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Bahai Faith is man-made

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Bahai Faith is man-made

By: Dr. Mohammed Alam Qurayshi


I present this article to evidence that the Bahai Faith has got nothing to do with guidance of mankind. An honest study unveils that unlike divine religions it was changed and modified to adept itself to the changing situations only underlining that it’s not a revealed religion.

At the first instance, the Bahai teachings look attractive. But beneath this good looking form is a deceptive approach to harm humankind. I repeat, the focus of Bahai Faith is not to spread the message from God, but is to attack Islam.

The 12 principles are the focal points of the Bahai teachings. However, when one objectively delves into them, he realizes that the Bahai Faith has got nothing to do with them. The teachings are mere lip service.

The crimes and bloodshed by the early age Bahais and Babis are well-recorded in history and are a living testament to counter its claim of having the religion as a source of unity. In fact, it only highlights the Bahai hypocrisy about World Peace. Importantly, Bahai leadership has been involved in anti-national and anti-social activities.

In fact, the restrictions on the Bahais in Muslim countries, is a consequence of their dark violent history. Interestingly, the Bahais cry themselves hoarse when restrictions are imposed on them, but when Muslims are persecuted world over, the Bahais silent spectators. This only reflects they do not have any global message but are there only to further their personal interests.

Also, these principles are the foundation of the Bahai faith, but the leaders failed to provide any information. There will be world peace (yes we know there will be), give us some signs? Bahai Faith has no answer.

The Bahai teachings call upon people to undertake an independent investigation of truth. They ask us to be open-minded. But is a Bahai allowed to seek answers from the Bahai Administration? Any inquiry which questions the Administration, causes the adherent to be labeled a covenant breaker. The Bahai Faith would go extinct, if its members independently investigated the Faith.

To foster unity among the people, the Bahais seek a universal language. Great! But which is that language? Bahaullah suggested Arabic, Abdul Baha wanted Esperanto, while the Universal House of Justice calls for English as the universal language. When Bahaullah’s calls for unity are shouted from rooftops, there is no unity in explaining the principles. What a paradox!

Bahais fail to understand that the Bahai religion is based on these 12 principles. None of these principles have been explained unblemishedly till date. If the bringer, or the interpreter or the Guardian (the official authorities) in Bahai Faith could not provide a explanation, how can we rely on ordinary Bahais to explain them for us?

It would be interesting to note, that when the Bahai administration is questioned why has none of these principles been fulfilled. Everything is left for the future. Bahaullah spoke of world peace, when will it happen? Later. Why are women forbidden from joining the Universal House of Justice? That will be explained later. When will all religions unite? Later. When will we know the alphabets of the universal language? Later. When will the extremes of poverty be eliminated? Later.

If all teachings were to be fulfilled later, then why did he Bahaullah not come later? If he himself was at a loss to explain, how can we rely on his followers who neither know the teachings nor the Bahai history?

Did Abdul Baha not foretell there would be 24 Guardians. But what happened we all know. Shoghi died without any heir. Bahai Faith was proven wrong in no time. Then what happened we all know. The House of Justice abrogated the words of its leaders and announced that the Faith would now function without a Guardian. How conveniently the Bahai Faith has been changing. Can this be from God?


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