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A Talk to Shirin Ebadi concerning Baha’ism

Sunday, 08 November 2015 23:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size
A Talk to Shirin Ebadi concerning Baha’ism

Fars news agency : Nowadays Baha’ism organization is trying to re-form another Zarrin Taj (Qorrat-al-Ein) out of Shirin Ebadi in order to achieve its aims and she should be alerted to nullify the plan.


According to Fars news agency, Zarrin Taj Qazvini known as Qorrat-al-Ein was of 18 followers of Ali Muhammad Bab who were known as “Hayy” . The role of Qorrat-al-Ein started in Badasht plain gathering through unveiling and announcing the cancellation of Islam and Introducing Bab’ism cult as a new religion. She was even participating among mournful group in Ashoura [the tenth of lunar month of Moharram] wearing colorful clothes along with her sister and she was reveling . Baha’ism is trying so much to introduce her as the first defender of Iranian woman rights and as the first person who founded the feminism movement in Iran . But today, the studies done by “Dr. Denis MacEoin”, the professor of literature faculty of New Castle University, “ Dr. Abbas Amanat “, the professor of history and international studies at Yale University, Dr. Farzaneh Milani, the professor of Virjinia University consider the main aim and the basic project of Qorrat-al-Ein as departing from Islam and they believe that no feminism perception can be conceived out of her character . “ Denis MacEion “ doesn’t consider the Baha’ism movement basically as reformist one for women rights. He believes that Bab’ism and Baha’ism doesn’t belong to democratic processes. But he believes that the forming democratic concepts in Iran began since the constitutional revolution. Dr. Niki Keddie the professor of California University also believes that Bab’ism movements in Iran is a pre-modernism one and has occurred expansively at small villages and cities. while Tobacco and Constitutional movements are of the primary ones of modern era that have occurred in densely populated urban cities. The cooperation of Abdul Baha, Bahai’s leader, with Russian government and Muhammad Ali Shah and shouting slogan of internationalism will never be vanished from the Iranian political history. The explanation of this betrayal can well be found in the works of “ Edward Browne”, “ Seyyed Hassan Taghi Zadeh”, “ Ahmad Kasravi”, “Freydoun Adamiyyat”,” Homa Nateq”, “ Ehsan Tabari” and … . This was the first democratic movement of the Iranian who were going to become emancipated from autocratic kingdom of Qajar and to establish a parliamentary system. According to Bahai researchers such as “Ulrich Golmer”, these national interests and Iranian profits are construed as nationalist requirements of Germany Nazism. Today, the worldwide organization of Baha’ism in the west world has been seriously criticized by the researchers such as “ Juan Cole”, the professor of the Middle East studies in Michigan University and the former chairman of the Middle East studies, “ Dr. Denis MacEion “ and “ Ficicchia” . They believe that the structure of 9-people council of the leadership of Baha’ism worldwide organization possesses extreme tendencies towards fundamentalism rather than liberalism. And its cult components is severely increasing; to such an extent that according to “ Dr. Firouz Kazem Zadeh “, the professor of Russian history in Yale University and the spokesman of Bahai’s in America, the structure of Bahai organization isn’t necessarily in agreement with democracy in America ;but it is committed to regulate the theocracy of Bahai community. Denis MacEion also points out the dictatorial theocracy in the classification of Bahai administrative system. “ Udoshfer ”,one of the outstanding researchers of Bahai’s and a former member of national coterie of Baha’ism in Germany believes that Bahai’s look to Bahai worldwide center (the greatest Bait-al- Adl ) for which they believe purity, resemble to the look to Delphi Temple and he believes that Bahai’s believe in an inspiration which is similar to prophetic one by the holy spirit in the greatest Bait-al-Adl and they believe in the holy spirit as a machine-like god directing the Bait-al-Adl. The Bahai organization possesses the least anticipation in the west world because of the cult structure. To the westerners, Baha’ism is an eastern pseudo-gnostic creed which has worn superficially modern clothes. As Hummer Romer, a German researcher believes: Baha’ism is a dervish-like creed and has worn a modern clothes because of matching with the cultural movements inspired by the west in the Middle East and it is trying to hide its connections with other dervish streaks. “Professor Nallino “, the professor of Rome University believes that Baha’ism is a blend of eastern dumpish and western ideas. He assumes it as a mask for religious fecklessness. “Udoshfer” mentions the reasons for not welcoming Baha’ism by the west and says: Bahai beliefs is too weak in making its teachings systematic and also in learnedly representation of those teachings. In comparing the philosophical, religious studies and theosophy with Islam, it declares that Bahai community is in its infantile stage. He states that the philosophical fundamental theories regarding the role of wisdom, ethics and policy in Baha’ism haven’t been investigated and studied. He also believes that undoubtedly the statutory commandments of the book Aqdas is completely against the imagination of values exist in the west world and he disagrees the specialists’ needs for modern statutory affaires. He disappointedly states that it seems we are less able to pose these problems in direct debates in current society which doesn’t accept any other reasons except logical and intellectual ones. He also mentions that Bahai’s often repeat a belief that Baha Allah has stated everything and human being doesn’t need any philosophy to discover reality and he concludes that this issue can propel the Bahai community towards cult’ism outlooks. “Moojan Momen”, one of famous Bahai researchers confess that great Bahai communities is concentrated on poor areas of the world that is in the south of Asia, Africa, and Latin America and some islands of the Pacific Ocean and the greatest Bahai community in the world is in India, too. Most of them are from rural communities and according to him many peasants in the third world who have become Bahai are uneducated. He confesses that today the Bahai faith is a third world one. He believes that the development of Baha’ism hasn’t been successful in the eastern Asia. It hasn’t been formally recognized in China and North Korea and no Bahai organized activity exist there. The progress has been too slow. In countries such as Japan and South Korea which religious freedom exists, the situation of Baha’ism is similar to the western Europe’s one. Suitable growth doesn’t exist there. Nowadays, not only the Bahai organization in Iran is an important obstacle in materializing the citizen rights of Iranian Bahai’s because of its cult structure; but also it challenges two main elements of Iranian identity; that is Islam and nationality due to its organization activities Ain the community of Iran. It is so surprising that Mrs. Shirin Ebadi is being misused so by the Bahai organization by neglecting the Iranian rights; while she is proud of both being Iranian and Muslim . Those two elements which forms Iranian identity which have been constantly attacked by Baha’ism organization during the contemporary history of Iran. She takes over the representation of the Bahai organization heads. Today, Bahai organization tries to re-form another Zarrin Taj (Qorrat-al-Ein) out of Mrs. Shirin Ebadi for their organization aims; but we should observe that whether Mrs. Shirin Ebadi is so alerted in order not to allow Baha’ism to misuse her legal and real character or not.


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