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Protecting and Strengthening of Baha'ism by Israel

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Protecting and Strengthening of Baha\'ism by Israel

Establishment of Israel government was welcomed

by Baha\'ism

The relationship of Bahai groups and leaders with newly

established government of Israel is one of special features of this

establishment and of factors of difference and branching of leaders.

Since last 160 years when Baha\'ism started in Iran by the

emergence of Ali Mohammad Bab and many period of time after

that event when Bab vanished and the groups \'\'Azali \'\' and \'\'Bahai\'\'

established in Iran , Iran was the basic center and so-called

\'\'Baha\'is aims Ka\'bah \'\' . But after Bahai\'s were routed in Iran and

its leaders wee exiled and escaped to Bagdad and Istanbul and at

last to Cypress (Mirza Yahya SobhAzal) and Mirza Hossein Ali

Baha were escaped to \'\'Aka\'\' , this aims Ka\'bah changed . From that

time on , even the names and titles of Bahai leaders which were

started with Seyyed and Mirza changed into Afendi which was an

Ottoman title and it can be said that the center of gravity of

Baha\'ism was cut from Iran , For ever and was drawn beyond

Iranian borders .

Iran became a forgotten center by the time when the fourth

leader of Bahai\'s died and the division created to the highest


(Shouki Afandi)

The reasons of the protection of establishing

Zionism regime by Shouki Afandi :

During Shouki Afandi\'s leadership which comcided with

establishing Israel government , we hear the name of \'\'Arz Aghdas\'\'

[ the holiest land ] and main \'\'Mashregh-al-Azkar \'\' for the first

time by him and it has probably some reasons :

1) Bab\'is and Bahai\'s were vengeful with Muslims more than

any other groups and creeds and they are still vengeful because

they had encountered disagreements in Iran and had bloody

conflicts with them . Babi\'s and Bahai\'s had prevented force for

their creed to be accepted ; unless , they had permitted Muslims \'

property , soul and honor . They even tortured Muslims and

martyred them . (The reports of English political representative in

Iran in Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar\'s period of time the English

minister of foreign affairs )

This issue can , of course , be justified as revenge .

2) After establishing Israel government , the fourth leader of

Baha\'ism was going to accept Israel land as the original center and

aim Ka\'bah for Bahai\'s by using old disagreements between the

Muslims and the Jewish people and turned the Jewish government

into a shelter but a global base for this cult.

The reasons for the protection and strengthening of Baha\'is by Israel:

1) One of the symbols of old hostility of Jewish people against the

Muslims was that they support each anti-Islamic power specially

this issue that Israel land was surrounded by Islamic countries

(and it is sill continued )and maybe the reason is that Israel

government which was one of the first and the most effective

governments recognized Bahai faith officially and accepted it as

one of official religions of this country along with recognizing

other faiths and religions .

2) There is no doubt that attracting great investors specially

Bahai\'s and its leaders who invested their capitals in this newly –

established land was in favor of the newly –established

government of Israel . This was the reason that this new

government accepted and attracted them to invest in this land .

3) If we add the collection of these factors to the burial center

for Bahai\'s and attracts numerous Bahai groups accompanied with

their huge investments and expenses to this land –we will

understand more about the purpose of remarkable understanding

between Bahai\'s and Israeli .

The document of the protection of Israel

government establishment by Shouki

Not only establishing Israel government was completely

confirmed by Bahai\'s ; but also , as we said the fourth leader of

Bahai welcomed founding the mentioned

government . He writes in his telegraph dated January , 9 , 1951:

\'\' … in search for the years about establishing Israel

government which was said and issued by founder of Amr Allahi

(that\'s AbdulBaha ) indicated the emergence of an independent

nation in the holiest land after passing two thousand years …\'\'

Shouki Rabbani consider establishing Israel government as

true and predicated event and advises the international council of

Bahai\'s three important tasks :

After establishing Israel government , the first duty is creating

good relationship with that government :

\'\'…the first is to have relationship with Israel government

guardians… .\'\'

Shouki Rabbani considers a relationship between creating a

relationship with Israel government and creating next

establishment of Bahai\'s and writes:

\'\'…Third , investigate with the government guardian concerning

the issues of personal ones and if this council which is the first

international institute and is developing now improve , it will take

over other responsibilities . By the passage of time it will be

considered and known as the formal Bahai court and it will be

changed into a board whose members will be elected through

election …\'\'

Shouki Rabbani announced cognition and legitimacy of newly

–established government and advised creating a good relationship

with this government in order for the official Bahai court to be

supported by Israel government . He prefers the protection of Israel

government than all of the governments in the world according to

its ten-year plan and its 24th aim . He advises Bahai\'s \'\'to develop

such coteries \'\' in establishing the branches of national and spiritual

coteries of Bahai\'s . He doesn\'t attach and point to obeying the laws

and relationships of countries when he advises the Bahai\'s of Iran ,

Iraq ,England , and Germany to establish branches of spiritual and

national coteries .

Recognizing Baha\'ism Officially by public

Prosecutor of Israel government

And because of cooperation and happiness of Baha\'ism world

toward establishment of Israel government , Professor Norman

Newich the former public prosecutor of Palestine government who

is one of juridical and political characters of Israel government

recognized Baha\'ism along side three religions \'\'Jewish –Muslims –

Christian \'\' officially and writes

: …Now , Palestine mustn\'t be really considered as merely the

land of three religions but it must be considered as the center of

four religions ; because , Bahai faith whose centers are in Heyfa

and Aka and these two cities are shrines for followers of

Baha\'ism has developed so much and received the honesty rank

globally and internationally . It considers as more influential

factor in creating understanding and the international unity of

different religions of the world as its influence are distributing ,

expanding and developing in the mentioned land …\'\'

(The book \'\' Gharn Badi\'a \" [the innovative century ] part 4, page


The protection of the English dominance on

Palestine land by Abdul Baha for strengthening

of Zionism stand

Abdul Baha who was a thankful man , didn\'t forget the

generous affections of George V the English King and thanked

himand said :

\'\' O\'God , corroborate George V the English King with your

merciful blessing and make him immortal on this land

(Palestine) …\'\' (Makatib , volume 3 , page 347, written by Abdul

) Baha

George V

It is shocking that the first Imam of Baha\'ism wishes that

Palestine land is governed by a group of colonialists and criminals

!! The last act of this dramatic and surprising paly can be seen

when Abdulbah died .

English government that has missed one of loyal friends

(Abdulbaha) was crying and sent a telegraph to Palestine for

sympathy . We hear of Shouki:

\"…the minister of the colonies of the government of His

Majesty the English King \'\'Mr,Winston Cherchil \'\' issued a

message to supreme commissar in Palestine \'\'Sir, Herbert

Samouel\'\' as soon as he received the news and asked him to

announce the condolence and sympathy of the government of

His Majesty the English King to Bahai community . The

commissar of Egypt and Eykont –al-Nabi announced their

condolence by the supreme commissar of Palestine to survivor

members of late Sir Abdul Baha Abbas Afandi the great leader

of Bahai\'s and the Bahai community . (Garn Badi\'a written by

Shouki Afendi volume 3, page 321) \"

By searching in history and invoking to Bahai leaders \' books

we became familiar with the relationship between the leadership of

Baha\'ism establishment with colonialist government of England on

the eve of establishment of the Jewish government of Israel in

Palestine land . In another act of this historical play we will

familiarize with deeper communications of AbdulBaha\'s successor

that is Shouki Afandi with leaders of newly-established Jewish

regime of Israel in occupied land of Palestine .

1917 A.D.-Heyfa (on the eve of establishing the

filthy semen of Zionism by the English aid )

World War I is going to end . The great Ottoman government

has been overthrown and colonialism has expanded on all

separated countries which were governed by the Ottoman emperor.

Different cities of Palestine were captured one by one by the

English warlords . Now , Abbas Afendi entitled \'\'Abdul Baha\'\' the

oldest offspring of Mirza hossein Ali Noori who is now the leader

of Baha\'ism community is living in Palestine with his family . As if

Jamal Pasha\'s (Ottoman warlord ) agents are searching for her in

order to capture him who was accused with cooperation with the

English occupier troops . At the time of encircling Heyfa city , a

telegraph was suddenly received on behalf of \'\'Lord Balfour \'\' the

English warlord in Palestine and was stressed :

\'\'Abdul Baha and his family and friends must be preserved

with utmost power .. .\'\' (Gharn Badi\'a , volume 3, page 297

written by Shouki Afandi )

(Lord Balfour\' letter to \'\'Baran Lionil \'\' and \'\'walter Di Rochild

two rich Jewish men , concerning establishing the national Jewish

government in Palestine )

Asking this question is relevant that what\'s is the relationship

between Abdul Baha and \"Lord Balfour\"? Why dose the English

government support Baha\'ism in Palestine? Why is Abdul Baha\'s

saving beneficial for England that a command is issued for saving

his life hurriedly?!!

Perhaps, the continuation of the event makes us close to

reality,… .After that General Alnabi sends a telegraph to London

and asks:

\"Announce Abdul Baha\'s health to the world . The

commander of Heyfa front was missioned to make necessary

decisions to save Abdul Baha\'s soul and to prevent executing

Jamal Pasha\'s plan concerning Abdul Baha\'s capture according

to reports sent to England .\'\' (Gharn Badi\'a , volume 3 , page

297, written by Shouki Afendi)

Wow!!! It becomes clear that Abdul Baha is an important

character for the Colonialist British country that a telegraph is

exchanged and his health is announced to the world… . In brief ,

two important notes exist in the war between England and the

Ottoman country :

1-Ottoman country was looking for Abdul Baha to capture


2-England is trying for Abdul Baha not to be hurt.

According to the above phrases , can be guessed that

Abdulbaha has been missioned by England in Palestine?

It is more surprising that sfter the war , England held a

ceremony to appreciate Abdulbaha and bestowed him the title

of \"Sir\" and \" Nighthood \" medal which is the greatest

symbol of serving to England \'\' (Gharn Badi\'a , volume 3 ,

page 299, written by Shouki Afendi)

How is it believable that a religious leader who claims that he

is steeping towards freedom of thought and has prophecy for

masses of human beings receive service medal by a Colonialist

country such as England which has sucked up million people\'s

blood in India and Africa by its criminal actions?!!

It is good to say those who shout that \" Baha\'ism \" opens

ways in human life\'s darkness and defends the rights of oppressed

people and those who say let\'s move together that who must we

obey? Abdulbaha !! who is trying in favor of English interests and

is one of honest servents of English King!!!...


3rd of June,1922A.D. ( 13th of khordad 1301) \'\' Mr, Winston

Cherchil \'\' issued a note concerned with English government is

going to establish a national Jewish center in Palestine . The

Jewish organizations and their fans were delighted and welcomed

such suggestion , but Muslims in Arabic countries opposed against

it .

\" Winstone Cherchil \"

This current was drawn to different organizations and

political wings in the world . That is , an one side there were

pressures from governments and statesmen influenced by America

that held political and economic levers in that country and on the

other side the worry and announce of Arab countries . That

condition le to interference of the United nations organization and

the proposition was referred to that organization . 2nd of April

1947 A.D. (13 rd of Farvardin 1326) the public meeting of united

nations organization discussed about the issue . They were making

decisions about that important issue for some periods of time and

eventually , 15th of May 1947 (25th of Ordibehesht ) it was decided

a special committee called \'\' the special committee for

investigating Palestine problem \'\' to be established . Eleven

countries visited Palestine and presented their reports to the

United Nations Organization . Sweden was the chairman of that

committee .

At that time , the evaluations were measured and the nature of

people , groups and different governments were criteria in showing

their identity for later evaluations . Thus , the stances were

sensitive and could be symbols of most orientations . The latter

written by Shouki Afendi himself leader of Bahai\'s to the

chairman of special commission of the United Nations

Organizations date July , 14, 1947 was one of orientations

concerning the mentioned proposition . This letter has clarified

the nature of the heads of Bahai cult confronting this issue and has

showed that the fate of Palestine people wasn\'t important for

Bahai\'s at all at that sensitive periods of time and Shouki Afendi

has thought about keeping Bahai places and properties and lands

in Palestine .

Let\'s know Herbert Semouel

Herbert Semouel was the first supreme commissar in Palestine.

Semouel was born in an aristocratic –Jewish –Orthodox –family .

His father was a merchant .

Herbert Semouel\"\"

Semouel , Herbert is the first Jewish minister who had

traditional and religious education . Semouel , Herbert presented a

plan concerned with establishing a Jewish government which

preserves the English benefits in the region , meanwhile . So he

presented a plan to British Parliament about the future of Palestine

in 1294 (1925 A.D.) and immediately he presented another

suggestion about establishing a Jewish country in Palestine to the

English parliament . He noted in that suggestion that Palestine

should be under the support of England in order for the Jewish

people to buy land and to expand their lands and establish

buildings to live . He , meanwhile , asked for priorities for

emigrating Jewish people to Palestine . Semouel was elected as

the first supreme commissar of England in Palestine because of

having very strong Zionist and colonialist nature .

The rudiments of Establishing a Jewish


During 1922-1923 A.D. , after capturing Palestine by England ,

England has tried to keep it influence on that land by the name of

guardianship . Thus , he was going to become its guardian by

taking its allowance from the United Nations . \'\' Marx Nordo \'\' one

of outstanding Zionism characters made a speech and explained

the mutual commitments of Zionists and the British government in

1919A.D.(when Roshanuee Masonery loge was founded in

Shiraz) :

\"We know that what do you want us? You want us to be

guardians of Suez Canal . To be guardian of your way to India

through near east . We are ready to do these difficult services .

But, you must let us unite to do these task .\"(Sakalo-Zionism

history –volume 2-page 55)

April , 25 , 1920 A.D.-Ordibehesht , 5, 1279-England could

take guardianship of Palestine according to the vote of supreme

council of Mottafeghin . January , 26,1922 A.D.-first of Tir ,

1302, England took over the discussion officially which was

informed by the united Nations Assembly council . In a

notification which was issued in pertinence with this issue , it is

declared that it is necessary to establish a national Jewish center

that is , this command was one of parts of guardianship contents .

It was said in that command that residing government must

provide independence and autocracy for the mentioned center . It

was reminded in the article 4 that the Jewish must cooperate with

the residing government to found the national center . It is noted in

the article 6 that the residing government (England ) must provide

necessary equipments and facilities for emigration and settlement

of the Jewish . Anyway , in 1920A.D. in an investigation in

\'\'SunRemo\'\' the guardianship of Palestine was granted to the

English government . Then , Herbert Semouel was elected as the

supreme commissar of Palestine .

Aka City and the place of Baha Alla\'s residency

Following dispatching Mirza Hossein Ali Noori (Baha Allah )

and his followers to nearby the cities Aka and Heyfa by Ottoman

government in Palestine land , these regions changed gradually

into centers of Bahai activities . They bought and repossessed

various lands in those regions .

After Mirza Hossein Ali \'s death , they buried him there and

built him a shrine .

Abbas AbdulBaha –BahaAlla\'s offspring and successor

expanded his influence and authority among Bahai\'s resided in

Palestine land and developed establishments for his followers and


These events were coincided with the expansion of the

influence of colonialist government of England in Ottoman land

and dominance on western of Ottoman that is Palestine regions.

At that time the relationships between AbdulBaha and Bahai\'s

with occupier troops of England were so intimate that the stores for

food supplies were free to be used by the English troops . At this

time the English government bestowed AbdulBaha the title \'\'Sir\'\'

which was worthwhile and individualistic because of his services

to colonialist government of England .

An important defining event which was forming at those

periods of time was the rudiments of establishing the Zionist and

Jewish government in Palestine land and this plan was forming by

the aid and presence of English troops and English government in

that regions.

The events and evidences of history indicate that Bahai heads

not only agree with establishing Jewish government ; but also ,

welcomed it regardless of Muslim Arab fates of that region. They

were thinking of acquiring different priorities through supporting

English troops and then through the newly –established Israel

government .

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