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Jesus Christ

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Jesus Christ

By: Bob Pardon


As we have seen, according to Baha\'i theology it is impossible for God to incarnate Himself. Thus, it is impossible that Jesus could be God by nature. Baha\'u\'llah states, \"Know thou of a certainty that the Unseen can in no wise incarnate His essence and reveal it unto men.\"(1) It is appropriate to say that Jesus Christ is God but not that God is Jesus Christ. Thus he is one of the many Manifestations that have been sent by God to assist humanity in its spiritual evolution.

Regarding his resurrection from the dead, according to Abdu\'l Baha \"...it is a spiritual and divine fact, and not material...\" The \"raising of the body of Christ\" was actually the coming to life of Christ\'s teachings in the disciples. It was the restoration of their beliefs and conviction.(2) This is a critical Baha\'i conception as a physical resurrection would elevate Jesus above the other Manifestations by virtue of his victory over death.

It follows then from these two concepts that Jesus Christ is not \"the way, the truth, and the life\" for all eternity. Rather, six hundred years after Christ, his dispensation was supplanted by Muhammad, and his \"truth\" was replaced by the teachings of the Koran.

Critique of the Baha\'i Concept of Jesus Christ

First, Baha\'i concepts in general about Christ are based upon the \"revealed word\" of Baha\'u\'llah. These interpretations are true because he has said so. This is circular reasoning. \"I know Baha\'u\'llah\'s statement \'God cannot incarnate\' is true because Baha\'u\'llah told me it is true.\" Obviously, such pronouncements are easy to make because there is no accountability, no way to objectively test such claims. It is analogous to saying fairies really do exist in a dimension parallel to ours that we have not yet discovered. Such statements, neither verifiable nor falsifiable, are of no value.

Second, the Baha\'i understanding of the resurrection has become unhinged from history and the clear meaning of the original accounts. The tomb is interpreted symbolically as the \"tomb of unbelief,\" Thomas seeing the risen Christ in John 20:28 is really only seeing the \"believers willing to suffer for Christ,\" etc.(3)

The New Testament is an historical document that can be objectively tested regarding its reliability as can any other document of ancient antiquity. Again and again when such tests are applied, the New Testament emerges as one of the most historically accurate documents of ancient history.(4)

The clear teaching of the New Testament is that a physical resurrection occurred. John 2:19-21 states that he will raise his physical body. John 20:20; Luke 24:15, 39 are physical resurrection appearances. Acts 2:32; 17:31; I Corinthians 15:3-4 indicate that the apostles proclaimed a physically risen Savior. Only the most extreme \"spiritualizing\" of the clear intent of the text can render any other meaning.

Third, the Baha\'i contention that Jesus is not the Savior for all eternity is based upon their misreading of the relevant texts. They come to these verses with a certain set of presuppositions (previously discussed) that act like a packet of red dye thrown into the laundry. Everything that comes out is colored red.

Jesus said in John 14:6, \"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.\" The Baha\'i contention is that this was only for his dispensation that ended with the coming of Muhammad. However, there is no indication in the text that this is time dependent. On the contrary this statement could only be made by him because of what he has uniquely done; died upon the cross. Humanity\'s problem is sin and in a just universe sin has to be addressed in some way. Just to offer forgiveness without addressing the issue is to merely sweep the problem under the rug.

Other verses relevant to the uniqueness of Christ and his work upon the cross are Acts 4:12; Matthew 28:19-20; Jude 3. The verse in Jude is particularly relevant to this unique revelation. Jude writes, \"...I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.\" The intent of the Greek is \"once for all time.\" In other words, there can never be another faith delivered to humanity. This Gospel of Jesus Christ is final in space and time.


Shoghi Effendi states that true Christianity was perverted during the first century when false concepts crept in and were crystallized into doctrine.(5) This assertion is without historical foundation. However, history does support the contention that official Baha\'i histories do not square with reality. Suppressed source materials and the revision of deceased author\'s works are all too common within the Baha\'i Faith. It is also a system that is not logically coherent regarding the nature of God, the co-eternity of the universe, differing Manifestations and the relativity of truth.


1. Baha\'u\'llah, Gleanings, p. 49.

2. Abdu\'l Baha, Some Answered, p. 104.

3. Michael Sours, Preparing for a Baha\'i/Christian Dialogue: Understanding Christian Beliefs (Oxford: One World Publications, Ltd., 1991) pp. 142-156.

4. Josh McDowell, compiler, Evidence That Demands a Verdict (San Bernadino, CA: Campus Crusade for Christ, 1972).

5. As quoted in Sours, Understanding Christian Beliefs, p. 74.

Source: www.bahai1.htm

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