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Historical Facts of Punishment Committee

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size
Historical Facts of Punishment Committee

This aspect that members of punishment committee were

Bahai and the secret and remarkable role that the deviant cult of

Baha\'ism took over those in order for England to achieve colonial

policies are important issue and are worthy to think .Terroristic

operation and continuous murders in Parliamentary period are

important in creating a great and deep crisis that left great mental ,

propagandistic and cultural effects .It created such indifference in

society and made the political structure of the country city of the

country was simply captured through the attack of some hundred

Cossacks headed by Reza Khan Mir Panj from Qazvin and

Parliamentary was affected by the fateful fate of Pahlavi

dictatorship .This issue that the members of punishment committee

were Baha\'ism deviant followers and had been called to come to

scene by colonial programs is not just a claim .there are a lot of

various documents which are available to prove it .Some authors

have called the punishment committee operation as revolutionary

opposition to oppose 1919 contact and Vosoq-al-Duleh

government , while punishment committee was founded at the

time of the first government of Vosoq-al-Duleh in 1295/1916 A.D.

and in the crescendo of events after issuing Parliamentary

command .It was active for just 5 months till fall , 1296/1927

.Thus , its function wasn\'t related to 1919 contract .

The basic founders and member of this committee were

brigadier general Asad Allah Khan Abul Fath Zadeh ,brigadier

general Ebrahim Khan Monshi Zadeh (both of them were old

members of Cossack brigade ) Mohammad Naser Khan Meshkat –

al-Mamalek , Ehsan Allah Khan Doustdar , Mirza Mohammad

Khan Nejat Khorasani , warlord Mohiee (Mirza Karim Khan

Rashti\'s –famous spy of England –brother ) ,Karim Davatgar and

MIrza Ali Akbar Ardaghi whose biographies were extremely sinful

and most of them belonged to deviant cult of Baha\'ism .The

central core of punishment committee were Abdulfath Zadeh as

the chairman of the committee and Monshi Zadeh and Meshkat-al-

Mamlek .In the book \'\'Te Biography of Iranian men \'\' , Mehdi

Babdad introduces brigadier general Asad Allah Khan Abdulfath

Zadeh as follower of Baha\'ism cult .Also , Abdullah Motevalli the

writer of the book \'\'punishment committee \'\' confirms this issue

and he considers Meshkat-al-Mamalek as follower of this cult in

addition to two mentioned people .

After Esmaeel Khan\'s –The chairman of Tehran store –pit-

assassination , a letter is punished by punishment committee that

takes over the responsibility of this assassination and threats

people and attendants to death by externally revolutionary slogans .

One of punishment committee members called Mirza Ali

Akbar Ardaqi points out his memoirs in this letter :

\'\'The publication of this letter made horrer and anxiety more

than Esmaeel Khan\'s murder .Emad-al-Kottab and I were

anonymous and the other three people were Bahai , too .Thus it

caused that nobody suspect to these five people .\'\'

After a while , the members of identification committee and

some other people were arrested .Abdulfath Zadeh and Monshi

Zadeh were killed mysteriously in Semnan in Ziqadeh , 26,1336

A.H. and Ehsan Allah Khan escaped to Caucasus .Meshkat-al-

Mamalek was released from jail after a short time .During the

capture of members of punishment committee , Bahai cult had

such an influence in police force that it could end the file in favor

of itself .The influence of Bahai \'s in police force started since the

presidency of Kont Donot Fort on police force of Tehran .Abdul

Rahim Zarrabi (Kashani Bahai ) was his assistant and magistrate of

Tehran city; so he was called and known as Abdul Karim Kalantar.

After arresting the members of punishment committee Ahmad

Khan Safa a person in charge of the above mentioned file in police

force was mysteriously killed .At this time , a group called \'\'Simorq

committee \'\'addressed prime minister by a notification that Safa\'s

murder was due to government\'s leniency towards Bahai\'s .The

above mentioned group claimed that in setting the file , just the

names of Abdulfath Zadeh and Monshi Zadeh who were trapped

against the government attendant \'s will were mentioned and the

cooperation of other Bahai\'s hasn\'t been mentioned .We read in


\'\'Ehsan Allah Khan , the murdrer of Montakhab-al-Duleh

and Mr, Ahmad Rouhi and Mirza Zia\' Allah who were major

members of terrorist committee are busy wining and dining in a

place … we are aware of all secrets and events and don\'t let

cabinet of minister to be formed by Bahai\'s because they start

killing ministers in order to prepare the situation for themselves

… .\'\'

Zionist\'s helper

After the coup 1266 and the appearance of Reza Khan in

political and social field of Iran , the members of deviant cult of

Baha\'ism were benefited freedom of action abundantly after the

years of half-hidden activity .They started special attack against the

traditional and theological foundations of Iranian Muslim nation by

the support of colonial powers especially English government and

based on a predetermined program .They became active in the field

of cultural destruction of this land .

Spying for aliens :

As mentioned before , the Czar Russian government was the

first helper and assistant of Bahai\'s .They used their authority not

merely to save Mirza Hosein Ali\'s (Baha Allah ) soul but also to be

the first country which opened its borders for Bahai\'s .Theri first

temple that is \'\'Mashreq-al-Azkar \'\' was built in Eshq-Abad by this

country .It was supported that the cooperation of Bahai\'s with

Russian government would end with committee revolution ; but

newly found documents indicated the cooperation between Bahai\'s

and Bolshevic and revolutionary Russians .Now some documents

have been published that show the role of Bahai\'s in the failure of

Jungle movement and Mirza kouchak Khan .

One of contemporary authors narrated from Abdul Hossein

Khan Ayati , the previous missioner of Bahai\'s and presents some

cases of the cooperation of Bahai\'s of Eshgh Abad with intelligent

service of Russia \'\'K.G.B\'\' and mentions that they were serving

Russia and then soviet union as multilateral spies .

To be conspirator with Jewish Zionists :

Since the appearance of this sect in \'\'Ala\'\' located in current

occupied Palestine , Bahai\'s were Zionists \' conspirator in

confrontation with native , Muslim Arabs .They united based on

common interests and moved against Islam .

A remarkable note is that investigations show that the Jewish

have had an important role in appearance and expansion of Babi

and Bahai cult .According to historical documents , 5 years before

the start of Ali Mohammad Bab\'s invitation and shortly after the

establishment of \'\'Sason \'\' company in Boushehr and Mumbai , the

Jewish people in Mashhad became Muslims collectively without

any pressure and these newly –Muslim Jewish people of Mashhad

were first people who became Babi\'s in Khoran .Also , the entrance

of Bab\'ism in \'\'Siahgal \'\' was done by Mirza Ebrahim Jadid , a

newly –Muslim Jewish man from Rasht .The Jewish encyclopedia

classifies the newly –Muslim Jewish people as secret Jewish

people (Anousi\'s) not as apostate people .This is an indication of

this principle that they had done this action according to their

programs by the command of religious associations in order to

deceive public thoughts .Walter Micheal a Jewish researcher writes

that these newly-Muslim jewish people are and were observant to

Jewish faith .

One of these newly-Muslim Jewish people was Nur Allah

Zaboulouni who was one of businessmen of Mashhad according to

Moeer Azri the Israel ambassador in Iran .He was a representative

of the Jewish people of Mashhad in all \'\'Kholotes \'\' movement

congresses .He was famous for his loyalty and observance to Israel

in helping Jewish people especially Jewish who emigrated to Israel

and was one of protectors and supporters of \'\'Shelmo Hilel (Mouris


Some people believe that turning Jewish people to Baha\'ism

was due to material interests and motivations and some believe that

the purpose of this action is creasing the volume of Islam enemy

extras .

Bahai\'s consider David star as the greatest name just like Babi\'s

.In order to attract the kindness of the greatest name which is the

slogan of Baha\'ism , they have drown and buried it in Jewish

graveyard .

Transferring Hossein Ali Nuri (Baha)to Aka helped Bahai\'s to

be close and cooperate with Jewish hubs which were active in the

west that Abdul Baha , Baha\'s successor continued this cooperation

.Other Bahai\'s and he played important role in executing the

strategy of founding Jewish government in Palestine .The

colonialists who supported Israel –especially America and England

–were continuously supporting them materially and

propagandistically because of Bahai services .

In Shoqi Afendi\'s period of time , the occupied regime

founded in Palestine .This regime recognized the deviant cult of

Baha\'ism as a religion officially and considered it as its official

religion of the country in order to appreciate the attempts of

Bahai\'s in creating a deviating religious cult in the center of

Islamic society .additionally , the lands and properties of the

followers of this cult were supported and they were free from

paying tax .Shoqi Afendi \'\'Abbas Afendi\'s successor (Abdul Baha )

says :

\'\'Israel government provided facilities for us .\'\'

He explains about some parts of facilities , material and

spiritual supports and their activities :

\'\'Baha\'ism is executed in holy land (Israel ) openly and

Israel authorities approved that Bahai authorities and their

followers are free from paying tax .\'\'

Bahai investments and attracting their huge capitals to Israel

were elements that caused Israel to turn more to Bahai\'s .This issue

made the economy of illegitimate regime efflorescent. For

example, burying Bahai leaders in this country that attracts masses

of Bahai\'s with their huge capitals to this country every year .

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