The main puzzle of economy of Baha’ism during the second Pahlavi

Thursday, 10 February 2022 09:36 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size


Among the various secret movements which were developed in the contemporary history of Iran, less organization like Baha’ism succeeded to gain power and political and economic influence.

In the process of investigating the political and economic life of one of the most famous Baha’i capitalists in the contemporary Iran it should be paid attention that Hojabr Yazdani who had a legendry wealth was merely a small piece of the mafia puzzle of wealth and power in the contemporary Iran.



Hojabr Yazdani was the offspring of Reza Qoli and was born in 1313 S.H. in Sangsar, Semnan province.

He finished his elementary and high schools education in Tehran city and took his diploma document. Then, he turned to his father’s job as animal husbandry. His parents were Baha’is. He himself was one of the followers of Baha’ism organization who got married twice. He had 3 sons and 3 daughters due to two marriages.

He was one of the influential men in the economic domains during Pahlavi periods of time.

Approaching the court via Shams Pahlavi, Hojabr Yazdani could penetrate into the economic and political structure of Pahlavi government particularly during 13-year government of his comradeship Amir Abbas Hoveyda and gained the monopoly of several goods such as suger, and meat. In 1356 S.H., he possessed Saderat Bank like Iranian Banks and agriculture development.



Hojabr Yazdani approach what he imagined supported by people related to the court, government and military-security foundations. These were as follows: Field Marshal Nematullah Naseeri, the chairman of SAVAK, Amir Abbas Hoveyda, Mansour Rowhani, Ali Maqi Alikhani and Houshang Ansari.

Hojabr Yazdani was captured as the plunder of Baitul Mal and was imprisoned. A day after the Pahlavi government collapse, people faked possession of the prison and could escape to Costa Rica. He could have social intercourses with the people in charge of government of Costa Rica and continued his method there. He established a bank there as the second great bank there.

He died on Farvardin 29, 1389 in San Jose, the capital city of Costa Rica.



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