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Printing and publication of Ayati’s kashf-al-Hial

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Printing and publication of Ayati’s kashf-al-Hial

(Mordad 1306)

When the book entitled Kash-al-Hial written by a Bahai

missioner was published for the second time in spring 1306 by the

office of Ettehad Islam newspaper (managed by Lankarani) in Ayat

Allah Khalesi attendance , the readers encountered the following

announcement at the end of the book (page32):

A book entitled Kash-al-Hial has recently provided .It is

published by Mirza Abdul Hossein Ayati (former Avareh) one of

noted Bahai missioners but the first teacher who is recognized in

proselytization circle .The feature of this book is that Avareh has been

among Bahai’s in about 18 years . He had interfered with their

affairs . And then after 18 years , he rejected that corrupt area

because their deeds were too abscene.

Of course , this kind of person can completely reveal the

disingenuousness , abscene deeds and tricks of these evils . He also can

reveal their plans and expose them . I invite my brothers to the

important concepts in order not to be any dereliction of my duty in

describing the book we assume that the readers’ thoughts recognize

the importance of this book. Anyway, we congratulate our religious

brothers to use this perennial reservoir.

(Mohammad Hossein al-Shahshahani)

Abdul Hossein Ayati Tafti who was a skillful contemporary

scholar ,historian author ,journalist ,and poet (Haj Sheik Mohammad

named Haj Akhond Tafti offspring)was born in Taf Yazd.

Accordingto his autobiography ,he was wearing clergymen’s

special cloth in younghood and teaching theological sciences . When

his father died he inherited his pulpit and mihrab and continued his

way .Bahai’s deceived and gave him some of their books -through

some ways- to study. This issue caused him to be accused by some

clergymen and influential people that he has turned to Bahai’s .After

hearing this accusation people drove him away and he decided to

leave his birthplace inevitably. Bahai’s welcomed him with open arms

and attracted him .In this way, Ayati entered into Bahai’s group

.Because of his strong speech and writing ,he became an important

missioners soon .He served this faith by the title of “Avareh “(that

was given to him by Abbas Afandi )He was uniquely applauded and

appreciated by the sect leaders ( Abbas and Shoghi Afandi) One of

Ayati’s services to Bahai sect writing a famous and valid history book

called “Al-Kavakeb al-Doriah”.According to his writing in this book

,by 1342(i.e.:last days of his presence among Bahai’s) he has traveled

to some parts of the world for 22 years permanently to proselytize

Baha’ism faith .He has traveled to Caucasus several times ,to Turkey

once ,to Ottaman ,Syria,and Palestine and Shamat thrice to Egypt

and most of Arab counties once .He traveled to Europe too.He has

traveled to nearly 150 cities ,villages,of Bahai centers and 50 foreign

Bahai centers.During these trips and chatting with many senior and

junior Bahai’s ,he has observed and studied the original or copied

books or tablets belonged to this sect .So that every affair –historical

or not-related to Baha’ism issue wasn’t hidden for him .

Avareh has traveled to Heyfa once and visited Abbas Afandi –

the then leader of the sect .According to him,he was “religiously”

informed of “invalidation of his father Hossein Ali Baha and his

claim” and knew that this sect has nothing to offer but know

imitative slogans .He was also informed of Shoghi’s (Abbas Afandi’s

grandson and his successor) seditions.It became obvious for him that

this sect is(religiously and heavenly)baseless because of the lack of

Baha’ism influence in the west of the world (regardless of bombastic

advertisements of the heads of this sect).He believed that “this this

lie has been added to religious lies .They haven’t had any influence in

the west world .If a few people paid attention to it ,the reason would

be due to the excellency’s betrayal and as a result of alien policies not

any more .He felt that he was responsible for his previous deeds and

he accepted the responsibility for fighting against this Colonial sect

.So,he wrote “Kashf-al-Hial”to reveal their plans ,seditions and

betrayal :

“Because I found out that Abdulbaha was traitor concerning

religion ,independence ,and politics, I turned against them .I risked

again and made several thousand bigoted Bahai’s my enemy .Because

of my consciousness ,I decided to correct my previous writings .I

couldn’t remain silent just like Mirza Abulfazl Golpaigani .So, I

corrected my previous book called “Kavakeb-al-Doriah”which was

doctored by them .I published undoubted facts which I had found out

during 20 years in two-volume book called “Kashf-al-Hial”.

He writes about his arrival at “fearful land of Baha’ism “in

Kashf-al-Hial. Bahai’s have frequently opposed me that “why have

you come?” and “why did you go?”

Referring Bahai’s to a complete answer which was previously

given to them in “Namakdan” magazine ,he states a brief story that

is as follows:

“What you believe in it ,it was doubtful for me .So, I came; what

you don’t suspect to it ,I believed in it .So, I went .or: I came because

of my observations and I went because of my observations.”

He has written his own poem down the cover of “Kash-al-Hial”

( the second volume –Farvardin ,1307 ):

If you ask Bab and Baha for shine,

in them there are neither reply nor shine.

If you remain homeless o’ wretch bloke,

it’s better than build your house on water or flood

After coming back to Islam , Abdul Hossein Tafti changed his name

from Avareh to Ayati . He was writing Kashf-al-Hial , teaching literature

in high schools of Tehran and publishing “ Namakdan “ magazines in

prose and poem simultaneously. His turning against Baha’ism specially his

blank and documented revelations against this sect and its founders and

agents made the heads and activists of this sect furious and they became

his enemies , accused and insulted him . We can see the examples of these

actions in Shoghi Afandi’s ( Abbas Afandi’s successor and Ayati’s previous

praiser ) statements about him .

Avareh’s turning against Baha’ism and his riot against it were great

Crises which were accompanied with Abbas Afandi’s death ( 1342 ) and

occurance of new disagreements and conflicts ( in addition to previous

dissimilarities ) over his succession among Bahai grandees . This event

created an opportunity for Bahai’s or those who pretended to be Bahai’s to

detach this sect or to fight against the devastations of this sect.

A note that is pertinent to mention about Avareh (Ayati) is” his

rather tendency toward telling the truth “ and his bravery in telling the

truth which was obvious in every part of his rigged history at the time

when he was cooperating with Bahai’s ,that is Kavakeb-al-Dariah.

Eventually that nice and honorable tendency made him turn against

the superstitious and Colonial sect of Baha’ism and reveal against its

heads . A sample of this tendency in Kavakeb-al-dariah is his statements

in a section concerned with Gorrat-al-Ein . He narrates some sonnets

which are attributed to Gorrat-al-Ein for example:

“ جذبات شوقک الجمت “ and “گربه تو افتدم نظر”

and writes :

\" Although a famous sonnet لمعات وجهک اشرقت بشعاع طلعتک اعتلا\"”

was attributed to Taher , but it doesn’t belong to him , definitely .It

belongs to Sohbat Lari . He is one of contemporary talented poets . His

collection of poems has recently been published.”

Ayati considers that the materials related to the adventure of Badasht

in Kavakeb-al-Dariah contains revelatory notes about brutalities and

decays of this sect . Of course , the book Al-Kavakeb is full of forgeries

and deviations of realities like any other history books and rigged Babi

and Bahai works.

It must be considered that first,according to Ayati himself most of the materials of his book have been changed or omitted by Bahai’s (Abbas Afandi and …) when publishing . Second, this amount of tendency to tell the truth in a quite rigged book is remarkable and is an indication of frank statements and rather tendency of the author towards facts. He himself reminds in Kashf-al-Hial that:

It’s obvious that if I didn’t believe in Baha’ism , it would be impossible to leave historical stigmas for them. If I leave such stigmas ,they inevitably would clean them, as they did before. That is, they eliminated thousands of certain historical issues which were not doubtful in my book (Kavakeb-al-Dariah).Because they aren’t advisable . They told hundreds lies instead, because it is wise to write them. Thus if we observe carefully ,we will find several facts which were written in the book . Abass Afandi didn’t encounter those facts ; although ,he was so intelligent anh read the book several times and revised it. Those issues remain in our current reasoning . It must be said here that Avareh was conscious in writing the book or Bahai’sgod was asleep that time. One of those issues is Badasht .It is narrated from Kavakeb-al-Dariah here now…:

Anyway ,because of many lies and deviations which were happened in the book Kavakeb-al-Dariah ,Ayati considers it as an historically invalid book :

“The volume of Kavakeb-al-Dariah which were written by its historical materials which contained differences ,tamperings and cheatings were given by Bahai heads . Concequently ,I consider this book as an invalid one and it can not be definitely used historically .Because the certain issues which I had written more completely than what Edvard Brown has written in his books were eliminated when it was publishing in Egypt. Because those issues were harmful for them ,so they were replaced by forged changes .”

Late Lankarani was so effective in saving Ayati because terrorists wanted to kill him .He helped Ayati publish his book called Kash-al-Hial. After turning against Baha’ism, he was threaten to death by deviant sect of Bahai because he was writing a book against them. He sought asylum to Mr, Lankarani . Lankarani defined the advanture:

The other day , at the beginning of Reza Khan periods of time I had sat in my house . An unknown man entered. He said hello politely and said I am Abdul Hossein Ayati-Avareh. I have been Bahai’s missioner for many years and now , I have turned against this faith for some time.I have written a book against Bahai’s and revealed their criminal actions and seditions completely For this reason they are pursuiting to kill me .A person called “Afroukhteh” is in charge of assassinating me.

Then, he added : all of their efforts have been concentrated on stealing and devastating the book which I written to reject them. They try not to allow this book to be published in community of Iran and they don’t permit their sects to be revealed ,too. If they know that the book isn’t with me and it is put in a safe place specially if the book is published and distributed among people , they won’t pursuit and kill me. Thus, I have sought asylum to you to take and publish this book and rescue me.

Late Lankarani adds: I took the book and provided the facilities to print and publish –for the first time .Meanwhile , those days when I was passing the Galoubandak junction in Tehran I saw bahai Afroukhteh (a person who was responsible for assassinating Ayati by the command of Bahai coterie ) .He had ignorantly stood up .I went near him face to face. While I was pressing on his chest, I said to him quietly : have they appointed you to kill Ayati? He dithered and mumbled . I said to him :go out of Tehran immediately and don’t come back for two months . If I see you here in Tehran during this period of time , I will punish you. Ayati and his book are with me from this time on! He said :any thing you say . Nobody saw him nearby in Tehran . We printed and published the first volume of the book Kashf-al-Hial during this period of time . By publishing the book, if Ayati was assassinated , Bahai’s were suspected to kill him .Thus , Ayati rescued .

The publication of Kashf-al-Hial (the first volume) was done in Mordad 1306 .It was republished two times till the end of year .The fourth publication of the book released in 1307. The second volume of Kash-al-Hial was printed and published in Khavar institute (valid and famous publisher of Tehran) in Farvardin,1307.

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