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The hidden dimensions of preaching Tree mysticism

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

The hidden dimensions of preaching Tree mysticism

Is tree a means of connection to sky? How is the tree stand among different religions? Why are the Jewish religion and the deceitful mysticism of Kabala extremely interested in tree? What is the aims of manipulation in Shiite beliefs? Go along with this report in order to find out the hidden dimensions of preaching Tree mysticism.

According to Ferqeh News: The concepts and words applied in various intellectual and cult systems sometimes have some similarities and differences with each other. For instance, some concepts such as “futurity”, “prosperity”, “spiritual life” and etc. are used in all religions and in most new cults; but each of these concepts , based on the context and system to which they belong, has a different “position and meaning “ which is sometimes in contrast with the meaning of that concept in another one.

One of the concepts that has a special status in different religious and pseudo-religion events is the concept of tree. In the Holy Quran also this concept repeatedly referred to. In the holy Quran language, tree has been used for allegory of monotheism idea and polytheism one in interpretations such as pure tree and malicious one and sometimes it has been used in description of public unity of creation with several interpretations such as “ The stars and the trees adore”. In the narrative of prophecy of Moses (PBUH), this issue has also been mentioned that God spoke to the Prophet of God beyond a tree.


One of the concepts that has a special status in different religious and pseudo-religion events is the concept of tree.

In the story of Adam (PBUH) descent of Heaven, the holy Quran also mentions that the devil tempted his \"tree of immortality\". But none of the descriptions in the holy Quran about some phenomenon, such as trees, rocks, edible things, (such as: olives, honey, fig and ...), Animals (such as: The Sleepers of Ephesus’s dog, hoopoe and Solomon’s Ant, Salih camel, Flying creatures and …) and other natural phenomena (fire, the mountains, the sea, the winds, the Moon, the stars, the Meteor, the Sun, etc.), don’t mean that these affairs are holy metaphysically.But all of them are noticeable because they are some parts of God’s wonderful creation and are manifestations of His beauty, wisdom, mercy and majesty.

None of the interpretations of the holy Quran about this phenomenon can be assumed as a justification for the commemoration and the superstitious holiness of the parts of the nature. The sanctity of materialistic objects and places are always due to a metaphysical truth and virtue attributed to that those things. For example, the holiness of Karbala’s soil is due to its relationship with the holy body of the Lord of the Martyrs and Ashura event and not due to the inner characteristic that “the land” possesses.

With regard to the natural element of \"water\", God has applied an interpretation that has not been mentioned for any element (and we made every living thing of water);however this interpretation hasn’t a superstitious holiness for water among Muslims and even though the rain and water have been assumed as\" signs of God’s mercy “, but no group or cult has considered water as a “ mediator between the earth (the physical universe and heaven) .


With regard to the \"water\", God has applied an interpretation that has not been mentioned for any element (and we made every living thing of water);however this interpretation hasn’t a superstitious holiness for water among Muslims

However, the tree in the Kabbalah and Paganisti cults has a holy and metaphysical place. All the ontology of Kabbalah creed and Jewish mythology in the form of symbolic are introduced in a tree called \"the tree of life\". The tree of life, the tree of knowledge, the tree of death, the tree of spirits and the cosmic tree including the metaphor that are relying on the concept of the tree which have been used in Kabbalisti teachings to describe the world.

However the holy place of tree and being the ring of sky and the Earth in the cult of Kabbalah aren’t only limited to metaphor meanings. In the Kabbalah creed tree is paid attention not only as a manifestation of God’s creation but also as a mediator between the heaven and the physical world. This deep belief has been mainly formalized based on mystery and the statements of great sages of the Kabbalah and it has less presented and utilized verbal presentation to justify it.


All the ontology of Kabbalah creed and Jewish mythology in the form of symbolic are introduced in a tree called \"the tree of life\".

Rabbi “Isaac ibn Solemon luria” also known as “Isaac Luria” which is known as the father of modern-day Kabbalai, was of those who believed in tree as a mediate ring between the heaven and the physical world. He considered trees as places for relaxing human lives after the death. It is said about his biography that he had \"particular attention\" to the spring and he was performing special devotional deeds in front of trees in the month of \"Nissan” when the trees were blooming. He believed that he helps the wandering souls of those who are in the tree to ascend transcendence instead of falling down. According to Kabbalists the tradition of luria was to take his pupils among the trees and nature to teach them there.


Rabbi “Isaac Luria” which is known as the father of modern-day Kabbala, was of those who believed in tree as a mediate ring between the heaven and the physical world. It is said about his biography that he had \"particular attention\" to the spring and he was performing special devotional deeds in front of trees in the month of \"Nissan” when the trees were blooming.

According to his pupils, one of these days he opens his eyes and sees the trees as human souls having lots of spirits. luria asks the souls of the dead: Why have you stopped here (in the trees)? The souls answer: Because we were criminals when we were alive. We know you and we know you can help us. Luria also promises to help them to get rid of tree purgatory and to ascend height. His pupils were watching him speaking while he was only speaking and the tree spirits were out of sight of pupils. Later on, the pupils asked him: Who did you speak with? And luria replied: If you could see them, you would be struck by the extreme astonishment when you realized that a large number of spirits were in the trees.

The first references regarding such status for tree can be found in Moshe Leon’s works. He is the writer of the famous book Zuhar. In his book Hahakhameh Hanafsh (wise soul), he uses this characteristic and the position of the tree to explain the world of Kabbalah in the allegory of the tree of life.

In the teachings of the Kabbalah; not only the trees are the positions for human souls and spirits; but also they have immaterial souls. This belief has been explained in the biographies of Rabbi Nakhman Breslau. Once on a trip, He selects a wooden Inn to stay there at night. Rabbi Nakhman cries with a loud voice at the middle of night; so that the owner of the Inn and Rabbi’s escorts realize his unusual mode.

All surround him round to seek the cause. Rabbi brings out a book and opens it with closed eyes and then he reads the sentence written on the page before saying any word:” cutting up the tree before the deadline resemble kill a person.” Rabbi questions the owner of the Inn: Are the wood of inn walls of the trees which have been cut before the deadline? The owner of the Inn confirms. Rabbi explains: I had been surrounded by those who had been killed when I was in revelation. I had been very scared. Now I know they were tree spirits crying for me.


According to the mythology of the Jewish and Kabbalah, there is a tree called life tree in the seventh sky in the Eden heaven from which the spirits are produced.

Isaac luria or the father of The Kabbalah mysticism also explains being the mediator ring between heaven and the earth with another reason: According to the mythology of the Jewish and Kabbalah, there is a tree called life tree in the seventh sky in the Eden heaven from which the spirits are produced. The produced Spirits fall in a closet by the name of Guff or the body and look forward to sink to the ground and to be born.

Isaac luria explains that the mediator ring of tree of life in the seventh heaven and the birth of the earth baby are trees. The spirits are gradually descending the heaven on the trees and the trees hold up the spirits till the time of the birth like a spirit mediator cradle. Luria also believes that among the animals, sparrow senses this descent very well and it can see the spirits coming down on the trees. He believes the perception of spirits causes them to sing in uproar manners.


The grave of Isaac luria

The relationship between the spirits with trees also existed in Pagan teachings of the ancient Europe before Christianity. The Oak tree worship was one of the teachings of Germanic Pagans. At the time of preaching Christianity, some of these superstitious teachings with changed forms gradually entered into Christianity and they were demonstrated well in some rituals such as the establishment of the Christmas tree at final days of the year and the time attributed to the birth of Jesus Christ.

In the new schools of Kabbalah, the art students are said that the Kabbalah is a tree that you can achieve a rank which is close to God and similar to God. In Kabbalah mysticism, achieving God by human doesn’t mean to lose oneself completely to God; but it means achieving God’s rank. In this spiritual system, a seeker isn’t to lose him/herself to God and s/he isn’t a servant to assume him/herself as a unworthy one comparing with God’s eternal power. But s/he is to supposed him/herself in God’s rank. As a matter of fact, according to Kabbala view human being isn’t a servant in the presence of God; but s/he is a creature who can be God. Thus, in this strange system human and God are the two on a coin.


In Kabbalah mysticism, achieving to God by human doesn’t mean to lose oneself completely to God; but it means achieving God’s rank. In this spiritual system, a seeker isn’t to lose him/herself to God and s/he isn’t a servant to assume him/herself as an unworthy one comparing with God’s eternal power. But s/he is to supposed him/herself in God’s rank

This special stand for tree and its relationship with human creation have been advertised and stressed extensively and deeply with many variations in media products related to Kabbalisti centers.

The movie “The Fountain“- a product of America, 2006- is three parallel stories about origin, life and human destiny which are narrated in past 500 years, the present time and the next 500 years.

In this film, the turning point of the story is an old tree that considers as the origin of human creation.


“The Fountain“ the product of America, 2006

This tree is seen in a trepidation like \"the tree of knowledge in the Eden heaven\" in the first story. Thomas, the hero of the first story, is a knight from Spain (played by Hugh Jackman) who is going to find the tree of life for his Queen. In the second story, the tree of life is a strange one in Africa that Dr. Kereo (played by Hugh Jackman) is going to use its sap to cure his wife’s cancer.


The tree in the film “Fountain”

In the third story, Tom (played by Hugh Jackman, too) is heading off towards a distant nebula in space while he is in a legend bubble in which there is an old tree. Tom\'s wife’s spirit is within the tree and Tom hopes to be able to provide stillness and relaxation for his mistress by steering the tree to the nebula which his wife had interpreted it as heaven and a place for tranquility of human spirit.

Every part of the film\'s scenario has been definiyly accorded with the beliefs and teachings of the masters of Kabbalah from Isaac luria to Moshe Leoni.


The movie “Avatar”, produced in 2009 in America, which was called the bestseller in history narrates the story about a holy tree called the tree of spirits.

The movie “Avatar”, produced in 2009 in America, which was called the bestseller at history narrates the story about a holy tree called the tree of spirits. This tree is a place for past ghosts to get together and it is in touch with the world above and the holy essence of goddess Iva. This tree writes the fate of Navi tribe after Jack Sally’s invocation at the foot of the tree and makes them win on the invading enemy.


The movie “the tree of life”, produced in 2011 in America

The film the tree of life is a product of America, 2011 and the winner of Kan the Golden Palm Prize is one of the works that is trying to explicate the inner part of life and human life in the form of life tree allegory based on what has been said in Torah and specially in the book of Genesis.

Summing up:

In fact, what is important to note is paying attention to a mysterious and ominous event that is trying to institutionalize the foundations of pagan mysticism in various communities in the recent decades via making the material and natural phenomena holy. The phenomena like tree, the earth, or the four elements. Although the event has been changed to a spiritual movement with a cover of tendency toward environment in South America and then in Europe and people like Al Gore is of its leaders; but in our country, some traces of this thought about the sanctity of seasons or the natural phenomenon is being preached by some special people and events.


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