Archive (1895)
Should the Baha’i commandments be implemented or they are perfunctory?
Written byBahaismiran.com:Although the Baha’i leader’s claim of prophethood is totally false by the adjournment of prophetic mission of the holy prophet of Islam (Saw), we are going to conclude that Baha’is claims in abrogation of Islam is false by practical confessions of this cult leaders stating three introductions:
Bahaismiran.com:One of the programs of the “Baha’i faith†channels which had investigated the divine religion issues especially the Baha’ism cult stated a history of the emergence of the Baha’i faith and the problems and obstacles created by the Iranian government for the proselytizing of this so-called religion.
Bahaismiran.com:One of the characteristics of the divine proof or according to Baha’is expression the resources of emergence is appointing him by the previous proof. The divine proof is allowed to elect his successor after him and it is God’s duty to elect him. In order to pretend their heads’ prophethood claim, Baha’is are trying to prove the predictions by Islamic leaders and scholars for their heads.
Why did the Excellency Hussein Ali Nouri asked for the Qajar court to held a meeting to do a miracle
Written byBahaismiran.com: It has been over and over stated that one of the ways to identify and distinguish the divine prophets from the false claimants is to do miracles and extraordinary actions (based on the era ) to prove their righteousness. Hussein Ali Nouri, known as Bahaullah has claimed for prophethood nearly 170 years ago and because his claimed wasn’t divine and couldn’t make people believe, the Baha’i followers and head tried to reject the miracle.
Bahaismiran.com: One of the press bands whose second profession was racket was “Hussein Sarfarazi(1)â€, Sattar Leqaee(2) (the member of the deviant cult of Baha’ism), Abbas Pahlavan(3) and … .
Bahaismiran.com:The interesting point in the Baha’i works and books is that these books and resorting to them are adequate for rejecting and contradicting the cult. However, the Baha’i proselytizers were to justify the contradictions existing in this cult which reject the origin of Baha’ism.
Did the innovator of the deviant cult of Baha’ism possess chastity?
Written byBahaismiran.com:The issue of chastity is one of the issues stressed by wise scholars in the divine religions including Islam. Chastity means being away from each kind of uncleanness and impurity. Imam Reza (P.H.) states in this regard: “God doesn’t order people to obey a person who misleads people.