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19 Questions for the Bahais

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

19 Questions for the Bahais

By: Dr. Mohammed Alam Qurayshi


The Baha’i Faith teaches that we should search for the truth and do an independent investigation. How about doing a quick investigation of the Baha’i Faith? Let us ask a few questions to the Baha’is and hope they realize the truth.

1. On p 293 of Ishraqaat Bahaullah declared that Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) is the LAST Prophet and Messenger, then who was Bahaullah?

2. Since when did Bab become the Prophet herald of Bahaullah, when during his lifetime he claimed to be the door to Imam Mehdi (pbuh)?

3. If Bab was the forerunner for Bahaullah, then why did he appoint Bahaullah’s brother as his successor and not Bahaullah?

4. Why did Bab’s successor and most of the special companions of Bab (Huruf-e-Hayy) not accept Bahaullah’s claims?

5. Baha’is preach so much about Unity then why are there so many sects in the Baha’i Faith?

6. Why are the Orthodox Baha’is called Covenant Breakers when they are closer to Bahaullah’s teachings than the mainstream Baha’is?

7. The constituents of Universal House of Justice are all fallible, then how does the House of Justice become infallible?

8. Do the Baha’is need a clergy with such a dictatorial House of Justice and other Assemblies?

9. Why is no woman allowed to become a member of the Universal House of Justice?

10. If the Baha’i Faith is a universal religion, why are the Baha’is not allowed to preach in Israel?

11. If the Baha’i Faith preaches peace, then why is the early Baha’i writings and history full of bloodshed?

12. What is that one universal language that Baha’is want to establish?

13. When religion and science are to be in harmony, why are so many ideas in the Baha’i faith contrary to science?

14. If independently investing the truth is an important principle, why are the Baha’is not allowed to question the Baha’i beliefs?

15. Are the Baha’i activities world over being restricted because they are spreading falsehood in the society?

16. Why are the number of Baha’is stated by the Baha’is always a multiple of the actual and those reported by independent agencies?

17. If Baha’i Faith is a religion, why does it function like an organization?

18. With so many distortions made in Baha’i books, can we trust the Baha’is?

19. If The Baha’i faith is a true religion, then why are the Baha’is hiding the truth?


Source: www.thebahaitruth.com

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