Archived News (515)
The Baha’i physician who was the second Pahlavi’s teacher
Written byBahaismiran.com:It is undeniable that the Pahlavi dynasty was beholden to Baha’ism and preferred Baha’is as its counsellors. If you pay attention to government arrangement of the first and second Pahlavi, you will basically understand that the high ranking officers (Saniee and Ayadi were two important counsellors of Muhammad Reza Pahlavi. Here is an introduction of one of the second Pahlavi’s teachers who was Baha’i.
Bahaismiran.com:A meeting was held in Masihullah Rohani’s house participated by 12 Baha’is of Shiraz city entitles the commission of Nafahatullah publication.
Imam Khomeini (RA)’s view about the rights and status of religious minorities
Written byBahaismiran.com:As the supreme leader and the founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA) believed in a special stance for the followers of the religious minorities. The religious minorities consider him as a great man.
Bahaismiran.com:According to Abdul Baha’s statement in Tablets and wills, the Baha’i organization is based on two pillars: the guardian of God’s order and the Universal House of Justice.
Baha’ism: The holy Quran has rejected the reason for miracle
Written byBahaismiran.com:A person who claims for prophethood must pose a reason as miracle in order for people to be surrender for his invitation. This issue has been correct about the divine prophets.
Bahaismiran.com:One of the surprising commandments stated by the leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism, Hussein Ali Nouri, is banning God’s remembrance in public places.
Fighting against cover is the Baha’ism strategy to feud against people’s belief
Written byBahaismiran.com:Parviz Rasekh stated that vanishing cover which prevents the clear insight into life is one of the fundamental need of the Baha’is. He also considered cover as a great insult for the Iranian ladies