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Abdul Husain Aayati and Bahai’s Part(2)

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Abdul Husain Aayati and Bahai’s




The Truth will be always out
After 4 years of declaring the Baha’i Faith, in 1325, he was sent to Akka for meeting Abdul Baha. He stayed with Abdul Baha and his close aides for 80 days. He writes about these days as follows: \"I met one of his close aides and came to know that Baha’is had 2-3 close associates in every city who work for the Faith; who know their secrets well; who send the report of the activities in their cities to Akka and based on these reports, Baha’is make their further planning\".

In the first 3 months he discovered the reality of the Baha’i Faith. He realized their hypocrisy and understood that whatever they publish/spread is all wrong. Every year that Awareh remained a Baha’i, he was exposed to their falsehood and every treachery became known to him. After interacting with high ranking Baha’is the reality was visible to Awareh. He travelled to different countries and found that the Baha’i Faith was far removed from truth. He travelled thrice to Turkey and again travelled to Caucasus and once to Turkistan. He even journeyed to Europe and observed the reality of the Baha’i Faith from close quarters for 4 months in Europe. He stayed for 11 months in Egypt and obtained information from Arabs. He finally came to the conclusion that this religion is filled with corruption.

He realized that sometimes Baha’is conform or agree with one policy and at other time they oppose the same policy for their benefits. Some of the Baha’is stayed in Iran and other stayed in Philistine and India for propagation. Baha’is used to lie to attract the masses - they used to claim numbers for themselves in excess of reality. For example, they used to say that the Baha’is in those days were around ten or twenty thousand, whereas, in reality, after 5 years of their close relationship which they had developed with Awareh their numbers did not exceed 400.

Abdul Husain Aayati writes as follows: \"Nobody should think that I am just presenting the viewpoint of the religion which I wish or like but rather the interest of my country is more important in my view from the aspect of their religion especially love of freedom is of more concern to me than any other thing because the Baha’i Faith injures the unity of the nation. And despite the unity which we received from them, it was the cause of differences and dispersion.\"

Some of the youth, unaware of their intentions and hidden agenda, were taken in by seeing their apparent faces, their words and oily tongues; they thought that the teachings of the Baha’is would be beneficial for their country and hence were appreciative of Baha’i thought and belief. Baha’is used to associate with respected, dignified personalities and scholars in order to lead respectability to their religion and then gradually used to claim that these scholars had become Baha’i. They used to associate famous mujtahids with themselves. If they were unable to relate any scholar with themselves successfully in his lifetime, then after his death they used to relate him with themselves. They even related \"Ali Asqar Khan Ataabak\" with themselves. Ali Asqar Khan was the son of Aqa Ibrahim Ameenus sultan and was famous by Ameenus sultan. In order to achieve their aim, they stopped at nothing including murder.

The written works of Abdul Husain Aayati

Abdul Husain Aayati (Awareh) wrote two books related to the Baha’i Faith - Kawakebud Durrih and Kashful Heal. He wrote Kawakebud Durrih when he was Baha’i and was busy in teaching the Faith. He wrote it on the recommendation of the influential people when he returned from the journey of Akka. This book has been edited 3 times on their insistence. Even Abdul Baha himself has made some historical changes in this book which was not liked by Awareh. Awareh said: \"Thousands of historical incidents which were not to be rejected were removed from my book (Kawkebud Durrih) with the excuse that it was not advisable and hundreds of lies were inserted with the excuse that it was advisable. This book has the history of the Baha’i Faith.

Ayati says: \"This book has two volumes. It is totally not reliable because many changes have been made by Abdul Baha. Others have also written historical books on the Baha’i Faith but all those are baseless because most historians have taken their references from this book only (Kawakebud Durrih). This is because no other historical book was available in the market at that time. However this book itself is not valid from this point that it covers the black history of 20 years of Bab till the initial time of Abdul Baha and that too was written by Abdul Baha himself. Everybody who believe in the Baha’i Faith knows well that everything is filled with nonsense\".

Stepping backward

After he saw and heard this type of deceit and after the death of Abdul Baha, when Baha’is internal fraud which continued as per the wish of Abdul Baha, Awareh stepped backward from them and bid them farewell.

Awareh was upset at the hypocrisy displayed by Abdul Baha and his wife, and by Shoqi Effendi in the collection of history in his book of history. This motivated him to open up and speak about whatever wrongs he had seen and heard through the years. Due to this, Awareh dissociated himself from his own book calling it a lie. He therefore not only renounced the Baha’i Faith after 20 years at the age of 53, but also revealed whatever wrong he had seen and heard. This was the premise of the book Kashful Heal.

Awareh said: \"When I saw Abdul Baha as a traitor of Iran and also of religion and independence and politics of Iran, I moved away from him.\" When the Baha’is saw that Awareh had moved back and embraced Islam, they accused him of being an outcast right from the beginning. This accusation is completely misplaced. Awareh says that if the senior Baha’is were not convinced of the reliability of any person, they would not permit their wives to be photographed with him (they would not expose their wives to that person). However in the case of Awareh, one of the proofs of his reliability and proximity with the higher echelons of the Baha’i Faith is that they themselves had clicked the photos of Awareh with their wives. Another reason why their accusation is wrong is that the title \"Awareh\" which means \"One who wandered about in love of Bahaullah\" was given by Abdul Baha himself. Then how can such person be an outcast?

By reading Kashful Heal, one concludes that the Baha’i Faith is actually a fake religion which was started and encouraged by Russia to divide Muslims into different sects and to create differences amongst them. When Abdul Husain Aayati embraced the Islam and left the Baha’i Faith, members of the Russian embassy came and sought form him the reason for leaving the Faith which in itself is another proof of the links of Baha’i Faith with foreign countries.

How Bahais suppressed Ayati and his works

Another case of suppression involves John E. Esselmont’s use of materials by the former Baha’i historian Abdu’l-Husayn Ayati, named Avarih or Wanderer by Abdu’l-Baha. Avarih was also a “Hand of the Cause” who was commissioned by Abdu’l-Baha to write a history of the Baha’i Faith in Persian, which was published in 1923 and 1924. After completing a missionary journey to Europe, Avarih lost faith in the Cause and was subsequently declared a Covenant-breaker by Shoghi Effendi. Covenant-breakers are those who have accepted Baha’u\'llah as a Manifestation of God, but have later apostatized and opposed Baha’u\'llah, his successors, or Baha’i institutions. Faithful members are instructed to shun entirely those who have rebelled against the Cause of God and, although not explicitly commanded, the reading of material written by Covenant-breakers is discouraged as well. In the original edition of Baha’u\'llah and the New Era, Esselmont expressed his gratitude to Avarih for his assistance in the preparation of the book and referred to him as “the learned Persian historian of the Baha’i movement.” In later editions, this acknowledgement has been removed from the preface without any notation. Avarih was quoted five times in the original edition to shed additional light on certain events. Two of these quotations were dropped completely from the text of the 1980 edition, but the other three were retained entirely. However, in one note, Avarih’s name has disappeared and there is no reference to any source. In another he is quoted, but his name has been substituted by the words “On this point a historian remarks.” And finally, Esselmont included an account of the marriage of Abdu’l-Baha which was “kindly supplied to the writer by Janab-i-Avarih,” but the 1980 edition refers only to “a Persian historian of the Baha’i Faith.”

Source: www.bahaiawareness.com

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