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Passing Eyalati and Velayati associations law a means to empower Baha’ism

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

\"بهائیتBahaismiran.com:The nature of this written authorization was that three previously existed subjects were omitted. These three subjects are as followers: First: Being male, second: being Muslim and third: Swearing by heavenly books instead of swearing by the holy Quran for accepting great and sensitive posts.

Passing Eyalati and Velayati associations law a means to empower Baha’ism


One of the secret Colonial programs of the oruel regime of Pahlavi which was performed by America’s plan was that the non Muslims especially Baha’is are allowed to take sensitive posts in the country without legal prohibition; so that, they could be appointed as the Parliament delegations or be governers or mayors or members and the chairmen of city and village associations in the cities and provinces. Of course, as said before, this action was done for ministers and director generals. For this reason, the Pahlavi regime passed a bill entitled the senator parliament in 1341/7/14. This bill was passed in at the beginning of Asadullah Alam’s prime ministship. The nature of this written authorization was that three previously existed subjects were omitted. These three subjects are as followers: First: Being male, second: being Muslim and third: Swearing by heavenly books instead of swearing by the holy Quran for accepting great and sensitive posts.[1]

late Muhammad Taqi Falsafi

The great orator late Muhammad Taqi Falsafi writes: “Their aim is to assign the important posts to the deviant cult of Baha’ism. From that time on, they start their official activities gradually to dominate the cultural, economic, social and political affairs. Because according to Eyalati and Velayati written authorization, these was any differences between the Baha’is and the Iranian Muslims and swearing by the Qurand changed in  swearing by the heavenly books. This issue made it easy to swear by their book “Iqan”. The substituted the word “educated” with the word “being male” which means both men and women can take responsibilities.[2] The Pahlavi regime was following two purpose to assign posts to women: First, preaching unchastity and unveiling, Second: pretending it supports women’s rights. Of course, women has restricted during that period of time: veiling was forbidden for the students, scholars, female employees. They weren’t allowed to refer to ministries, governmental organizations wearing veil. Traveling by the national aviation of Iran was forbidden for the veiled ones. The veiled women banned to use bus services, to go to cinemas and cooperative companies for city and village and to go to libraries and public associations.

Imam Khomeyni (P.H.)

The then scholars headed by Imam Khomeyni (P.H.) felt dangerous. They opposed the written authorization sending telegraphs, letters and etc. a general riot was to be created in all cities of Iran against the regime.[3] Eventually, Asadullah Alam’s government was forced to cancel it in 1341/9/7. However, the great leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Excellency Imam Khomeyni (P.H.) said: “This canclement should be published in the press.” So, the government published this headline in 1341/9/10: “The written authorization dated 1341/7/14 won’t be enforceable.”[4]

Consequently, the great sources of imitation and Imam Khomeyni (P.H.) didn’t allow Baha’is to take posts and responsibilities in the government and destroy the written authorization planned by the Colonialism.

[1] The complete explanation of this written authorization has been published in the Keyhan newspaper dated 1341/7/16.

[2] Adapted by the campaigns and memoirs by the great orator Falsafi, pp.: 235-236.

[3] Refer to the book “The movement of the Iranian clergymen”, compiled by Ali Davani, Vol. 1& 2.

[4] The analysis of Imam Khomeyni’s movement, vol.1, p.p.: 187 and 191.

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