too.[2]\"

Anyway, a valid document concerning that debate was reported by the prince Naseruddin Mirza to Muhammad Shah and it is now available in the Parliament library.

[1]-Fath Allah Maftouni, know Bab and baha.

[2]-Fath Allah Maftouni, know Bab and Baha.

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